
First time I played FFVII, when I had the airship I'd been training for two hours, and I went near the Gold Saucer area, and saw this red blobby thing in the sand...

I think you can all guess what happened next D=
In FFVIII I didnt know that I had learnt Boost untill I hit SELECT by accident and seen it! Man I felt dumb lol.
In FFVIII I spent such a long time lost in the Deling sewers with Quistis, Zell, and Selphie. I gave up and then two months later, my friend told me the sewers were essentially one-way. *eye-twitch*
Ah... VII was my first RPG... so many mistakes. Biggest was that moment when Cloud falls from No.5 reactor and lands in Aeris' church. The first time I thought that I'd done something wrong and that it was going to be an extended game over sequence - so I just turned it the console off without waiting to see what happened next.
Using guns in DoC was weird to me... So for the first two chapters I completely avoided using guns, unless it was required for that one second, then back to claw-thingy :-)
Basically not saving when I should. I'll fight a shit-load of hours in a high populated kickass place and think about going back to save, but I ignore it for a while longer.

Then of course I get my ass handed to me by about 5 enemies taht ran teh train on my Aunt Karla the night before and want to make me next.
In FFVIII I didnt know that I had learnt Boost untill I hit SELECT by accident and seen it! Man I felt dumb lol.

I did that, and it took me a few play throughs to realise aswel... >_>

I also didn't know that the more magic you had junctioned to a stat, the more it made that stat go up....and I only just learned that recently aswel :ffs:

Also in IX, I sold like all my weapons on my first playthrough, probably my second aswel so not only did I have nothing to synth, like hardly ever, I was also screwed when it came to Ipsens Castle D:
FF8, I skipped the tutorials and had no idea how to use magic :P
A divine mistake I made (twice) was at the Missile Base in FFVIII. I forgot to set the error sequence at the main panel. So as Balamb Garden was blown to smithereens, I just sat there, scratched my head, and was like... "umm... what's going on?" @_@
Oh gosh, I made so many I don't even remember the exact details. But reading through this, I can say that I've made some of those same mistakes as well, especially in FFvIII where the GFs can also learn abilities and I didn't know about it or how to junction properly in general. (I think I finally figured it out on my 2nd playthrough).

And then of course, making FFVII harder than what it looks. I would always struggle in boss fights and would want to use a Hi-Potion, but shifting through my Items was a pain. >.> Finally found out that you can sort your items. Of course, FFVII was the first FF and roleplaying game I played so I really had no clue. ^^ Now I make sure to sort my items and put them on top.
on ff12 i got to the last bar of yiazmat and deciced to heal my self but i didn't go out of the area where yiazmat was in because i wanted to do it fast but then he regained like 20bars and i got soooooooooo pissed i spent like 4hours trying to pwn him
in 8 i couldnt figure out the draw system till like half way through the game so i started over to get all those that i missed