Oh Noes! I be New!!! O.O

~_Bloody Valentine_~

Chocobo Breeder
Apr 15, 2007
Over the mountains, beyond the valley.
Heh, yeah, I think I made this thread pretty clear. Well, hello folks, the names ~_Bloody Valentine_~ and I'm sure its also obvious which character I like. XD Vincent! Anyway, nice to meetcha, and I'm happy to be here at these here forums. And don't mind my weird way of typing...I'm bored and making it fun, okies? Ok. ^^;
A Vincent fangirl is always a friend of mine. xD Hello there and welcome to the forums, Bloody Valentine. It's really good to see you in here and I hope you'll have a great time with us.

Check out the RPG, play some quizzes, listen to the jukebox, challenge your friends in the arcade and much more!

Hope to see you around! =]
Hey, I almost scanned over your post, but thank god I didn't, because now I get to tell you about FFF (Final Fantasy Forums)!

It's a great place to be, I love it myself, and wouldn't be as mentally stable as I am without it. It consists of over 5000 members, over 6000 topics, and it surpasses 100,000 posts, and hasn't even been running for a year! I know what your thinking, "How in the world am I going to be able to fit in?" The answer is simple.

Just signing up for FFF was a great decision, and I would like to thank you on behalf of everyone for choosing us as your forum (hopefully you choose to stay, and become a productive member of our community), and hopefully you enjoy your stay. But back to what I was talking about, your going to love it here, and there is so much you can do to contribute to our greatness. Let me just say that if Jesus chose a forum, he'd come to FFF.

So what can you do here at FFF? You can involve your self in the many discussions we have, about various video games (mainly Final Fantasy, mind you :wink: ), debatable subjects, religous subjects, writing, character clubs, movies and television topics, role-playing, drawing/photoshoping, and just about anything you could think of.

But one of our main attractions is most certainly the RPG, created by the awsome group of designers, who have dedicated their time to bring us hours and hours of RPG fun. It's basically an online Final Fantasy game. Although its not at its final stage, it's still a great game. But, you need at least 50 posts to be able to join the RPG, but believe me; its totally worth it. If you like Final Fantasy (and I assume that you do, since you've signed up at a Final Fantasy message board), then you'll love the RPG. When you start the RPG (if you do), feel free to PM me if your need some help, and I'd be glad to assist you. Or you can ask the other, more experienced players for some assistance. Im sure they'd be as willing as I am.

Anyways, I hope that you enjoy your stay here, respect others, follow the rules and have a sweet time. If you have any questions or concerns about FFF, feel free to ask around at the Help Desk, or PM a reliable member, like myself, and many others.
^The hell?!?

Anyway, welcome to FFF. There's plenty of other Vincent fans about, so you'll get on fine. There's probably even a fanclub lying around somewhere...
Enjoy your time here and if you've got any questions, feel free to ask
*High fives the new Vinnie Valentine fangirl*

As you are a fellow fangirl of the V.V tribe, allow me to say howdy!

Heehee, and yes, I kinda type weird too so...meh, join the club! We have badges and cookies. Eat the badges and wear to cookies...wait... *thinks* nope, yup that sounds about right!

Anyway, stay active, have fun and hope we can talk s'more! Catcha laters! xx
If you need any help, feel free to ask myself or the staff or post it in the thread named "Help Desk" located just above this one.

Thank you.