Oldschool or Future


Dec 27, 2010
Hey guys,

Just wondering who prefers the oldschool (medievil) style of ff or the futuristic style that has been coming in over the last few?
My favourite FFs are a mix of the two genres, although lean more towards the old school. I mean, look at FFXII. Castles, archaic speech, old-fashioned steel weaponry and whatnot. But, hang on a second. Futuristic high-tech airships? SKY CITIES? That is hardly medieval.

But give me a sword over a gun any day...unless it's an old-fashioned Ivalice pistol, anyway.
I agree,FFXII`s background is simply perfect,

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I prefer a good mix of medieval and technology as well, as it would then incorporate the best of both worlds. Pure medieval settings would easily lose the appeal for me as it has the danger of straying into very generic territory as seen in many WRPGs. Then again if you were to put in purely sci-fi in a Final Fantasy game, you may as well make a Star Ocean or a Xenogears game because that isn't what a Final Fantasy should really be. I find a lot of appeal in a generous mix of the two - like in FFXII. Ivalice works really well with sci-fi thrown in with a predominantly medieval-fantasy setting.
I agree with what everyone else is saying - a mixture between the old style and the futuristic style is key to Final Fantasy. There's not much I can add to what has already been said, you know? Although, I kind of like the Steampunk aspects of some Final Fantasy's as well (airships, steam ships, etc).

To be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing a FF completely in the style of Steampunk.
I agree, the mix of Medievil and Futuristic as seen in Final Fantasy XII is quite good.
I generally prefer the Medievil aspects of the games, such as the castles, fighting with swords, etc (why do they still fight with swords in the games with those giant battleships they have?). I think the less futuristic, the better. Why do they need battleships? Just the Moogle Transporting system is better, in my opinion.
So yeah, the less futuristic aspects of a game they have, the more I like it. But that's just m opinion. I'd still play the games either way.
I like a mix of both styles, like a couple of members have said so far. This is what characterize the Final Fantasy franchise and this mix bring originality to these universes. You got people that fight with guns while some others fight with swords in the same universe (XIII or VIII for example). I think every Final Fantasy from IV incorporate some non-medieval elements (airships for instance).

I tend to prefer the ones that have a more medieval universe however, like IV or even VI, which takes place in a sort of post-medieval/industrial revolution universe.
I kind of like how FFX did it. A once futuristic society reverting back to a more primal one. I love how you can see the remnants of the futuristic society even though everyone is fighting with swords, magic, and... blitz balls.
There are endearing parts about both types, but I would prefer a modern style- like 8. Using things in the present day and near future with some things thrown in from "Medieval" although its more from the fantasy genre than medieval.

Ragnarock was an awesome airship, blogs & online tutorials- brilliant.
Oh man! I was totally going to say Futuristic hands down when I saw this thread, but then after reading the posts, I'm convinced that I like a mix too. Although I lean towards the futuristic elements. For example, two of my least favorite settings are the medieval one in FFIX and the primal one in FFX. I loved, and I know a lot of you might not know this one, but I loved the floating city in the sky in Chrono Trigger. And of course, I loved the steampunk settings of VI and VII.
I prefer a more old-school style, I find there more appeal in a medieval concept rather than a modern style. Medieval is more realistic (as far as realism in Final Fantasy is going to go anyway) whereas the more modern style you see over and over again in other games so it just loses its appeal just for the fact you see it far too often.
I like futurism with a hint of the old. So, I enjoy seeing all the spaceships and all the advanced technology but what would Final Fantasy be without swords and magic? I also like progressions; a new, futuristic part of the world while there is an old part. You can see the past, and how it has changed.
To me Final Fantasy is a matter of balance, for the most parts the modern FF games (VII-XIII) are the right kind of mix, they usually imitate an enemy force as a modern day military functions, Soldiers, armies, guns missiles and the like.

But the Main party on a FF game is usually only equipped with Close combat weapons like swords and Spears and the odd Gun wielder, but it is this balance that makes battles on FF so much fun, anyone can use a projectile weapon, but it takes real skill to use a Sword.

Thats combat anyway as for the worlds of FF, if you take FFVII as the benchmark they had relatively advanced modern Technology, military tech, but it was supplemented with Robots and battle mechs so its just a matter of balance.

