no flying in FFVII

Blue Link

Red Mage
Jan 24, 2008
I saw a post somewhere complaining that "there was no flying on FFVII!" As true as this is, it's time to defend AC.

When the characters flew, they were all in battle. In battle, materia is used. Flying was probably the result of 'Float'. Loz's speed is a result of 'Haste' and Yazoo probably used 'Long Range' materia.

It's not proven, but that's my theory. What's yours?
I doubt it, since none of the brothers acquired materia until later on in the film, and there's no evidence to suggest that Cloud or the others all had Float equipped. It's just a difference between the film and game to make it more appealing to a cinematic audience.
I think it's just exaggerated battle scenes. Materia makes sense, but all the materia in the big convenient box led me to believe that all our heroes had gathered the materia they had and stored it away.
The float spell simply made you levitate, you were still stationary and the height it raised the user wasn't more than a couple feet.

The flying in AC is nothing more than typical DBZ flashy effects. I don't recally anyone ever using those particular materia, or even showing a need for it. It was CGI anime.
Ermm... I agree with Pooley and VR on this. I just think the flying in FFVII was just to please FFVII fans. It's just flashy animation and flashy DBZ fights.
Right. I'm sure it'd be cool thinking that they used materias in order to make the concept of battle (and their so-called "flying") a bit more believable, but in the end, it is just eye candy. We never really saw any characters "equip" materias, although Kadaj did use one later. (Hmm, I do wonder what materia he used though...)

Anyway, I guess there is a slight possibility, but I really doubt it.
I agree as well. The flying was simply for the fans to see their favorite characters do the impossible. It made the movie flashier, more impressive, and more of an eye catcher.
...I have no way of defending my opinion...but it is just a theory. I'd like it to be true, but I guess we'll never know what was in the developers minds...
Well the flying, gravity defying and physics nonsense has been well addressed here so I'll leave it out.

As far as Loz using haste I have to agree. In the forgotten city fight scene, he has the whole blue silhouette motion trail thing going on, which I assumed was due to equipping Haste materia.

I suppose there is no evidence for the use of materia in the beginning of the movie but it's not totally ridiculous.

I'm sure the remnants had some sort of magical abilities, they just happened to stumble on Cloud's huge stash of the stuff further along in the movie. That's probably where Kadaj picked up Bahamut.

As said before, there's really no way of proving anything conclusively.
Ermm... I agree with Pooley and VR on this. I just think the flying in FFVII was just to please FFVII fans. It's just flashy animation and flashy DBZ fights.

Well I'm a Final Fantasy VII fan and I wasn't pleased at all :P If anything, it was probably just to secure a customer base outside of the usual FF fan clientel. FF VII wasn't exactly new anymore when Advent Children came out, and they probably wouldn't have shipped half the amount of units if they had done something more storyline-based and more in line with what FF VII was actually like.
the fact that they were flying never even crossed my mind, I just thought they were jumping.....really high...

I don't think about things much, I just tend to acceopt what I see
I don't think there was a float materia, but that would be a perfectly logical explanation.

But, it was probably just done to show how strong Cloud and Co were, when compared to normal humans, so they were able to perform extraordinary stunts like that...At least, that's what I like to think.
There is flying in FFVII... Cloud's final limit break, Omnislash, had him taking off and never really touching the ground again until the move is over... and then in the ending, he stays airborn even longer. And don't try to bring the high jump argument in, because, truth be told, thats all it was in AC, too... since they constantly landed and took off again.
As far as I know Float materia/magic (depending on the game you play) only slightly raised you above the ground and allowed you to walk on air.

I didn't really see any evidence on Float allowing you fly or perform kilometer high jumps.

As I've said before, it's a fantasy movie, therefore things that don't normally happen are allowed to happen, such as humans flying.

Most modern movies are ridiculous in terms of reality, catching bullets in your teeth, jumping over exploding cars, fly-kicking a pool/billiards ball in mid air causing it to hit another guy in the head, killing him.

It's everywhere, it's to make the movie more exciting supposedly. Personally I've always enjoyed realism, taking realistic life movies over the likes of Jet Li movies anyday.

But I still enjoyed Advent Children, because it was a fantasy movie, based on a game where equally weird and unrealistic events took place.

Just because the graphics look more real doesn't mean we need to expect real physics all of a sudden :P
There is flying in FFVII... Cloud's final limit break, Omnislash, had him taking off and never really touching the ground again until the move is over... and then in the ending, he stays airborn even longer. And don't try to bring the high jump argument in, because, truth be told, thats all it was in AC, too... since they constantly landed and took off again.

His right same goes for Climhazzard and Meteorain Cloud always jumped really high i guess as cloud gets stronger he channels that energy to fly or jump high. And sephiroth did flying to in the original ff7 or you guys forgot?
Exactly... thus I see it all as a weightless argument, since its based in an inacurate assumption that is easily disproven by simple observation (or two). Flying (or just jumping really high, becasue even Cloud just jumped, and then got extra boosts from people in AC, he didn't just go all Superman on us) and FF7 are familiar bedfellows, I'd say.
Sephiroth could fly in the original FFVII, which is probably because of his connection to Jenova. Cloud could jump high in the game too, and, like I previously stated I assumed that the others could suddenly jump so high because of their extraordinary strength...

Vincent could fly in the game too, couldn't he?
I think they just did to make the battles look better or it's a result of hard training because Reno and Rude didn't do that sort of stuff.
Dont have an opinion on the flying but I do know from the Reunion files that the heroes avoid using materia as it damages the planet so its kept for emergencies.
Also Loz's speed is an innate ability nothing to do with Materia or his weapon.
The characters in AC dont fly but jump very high probably through strength and skill. If they could fly then why would Cloud need the additional boost from the others to throw him up after Bahamut when could of simply flew after him.