

Oct 2, 2007
After a discussion in the SB I decided there should be a thread on this. What are your general opinions on offense? For example; how easily do you find yourself offended, or how often would you say that you purposely try to offend others? Ofcourse, there's light-hearted teasing between friends, but I mean deliberately trying to hurt others for whatever reasons of your own.

Also, how would you say that you react to offense? I know some people who take any comments that might be regarded as offensive far too seriously, and bitch and whine about it for ages. >_> But then there are others who just shrug it off and move on, and then those who generally don't care at all.

Input? :monster:
I don't get offended that easily, I find the more calm I am in an argument or whatever, the better responses I give, which just shuts the other person up.

Added with my sense of humour that is sometimes abit "sick" I find it hard to be offended, it's a very rare thing.

I have offended a few people, but not always on purpose, I mean, I'll say something that would be funny if I was around people who knew my sense of humour, but around others they take it completely the wrong way. I won't go out of my way to cause offense to somebody unless they'd intentionally done something to harm someone I cared about, then I'd just rip them to shreds with a few sharp words.

The more angry I get, I've noticed I just tend to say crappy responses like "oh shut up" but if I stay calm and don't let myself be offended, then I can come out with something to own whoever it involves.

Not so good at on the internet (vocal tone and what-not plays a big part) but am pretty good at it irl.
I could never bring myself to offend anyone intentionally. That's just a no-no to me. Yes, I have offended some people but it wasn't done intentionally, primarily because I really cannot think of a good way to offend anyone at all. :wacky: It's just not in my nature. To me it's like thinking of a good comeback, and I really suck at comebacks. But anyway, as with DLFlux, it also depends on whether I am joking around and people take what I say out of context. It happens, but those who knows me have an idea that it is not my intention to offend, so they usually don't make a problem out of it. (Although they've told me cases where they thought I had meant to offend them).

Now, as far as me receiving the offense...I think I take it pretty well. Sure I'll whine a bit, but I'd dismiss it soon afterward. I don't take it as seriously since it's just a waste of thoughts and stress, but I'll be honest, I have taken some things seriously to the point where I was in tears. It just depends on the subject at hand. Some offense can be viewed as "nothing" but other offense do get people riled up especially if the one who offended you was someone close to you (a friend, family, etc.).
I never offend anyone deliberately. I can hurt people in other ways. e.g. I'm really good at spreading gossip. And nothing hurts people like gossip. But I shrug off offense like water. En Masse, like everyone offending me, I still don't get bothered by it.
Gossip is pathetic to be quite honest. Usually isn't true either, which makes you a liar. If you've got a problem with someone then you should just come out and say it, instead of getting all sly and shit. Gossip is also a way of turning other people against someone, so you're passing whatever problem you have onto others, so basically you can't deal with it on your own, or can't handle knowing people don't agree with you about something, which makes you weak.

Leave the gossip for journalists and OK magazine.
Truthfully, I think there's only one person who's sufferred a foul attitude from me and, even then, it was years ago and I was jumping on the bandwagon at the time.

I tend not to get offended very easily these days. My friends or, for that matter, any acquaintances of mine never say anything more than a joke. On the rare occasion where bad words are exchanged, I'm still exponentially more tolerable to offense than if someone I didn't know particularly well was trying to offend me - I see that as a form of ignorance and you all know what I'm like with ignorance. xD

I just really don't take offense very easily at all. At the end of the day, they're only words and I've found that saying "Oh, if you need me, I'll be in the corner, cutting my wrists open. May I borrow your sharp wit?" and variations of that seems to either let me win straight away or ... yeah, that. :wacky:
I only do it if someone has really upset someone I like, to the point of tears and suicide threats. Trust me, it has happened. Otherwise, I'll just ignore it. I know that it's wrong, and making excuses doesn't make it right. But I also know that it's wrong to let someone get away with making someone else upset to that extent. Besides, I try to make sure the gossip I spread is true. Again, doesn't make it right. And I own up to it.
I can't think of one time when I've been offended, because I don't take things seriously. Not myself nor things people say about me. Whenever people try to insult me, which doesn't happen often, I respond, but I'm not actually offended. I just don't think people should get away with it. It's my own form of justice I suppose.

