Oldest Console Ever?

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Um, to me it's NES. I mean, it was released a year before I was even born. :wacky: That and I do believe it's the first game console I've ever played on and I was only 4 or 5 back then.
I think the first one I ever played would have been the Atari or the Commodor 64, can't remember which, I just remember having to wait for the taps to do their thing (45 minutes loading time >_< ) then I'd be away on Paperboy or Pacman. Epic

So those are the oldest I remember playing on. I remember someone digging a spectrum out of the loft and I was playing Horace goes skiing, that game just made me lol, Horace just looked like some sort of purple blob xD
Yeah but sometimes that create another problem cuz most of companies now are just complaining about the graphics and don't care about the history....That Sucks....
For me it would probably be the Sega.

It's the oldest console that I have ever played on and I've never even seen a PS1 or Nintendo 64 or anything. >.<

I didn't start playing on the Sega until I was about 10 either, as we weren't really allowed to play games when we were younger.
SEGA MEGADRIVE!!! i still have it in a cupboard somewhere i found it a year ago when i was moving house, i wonder if it still works haha, the controller was really weird!

anyway i was about 5 or 6 when i got my first console, it was an xmas present and i never stopped playing it!
The SNES was the oldest console I ever played on.

I remember playing Super Mario World, F-Zero, Street Fighter and Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (I really don't think I got anywhere far in that game! :wacky:). I think I was about five or six then. My dad was the avid gamer in the family then.

I'm sure I have an old NES somewhere in the attic as well - but I can't remember if I've ever played on it or not. :hmmm:
I reckon that the oldest console ever made is the same for everyone (time being the same for everyone and all ;)) )

The oldest one I ever played though was the Commodore 64.
Atari and Commodore.

Fuck yeah. :mokken:

Graphically, Commodore was superior. However, it never really did get the recognition it deserved. Not to mention that when it came to controllers, they were about as durable as glass. I was very little when I played it, in fact, I can vaguely remember playing it. However, as I got older, I always took the time to play it, even when Nintendo Entertainment System game out.

Good times... Good times...
I got into gaming really, really late. Neither my parents nor my sister played games, so after many years of me expressing my interest in playing games I was finally given a Playstation for my 10th birthday.

Before then I had played on a Playstation at a friends house, and a N64, and also a SNES and Sega Megadrive at another persons house, but not very often.

So the oldest console I ever owned was the Playstation... I wish I'd gotten into gaming at a much earlier age as I missed a few generations of gaming that I would have enjoyed. I wish I'd spent more of my childhood playing games as that is when you have most time... Not just time in general as time goes slower, but mental time... Your mind is free and it would have been great to have played games in that state. Most people I know still express their love for their older consoles and had a lot of fun playing them.
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Oldest console ever? That's not really an opinion question...

I googled this and Wikipedia said that first home game console was the Magnavox Odessey. I have no idea what the fuck that is XD.

But the oldes t one I played would be the Atari. We found it in our attic a few years ago and was partially melted :(
My first console would be the sega genesis...It was my moms lol she bought it for herself and ended up being given to me...to this day i still remember her showing me how to play it because i didnt know how and sitting beside me and telling me what buttons to push...I think I was like 7