no flying in FFVII

Well cloud is a 'cloud'. He's supposed to float.
Maybe that's why square called him that?
I think their abilities are somewhat akin to Superman's original power, like how the original Superman couldn't fly at all, but could just jump really high (Like "leaping over skyscrapers in a single bound"). And like Sephirothalpha stated: If Cloud could fly (at least with his abilities alone) then he wouldn't have needed the others to toss him up to Bahamut. Though sometimes the characters have a tendency to fall slowly. The only part in which Cloud really flew around was when he used his limit break at the end.

There were a few characters that could fly, though, like Sephiroth and Loz. For example: When Loz uses his speed ability to zip around the air during the motorcycle fight in the tunnel.
As others have said, Final Fantasy games don't always have realistic physics. Someone brought up Omnislash, Climhazzard and Meteorain, in which Cloud's physics seemed similar to Advent Children. Sephiroth could fly in the game too. In FFX one could stay underwater for as long as one wanted without dying. In all of them there is this magical inventory that can hold a lot more items than one can carry realistically. Not to mention Cloud's hair stays spiked the way it is without any hair products ever being applied to it.
And even if the game didn't have those things, the game also had turn-based battles. Why nit-pick one part of the battle system and not another? If they kept the same style of battle as the game everyone would have stood around and waited for their turn to attack,and I doubt that would have made a very good movie.

What if the flying is really just a massive release of chi energy. It would explain why Sephiroth can fly at will (he's of Cetra descent + Mako infused) and Cloud couldn't fly up to Bahamut, but once he used a limit his energy soared thus defying gravity.

Maybe maybe not?
I don't think it was more like flying otherwise Cloud won't need help getting to Bahamut, I think it was more like Jumping and the other characters gave Cloud a thrust power
What if the flying is really just a massive release of chi energy. It would explain why Sephiroth can fly at will (he's of Cetra descent + Mako infused) and Cloud couldn't fly up to Bahamut, but once he used a limit his energy soared thus defying gravity.

Maybe maybe not?

Lord Sephiroth is not of Cetra descent he is the son of Jenova which is a totally different alien viral organism. It is possible that the massive concentration of Mako is what gives him the ability to fly or it could be his Jenova inherited abilities.

The only two others that can truly fly are Genesis and Angeal and both have massive amounts of Mako and Jenova cells inside of them though not such a high or pure concentration as Lord Sephiroth does.
Sepy the mad man can hover cant he? Well atleast thats what I think I saw in AC(been awhile)

Im sure it wasnt materia. It might have been, but whos to saw they all had float on? I say that it was just for the movie that they flew. But hey, thats just me.
I don't really care about explanations. All I know is using less gravity during epic battles makes things more epic.
I hope it's alright to revive a 2 1/2 year thread.

But, I think that it's just part of that 'you're watching this movie, so you can go along with the things you see in it' attitude. Of course there is no flying in the RPG of 1997, but that's how they did it in Advent Children. For those that don't like it, is there another way you would have the team kill Bahamut? Or having Cloud v Sephiroth?

It's just something that helps explain/set up these elaborate fight scenes and draws in the audience.
I hope it's alright to revive a 2 1/2 year thread.

But, I think that it's just part of that 'you're watching this movie, so you can go along with the things you see in it' attitude. Of course there is no flying in the RPG of 1997, but that's how they did it in Advent Children. For those that don't like it, is there another way you would have the team kill Bahamut? Or having Cloud v Sephiroth?

It's just something that helps explain/set up these elaborate fight scenes and draws in the audience.

Keep in mind, Final Fantasy XIII has similar high leaping physics as well. Dragoons jump pretty high as well, don't forget. The gravity in the Final Fantasy worlds is pretty screwy.
^^Never played XIII, but it's like that in most rpg's that have a Dragoon class. Freya in IX comes to mind, just jumps off the screen.
^^Never played XIII, but it's like that in most rpg's that have a Dragoon class. Freya in IX comes to mind, just jumps off the screen.

So does Kain. But my point is characters seem to be able to jump unnaturally high in the Final Fantasy worlds.
well if you can fly why not just do it in the game?.............instead of running around things........

battles without all this gravity shit is much more epic and better.........

And plus when Cloud was getting all this thrust to kill Bahamut,he jumped really high compared to where Tifa (last person to give him thrust) and where Bahamut was.

It's just another part in Final Fantasy where you think wtf how they don that?

This is stupid/weired..........

But it could just be the japanese culture they may just like these stuff...........Not many animated Hollywood films are like this are they?
It's just another part in Final Fantasy where you think wtf how they don that?

I personally don't mind the lower gravity they seem to have. I mean, they aren't on "Earth" so I wouldn't expect everything to be the same. I like the way it is presented to us in the games too. Dragoons jump really high (and don't give me the "it's because they are dragoons" spiel, because Bartz and Co. and jump even when they aren't dragoons), some of Cloud's limit breaks have him jumping fairly high, same with Tidus. On top of that XIII has an entire mechanism involving the lower gravity. Lauch the enemies with the first hit the commander lands, then jump up in the air after it and pummel the hell out of it. Personally, I don't think it should go much further than that in the games.
i'm pretty much on board with the original post, but remember: NONE of the characters were stationary at all during any battle, just waiting to attack every few seconds. the attacks were consecutive and in bursts by almost every character, so i'd say that there's a bit less of an in-game feel. the only time materia was proven to be equipped was when Bahamut SIN was summoned, when Kadaj equipped it on-screen at his HQ, and when Loz and Yazoo are on the brink of death. it's a safe bet that there was materia equipped on all characters during battle, which explains the flight, speed, etc.