NPC yu wish yu could control?

Hmm, I'll have to go with Jecht too, mainly because all the other NPC's doesn't really stand out. =/ And that my memory sucks.

But anyway, Jecht's a pretty cool guy, I guess. I mean, he was a little hard on Tidus, said mean things to him just to toughen him up, and was basically a bad-ass to me. It'd be nice to control a guy with no shirt.

He kinda reminds me of a pirate too...
If this is just for Final Fantasy X... then I'd have to go with Sin itself. It would be really cool if you got to pull a "destroy a town" move at some point. Like a little mini-game where you had to use Sin to destroy some locale. I don't know if that would really make you want to defeat him at the end though. Maybe to play as Jecht's pysche within Sin and to do something on the side that ends up benefitting Tidus and the party. They never know how it happens but you, the player, do because you had Sin (Jecht) do it for his son.

If it's overall. I'd have to go with anyone from the Turks. If you got to do a little side-mission as any one of the Turks at some point, that would really be cool. Just to have them run around and set up a trap or something like that for your party. It would have given you some insight into the lighter side of the Turks, since they end up being comic relief anyhow.
I think it would be cool to control jecht, or maybe even just get him on your blitzball team, that would be sweet
Llednar in FFTA. That would have been pretty awesome...
FFX? lol

Mine would be Jecht, Braska, and young Auron. Those who I wish were actually in FFX-2 or a FFX-3 if made; 10 years ago. Chappu was probably a cool chap as well.
FFX? lol

Mine would be Jecht, Braska, and young Auron. Those who I wish were actually in FFX-2 or a FFX-3 if made; 10 years ago. Chappu was probably a cool chap as well.

Yeah, a prequel with them three could've been cool, although a LOT of the storyline would've been ruined. :p
On my first play through this game I was really hoping you could play as disapointed I was
Mine would have to be any Al Bhed because I'm a Al Bhed fan.

This one is easy.. Rikku!

But as for me, I'd like to play more as Seymour.. especially when he gets wicked strong and can inflict zombie...

As for overall, even though this is off topic, I would have LOVED to actually control Sephiroth.. ya know.. for more than like, 3 minutes..
This should be in general FF. lol.
I mean...NPCs in FFX sucked.