I don't offend people either, because whatever I say to them is too ridculous to cause offense. However I can annoy people if I feel like it, but I can't really offend them.
I get offended very easily; I take everything in the ass, basically. It's because there's a gaping hole where my self-esteem is supposed to be. I even get a little offended when people type ">.>" to me (...and I just know someone's gonna quote that and then type that XD). I may get offended easily, but I bounce back quickly. When it comes to offending other people; yeah, sometimes I can be quite sarcastic when someone says something that indicates that they're uninformed, and sometimes I make fun of friends/family members (non-maliciously), and not know when to stop. I also sometimes purposely offend people who've offended me... well, I don't really try to offend them; I'll just be extremely curt, logical, and snippy.
I don't offend easily. Even if I do become offended, I very seldom let it show. I don't feel the need to make a scene or come off as an overly sensitive whinner. It'd have to be pretty bad to offend me in the first place, though. I just don't care enough.

As for offending other people, I'm sure I'm capable of it; however, I wouldn't try to offend someone on purpose. I use questionable language sometimes, so I'm sure I slip up.
I'm not sure I know what offense is. You can beat me like a slave and I wont care. I'm very conscious on other people's offense though and i hate to offend others despite how easily I manage to do so. I lack the stomach to care too much.
Once upon a time I used to get offended quite easily. I'd let things get to me which are pretty pathetic now that I think about it, at least in terms of reasoning, but I think I've managed to grow out of that phase where I reacted immediately in a manner that came off as being offended rather than taking a few moments to think about what those emotions meant.

I'd like to think I am a calm, cool and collected person, and for the most part, I can stay rational in nearly every situation I've experienced, but there are just those times when my mood happens to be lousy and someone's struck the wrong chord, unless I'm just in a mood where I don't really care. Now that I'm a bit older and wiser, I can stop myself before I blow up and think back on those times when I couldn't control my reaction.

Basically, in short, the answer is I'm not all that easily offended. :3

As for offending someone else, I don't really do much of that either unless I deem it necessary (usually when the person is acting like a jackass and needs to be put in their place). Then it can get pretty nastaayyy. :3
Moderation Note:
Since this isn't really a debate, but more of a discussion, I'm moving this to 'Bone Village.'

[Thread Moved To 'Bone Village.']

To be on topic:
I really don't get offended easily. It takes a lot for me to get offended. I've never been all that affected by words or insults. I think I get more grossed out or weirded out by things, more than I get upset over something that was said.

I really don't try to offend people, but I do have a bad habit of wanting the final word in a conversation or argument, and at times...I'll say something offensive if it means that I get that final word. But, that's really only during arguments, and even then, I only do it to people that I know can handle it, and wouldn't get too offended.

The very few times I do get offended, I let that person know, right away. I'm not the type to just sit on an issue and let it grow, so I confront the source. But, over-all, I'm really very laid-back when it comes to conversations, so it's very rare that I'd take offense to anything.
I usually laugh at these people that sue over the most ridiculous of things.

I take almost nothing at face value.
I never get offended at all. If people call me various names I really don't care. I just laugh and blow it off because quite frankly its stupid.
Now, I'm a very sarcastic person and a bit of a smartass. So I feel that helps with how I react to people when they try to be offensive towards me. There's definitely times I've gotten legitimately pissed when people say stuff and it irritates me. I notice that it's only in sports related topics though. It's never related to anything at me personally. Which is interesting because I said its stupid when stuff is said related to me, but sports related comments regarding teams makes me angry. I dont even know. :hmmm:
I find it far too often the offensive are those claiming they're offended and demanding action to be taken against whatever offends them. I've even come to the conclusion that it's anti-social and attention-whoring; the former because it disrupts the overall social aspect of learning to communicate and the latter because it's telling others, "look at me! I'm so special that I need other people to do things for me!" So if you're going to tell me you're offended and demand I do something, then I'm just going to shut you out. There's absolutely no point for me to deal with you, especially when I can find people far more offended and demandful of other stuff, and worse I get no benefit from it whatsoever. Once I tailor to you being offended, then how can I just stop with you? Gotta treat everyone equally, and you sure won't help there.