Okay, answer this

have you ever met someone online and liked them?

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The only real difference from real life is that you just feel less self-conscious. It makes it much easier to talk to people, of the other gender or not. Like I wouldn't be friends with half the people I am on here if this were real life... especially not any of the hunnies :P but on here it's much easier. It's a natural icebreaker.

Mad e-game.

I agree though...back when I was in middle school and we still worked on the 'I have a crush on you, so I'll have my friend ask you out for me' system, I found it alot easier to talk to girls I liked online than in person...more often then not when I saw them in person it'd be unbelievably awkward and we wouldn't talk at all. It's not like that anymore, obviously, but talking online is still much easier...you kind of have the ability to stop and think about what you're entering before you submit it...something I wish I had in real life>_<
I've met some one/people in real life that I met online (this happened like.. 6 years ago?) We became good friends, and still talk on occasion to this day. Some of the people I met through them are my best friends now.

Also, my old roommate met someone online (via match.com :rolleyes:) and they got engaged recently.
I have a few online friends I enjoy chatting with, and on a couple of occasions a while ago I met in person and dated people I'd met online. ^^
Mad e-game.

I agree though...back when I was in middle school and we still worked on the 'I have a crush on you, so I'll have my friend ask you out for me' system, I found it alot easier to talk to girls I liked online than in person...more often then not when I saw them in person it'd be unbelievably awkward and we wouldn't talk at all. It's not like that anymore, obviously, but talking online is still much easier...you kind of have the ability to stop and think about what you're entering before you submit it...something I wish I had in real life>_<
haha this is happening to me right now but i acually talk to some grils at school more often
I clicked No, Online Relationships are stupid. I refer to this being so because If I wanted to date someone, I would meet them face to face - I would like to actually see my partner, be able to hold and kiss them.

However, Online Relationships in the friend sense I am completely fine with. Though I don't get to see everybody, Online Friendships don't seem as complicated and messy as Online Relationships as if you were dating someone.
I clicked No, Online Relationships are stupid. I refer to this being so because If I wanted to date someone, I would meet them face to face - I would like to actually see my partner, be able to hold and kiss them.

However, Online Relationships in the friend sense I am completely fine with. Though I don't get to see everybody, Online Friendships don't seem as complicated and messy as Online Relationships as if you were dating someone.
well i said that too judge but its ok to have friends online though sometimes.....
Did you not read my post entirely? It says right there, online friendships I am completely fine with.
I am pro online friendships, but relationships no. I mean, it does make it alot less awkward. I couldn't talk in real life like I do on the 'net, 'cause I get nervous and klutzy. It's just easier when your not having to worry about what your bodies doing too. But I think deeper friendships/relationships are made face to face, even though it can be harder to face.

I actually think people are starting to rely abit to much on internet relationships. (Guess I can't be one to say so, 'cause I'm on so much.)
I picked yes i've friends on the Internet some German since i talk German.
Some Greek,and a very good friend in the US.One day i hope to meet him,i love hm like my brother we are talking on the net for Hours and hours.The Bad is the time he is going up from Bed its Night here and i liked to go for sleep,but talking to him let me stay 2 or 3 hours longer up.
i chose yes, but online relationships are stupid, because some of the people i talk to the most on MSN and myspace are E-friends, but E-dating has about a 1/10000 chance of working out and is just stupid for so many reasons IMO - no offense to anyone in an online relationship or anything...i just dont think there good at all
Yeah, I did. Five years ago I met my boyfriend online in a great 3D chat program called Active Worlds, and we were friends for two years and finally starting going out. Two years after that, our relationship came to an end, and we're back to talking online again.

I'm not sure I would ever begin a relationship again via the internet, though I've had some pretty amazing friendships through it.