FFVIII had the same kind of Tech as FFVII but it was cleaner and more refined, probably because the Power source was not so.......9mired in controversy as Mako energy is/was,
there is very little info on the energy sources in FFVIII:lew: you see the battery things hanging of the back of Cars in Galbadia, they look l,ike some kind Electricity generator,
but the Esthar Tech is powered by some kind of advanced energy source?

Point I was making is that even tho technology on FFVIII was Advanced it was not a focal point it was just in the game, and you accepted it as modern Facsimiles of our

FFIX:ffs: Steam Engines Wow!! just Wow!!:lew: and the AirShip theme was alot of fun
but mostly medievil with shades of Industrialization of Gaia, some futuristic theme was added when you visit Terra but thats it.

FFX didnt know WTF it was about Technology wise, Projectile weapons, Airships Blitzball Stadiums, Praying, worship and sacrifice :srsly: usually these things balance out but Spira was held in Limbo because of the Dogmatic view of fucken Yevon, Luckily in FFX-2
they started using the advanced Tech of 1000 in the past which was cool.

FFXII, the air ships and rotating ring free energy generators were very inventive, the Tech in FFXII was kinda of magic based if I remember right? whatever its just a shame Vaan didnt fall from an airship :amg:!

FFXIII very interesting Tech in this game Most definitely the most advanced in the series outside of Esthar, with signs of Space time manipulation with Lights AMG or AMD or something? and the Airships:awesome: Look at Cocoon a giant floating sphere in the sky
image the energy needed just to keep it afloat? 10-45KeV!!

At the very least the technology in FF is very inventive.
Old and New

But If I had to choose one it would be old-school........Futuristic cities and towns in FF games really do my head in at times, it is kinda weird using a sword,spear,rod etc to fight in a futuristic world it just doesn't go together. But overall I think the best world would but old and futuristic........FFXIII did have the futuristic world of cocoon, and I did like it,but using swords,spears,magic against soldiers with guns is just weird...........however when you made the leap to Gran Pulse it did seem more sensible to tame monsters with swords and spears and such.

Anyway I don't like using guns in RPG games don't know why but its just weird.........the only reason I think SE have characters with guns is because of the worlds they are set in.
Medieval. I live in a fantasy world at times and I like the medieval settings best. Most games already have a futuristic setting and I can play those instead of FF. I'd like to see a newer game set completely in a medieval setting.
My favorite FF styles are more old-fashioned, either steampunk or straight-up medieval. If it gets too futuristic then it loses the sort of storybook fantasy element that I've come to appreciate about the series, and at this point having the party go into space for some plot reason has started to become a tad cliche :hmmm: I would kind of prefer to see less of the futuristic stuff in future FFs.
I agree with what everyone else is saying - a mixture between the old style and the futuristic style is key to Final Fantasy. There's not much I can add to what has already been said, you know? Although, I kind of like the Steampunk aspects of some Final Fantasy's as well (airships, steam ships, etc).

To be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing a FF completely in the style of Steampunk.

Final Fantasy VI is steampunk. And I guess it's the style of VI that I like the best; not medieval, but not hi-tech either. The machines are the most fantasyish in the series.

Why, I'm actually rather sick of all the high-tech worlds. Hopefully Square will trY something new for the next game.
I liked the blend of Star Wars and ancient Tolkien fantasy type design that was balanced in FF12. In FF10, they lived in a phantasmagorical world, but felt that technology was some kind of demon. In FF13 it was. They went futuristic, but I felt it was too futuristic in some kind of way, because the game felt too robotic to the point of boredom. I only played it for a while, so I can't criticize too much. I'm sure it had its wild and free side beyond the city of Cocoon. But that the battle programming felt boring and tedious somehow. Computer programming is for the game makers, not the players. I like the ancient days final fantasies, with just a dash of techno power.
I think I like the future theme. I liked XIII's theme and seeing the technology, it's too bad it wasn't a "better" game. I found X's fantasy theme a bit disappointing. However it doesn't really matter to me so long as either one doesn't get boring.
I prefer the medieval styles from I-IV or V, but I do like how XII was done with the mix of medieval and tech. I also liked XIII.

We'll just have to see how XIII-2 is done. It looks like it could go with a mix of medieval and tech (ruins or a castle of some sort behind Lightning and her armor, but her sword appeared to change form in the trailer)