Normal Battles or XII's?


May 8, 2007
Are you hoping for the actual battle scenes or the bad XII's ones..

Explain why

I really hope they go for the normal ones if not, it'll prove that FF is getting worse as it goes =[
Lol..actual battle scenes? Yeah, like those tedious random encounters will be coming back on FFXIII. Bad XII ones? It's not bad, just different. They FEEL like an actual battle. Lol, your theory proves nothing. Just because they changed their battle system..things are going to get worse? No. Far from it. How long have Square been using random encounters. How long have we waited for something different? Too long. Random encounters aren't exactly an FF thing either. They're not unique, as they appear in other games. So if we lose them, for good, it doesn't prove FF's are going to suck in the future. It's not a big thing for them to just disappear.
ive actually heard that the XIII series (versus, agito, etc.) will be the last chapter in the FF series, so theres no getting better or worse in the future (this is just what i heard, idk if its true or not). and i PREFER turn-based battle but it doesn't look like square will be going that way. oh well, i like them both...i just like turn based a wee bit better.
Obviously I would like it to go back to the traditional turn based battles. It's more challenging, especially when you come to boss fights since you get one turn in a certain amount of time and you have to think carefully about what to use. FFXII's was just too hack 'n' slash for me, plus you could cast Haste, Shell, Protect, Regen etc before you fight the boss.

I know that this will not be the case so I hope they will improve a lot on FFXII's battle system. They really need to find a way that you control every party members moves without using some crappy system that does it for you. I want to control them, not let the COM do it for me. Before people reply "But Kain, you can control all your party members, lolz!". Yes I know but it doesn't really work well although quite a lot of the time I did find myself doing that.
Then how are you supposed to improve gameplay, when the battles are just going to be the same all the time? If anything, I have said this before, when the FF's started coming to PS2, random battles should have been replaced. I can understand people being clingy to the old system, but it's not really offering anything new now.
yeah im not gonna lie here, i am completely clingy. i just want traditional old final fantasy battles.. because to me its what makes a final fantasy a final fantasy. the way you fight, magic, great storyline, great replay value, and good characters. these are all consistent traits of final fantasies, and to me, its what makes them my absolutely uncontested favorite games in the whole world.
They're not traditional final fantasy battles though. Random battles/encounters have featured in other games, as I have already said.

Here, read that. :D

the way you fight, magic, great storyline, great replay value, and good characters.

FFXII kept in touch with magic, abilities etc - it still has Final Fantasy plastered over the gameplay system. The only thing different random battles. Plus, the inclusion of gambits, much like you get the thing of changing jobs while in battle in X-2. It still plays like one, you have Espers, though they're a bit useless, they all get to be useless after a while in many games, summoning wise anyway. I know I'm straying here from the original discussion, but FFXII does keep with the FF tradition. It has the races, sidequests, magic, weapons, graphics etc.
yes, yes, yes. FFXII is in all rights a great final fantasy game. i was just saying that from having beating FFV-FFX prior to playing FFXII, i had an idea of what i was going to see when i put it in the ps2. i definitely don't not like the battles of FFXII, i think theyre new and add a new element to the series, im just saying that i would prefer final fantasies to stay traditional and change something other then one of the most important parts of the game, as you spend a large portion of the game in battles.
Thing is though, what could they change? The things they would have to change would be something big - storyline, graphics (not so much graphics..) and characters. Those aspects, can be hard to make changes to. Kinda hard to explain more >.<
haha you always have good points. i guess when it all comes down to it all I think they should change is the storylines, possibly the leveling up systems, and maybe one or 2 other things to make the games different. but i am a fan of turn-based battle with random encounters and think they should make it as close to that as possible. but hey, im open to change. i liked the battle in FFXII. i think they should vary which final fantasies get which kinds of battle systems, so that they please fans of both. but of course, thats just my opinion, which in the long run means nothing.
I have not played XII, so be understanding...

But my opinion on this is that while turn-based can be fun, it gets tedious... fast.

Sure, I love turn-based boss battles, but the random encounter thing can get in the way of smooth gameplay IMO. I think I would find the XII system's monster battles much less irritating than the earlier ones, but I can't say whether or not I'd find them more enjoyable, if that makes any sense. I guess if it doesn't go all Zelda-style in the battles I'll be fine.
Ok my bad, first post didn't come off as I wanted lol

What I ment is I like the turn based stuff because thats sorta what you expect from Final Fantasy isn't it? I mean, From the first one they have had it.. with an exception of XI and XII, and there are alot of ways to make FF better then just the battles aswell.. and I didn't mean they were getting overall worse, just the battles thats my opinion anyway so yeah.. I mean, when I think Final Fantasy I think Good story, in-depth game, and turn based battles..
I want FF12's battle System and world navigation in this game.
When I was playing Ff12 I felt like i was actually exploring something!
Since I could monsters walking around and I fought in real time it made the game feel more real.
Are you hoping for the actual battle scenes or the bad XII's ones..

Explain why

I really hope they go for the normal ones if not, it'll prove that FF is getting worse as it goes =[

I have to vote for the normal battle scenes too, I do think also that the series is really taking a turn for the worst with these new concepts of battle and gameplay I liked the older versions much better.
Hasn't the battle system already been revealed, or hinted at? It's supposed to involve the player chaining together attacks and then watching the fighter perform these attacks in a crisp, flowing animation.
I love turn-based battles, but I also loved XII's Active Dimension system also. What if they had seamless encounters cuppled with a faster, more smoother turn-based system. I think it should be more like X-2's in that you had a waiting time, but the time was short and you had to think fast because the enemy attacked quite relentlessly. You could see the enemies on the field and if they encountered you or you encountered them then the camera would pan into the battle perspective and you would fight as you would in turn-beased battles of old; albeit much more faster and refined so as to not feel cluncky and dated. I'm sure you understand what I mean. Something to that effect.

I think it is clear what the Battle System and I probably not going to be impressed. I think the thread basically is asking what would you prefer, Turn-based or FFXII (And I think he meant by that as in more realistic battles) and I would prefer the turn based.
The real-time battles in FF12 were a nice change. But I much prefer the classic battling style that made FF famous in the first place.
For me, the battle systems go:

XII > X-2 > ATB > X

I adore XII's. I can finally run away if I'm on low health and not get jumped on by some more enemies randomly ^_^ Yay.

To me, the battles are more intense and exciting, and require a lot more skill and strategy. I mean, it took me three tries to kill the Elder Wyrm in Golmore Jungle. I squished it the third time because I figured out that you can press Up or Down to change party leader, then you just attack him from behind and stay away from effing Sporefall ¬_¬

But yeah, it's a really nice change to the series. I think it brings in the sense of battle much more effectively than the previous titles. I just wish that the characters had individual classes, that would have been the icing on top a glorious cake ^_^