Newbie Nerd Wuz Here...


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 18, 2007
Greetings! My name is Michelle and I'm a 27 year old Final Fantasy nerd. There, I got that out.

I have been a fan of the Final Fantasy series since NES days and never looked back. I have also amassed a large collection of authentic Final Fantasy items for several years now and I'm always on the prowl for new items. I have pictures posted on Photobucket showing some of my stuff here if you're interested:

Most people I know think I'm "crazy" for playing those silly games and collecting those "toys". I've grown used to that reaction and I don't care I tell you! :mad: They just don't understand, so hopefully I can meet people here as "crazy" as I am.
Oh that's awesome!!! I wish I was born as early as you so that I could collect all that. Being 17 is not fun. You don't get to get anything and they don't hire for any job I apply at for some reason.

Anyway welcome to FFF! Follow the rules and post a bunch. ^_^

I almost got my hands on an original FFI NES copy but some guy at the Flea market beat me to it. It was 4 bucks too! I offered him 30 bucks as he was leaving but he wouldn't take it.
wow, you sure are a true FF fan :D
hope you'll enjoy this forum as much as I do!

Welcome to FFF ;)
hey welcome to you and to me coz im new aswell,i wish i was born erlier ,im 14....
O, wow, love all those figurines and keychain things. ^_^ I'm only 16, I can't really collect much yet. Hope I stay as big a fan as you do.

Anyways, welcome to the forums! Hope you post lots!