Playstation Nostalgic gamer or...?

M1ghty Mous3

Dec 24, 2008
Anywhere and Everywhere
simple question. Do you play games from the older days more then the more recent or vice versia? I like playing older games from the N64, original PS, and SNES though i have no SNES :(.

I recently found my ld playstation again, hooked it up and it worked good as new. And it's the one that's hacked so i can play copied games too :). Really wish my RE directors cut would work though, along with disc 2 of FF VIII. I'm at the part where the groups in cells and such in the prison where Ward works. I'll get to the part where Squall falls in his cell and cuts to the FMV, then it freezes. Even after i clean and repair the disc, it still won't work. Which makes me mad to an extent, but luckily their a game store right down teh street from me.

So back to the question at hand, are you a nostalgic gamr or does the newer stuff appeal to you more?
While it's always a pleasure to try your hand at new releases, sometimes there's just a certain amount of quality put into a game that new releases can't quite hold their own against.

So I guess as a PSX and PS2 Fan, you could probably call me a 'nostalgic gamer'.
I'm definetely a 'nostalgic gamer'.

I really love the PSX and PS2 games. Right now my PSP has PSX games on it (a part from Guilty Gear) and the new stuff has hardly reached my console. I also own a Ps3 and Xbox 360 but I haven't really found myself interested in any of the new stuff thats come out. I think that games nowadays concentrate too much on graphics than game play and storyline. It's a real let down now considering that games cost so much. I think that if we're going to pay so much for a game then we should at least get our money's worth. So I'm quite cautious with new games - there was once a time when $100 could get you a game that was one or two disked (in the case of FF 3/4 discs) and you'd actually enjoy the game but that's quite rare to find today, or at least that's what I think.

Either way I love the old ps-x games, Nintendo games etc. They are so much more fun and even if the graphics aren't as awesome as the ones that they're dishing out now they're great to play.

On a side note, I'm playing Digimon World right now, one of my favorite PS-X games. :awesome:
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I like both. I like newer games for sure - stuff like Rock Band and Valkyria Chronicles are some examples of games that have been so innovative recently on PS3. But I also like going back and playing some PlayStation games like Crash Team Racing and FFT. Right now I'm playing FF8 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the NA release. When I like a game, there's a good chance I'm going to love it forever.
I tend to play more new games then old ones. I've yet to find a current-gen game which I really love (with the exception of Metal Gear Solid 4). I play my PSX and PS2 games a fair bit and I also play Snes games with an emulator. I find that most new games which I think are good tend to be of the pick up and play variety; Guitar hero/Rockband, Call of Duty, Left 4 dead etc.. But from my personal experience, the games with the most replay value tend to have been released between 1998-2001.
I am both, although I'm inclined to say that I am more drawn towards playing something that's new to me.

I don't think it's a matter of 'old game' vs. 'more recent' game. It's an issue of whether or not the story is new to me personally, whether or not the world is new, and what I can gain from playing and completing it. Vagrant Story on the PS1 is as new to me as Skyward Sword on the Wii. I am equally inclined to play and complete both in the near future.

I love to revisit my old games and love to re-live an old experience, but usually it's just that - a visit.
I dont think ive taken interest in anything new for years, id rather just dust off an older game, so yeah, i guess im a nostalgic gamer. i was playing donkey kong country last week, utterly infuriated at how often i was dying, i used to be good at that game :rage:
I could probably qualify as a nostalgic gamer. I play games from the original PlayStation and Nintendo 64 a lot more than my 360 or even PS2 games lately. If I have money to spare I'll get a newer release (which is either 360 or Nintendo DS these days) but I always end up going back to the older games sooner or later.
While I'm very nostalgic as to the quality of games, rarely can I find myself beating a game twice. Especially if it's considerable dated. I've just changed in gaming tastes over the years and now I love to feel excitement and the rush of the fray rather than thinking tactically about how to use my moves. Don't get me wrong, I like to apply tactics to my others games, but I'm just not interested in dusting off ancient games for another play. Trust me, I've tried and quit an hour or two into a very long list of PS1 games. I do wish I had some more HD PS2 games though.
Pretty much a nostalgic gamer. I'm always replaying older gamers and loving them. Now and again a current gen game really impresses me (Red Dead Redemption, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect) but in general I feel more love towards by gone days and games :P
Yes I'm a nostalgic gamer. I do play the modern games but the older games, especially RPG's have far more attention to details such as the story, character building, freedom and side quests, etc. I still have the original grey playstation with the controller without analog sticks and it still works but just in case it ever stops working I have a boxed playstation and PSOne so I can continue to play the games. I know I can just play the PS1 games on my PS3 but I prefer using the console the games were created for.