Newbie Time!


Aug 17, 2009
North America, leave it at that.
XD Yes I am a bit of a dork.

Well my name is D3MarieCC. If you're going what the heck does that mean...
D3 means "Deep Down Designs", which is something I just made up years ago when I was doing art requests. CC is well, anyone that knows the FFVII series, knows what it means. :) And Marie... That's a nickname my mom has called me forever. :D

I'm a 26 year old college student studying to be a Computer Networking and Maintenance Tech. Basically I'm the person to call to fix your networks and computers. :D

I have a limited knowledge of Final Fantasy games, my limited knowledge is only so far as VII. I'm just another rabid fangirl... >__> Though if I met any of them in real life, my reaction would probably this...

"What is wrong with you people?!"

I think that would be a normal reaction... *runs away from the bullets, swords, and giant ninja stars coming at her*
Hi, and welcome to the forums. Any knowledge is good knowledge, imo. Anyway, nice to meet you :)
Welcome to Final Fantasy Forums!

Hope you enjoy yourself around these parts, if you are into graphical design there is a whole section designated for it.

Take care and see you around!