Omega Mark XII


ShinRa Guard
Jan 4, 2007
I'm just going back to the great crystal now after defeating Yiazamat. What torture that was. But i'm heading to take on Omega Mark XII. Has anyone beaten him yet? What strategies did you use? Who is harder Yiazamat or Omega?
I've traveled to visit Omega when he was in his dormant state before defeating Yiazmat, and he doesn't look that intimidating as a mechanical spider-bot. However, he will be more cunning and difficult, so I suggest getting your character levels as high as poissible since he is a level 99 enemy.
yiazmat = 50 million HP
omega mark XII = 9 million HP

from what i have heard, omega is still a really frickin' hard battle. i'm still chipping away at yiazmat, so i'll probably be fighting omega for myself soon enough.
How do you gain access to these elite marks? I've defeated every mark except for Diabolos and Fafnir.
To get the elite marks you have to be a member of the Clan Centurio in Rabanastre which is headed by MontBlanc. I'm surprised you haven't hit that place up yet. Go in, talk to MontBlanc, and he will occasionally reward you for your accomplishments in your journey's and defeats of bosses, as well as offer you the chance to fight the Elite Marks.
I have been in there. My rank is "Knight of the Round." All Montblanc tells me is "I have no hunts for you right now, kupo."
you have to defeat all marks before he offers you yiazamat... and you have to accept the yiazamat hunt (not complete) before omega wakes from his dormant state. Defeat your last 2 marks and then you should be able to fight them. Also you have to defeat hell wyrm before montblanc allows you to fight yiazamat. Hope this helps.
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you have to defeal all marks before he offers yo yiazamat... and you have to accept the yiazamat hunt (not complete) before omega wakes from his dormant state. Defeat your last 2 marks and then you should be able to fight them. Also you have to defeat hell wyrm before montblanc allows you to fight yiazamat. Hope this helps.

Thx, that's what I figured.
Well i finally figured out the strategy to take down Omega. My main characters were all leveled in the mid 80's and I had no chance of taking him down by attacking and healing. If you want the perfect strategy to beat him look below, heck i think its the only strategy.

Have your strongest character equipped with the strongest weapon (zodiac spear) and have him attack. While you other two characters must have gambits set to do nothing but cast reverse, decoy, haste, and curaja in that order.

After this is set up its easy! GOOD LUCK!
masamune and gengi gloves is way better than zodiac spear
but omega mark XII has a chance of 1 hit ko your people no matter what your hp is
The answer to beating any 'hard' boss, is to cast reverse - Good Game
Ok...yeah he's a lvl 99 bastard...better get your lvls high up before even dreaming of going to get are some tips if you want them :
- Use decoy and Reverse constantly
-Set the leader to attack and only attack
-Equip bubble belt to the lead character to ensure his health
-Also equip armor that lowers the character's resistence to 0 (the other characters will be casting on him constantly)
-Have the other two character's cast Reverse and Docy contantly on your main fighter, also make them cure him constantly and cast Hastega in him as well
-Have the other two characters ready to cast cure on them selves as well
-Keep Decoy and Reverse casted at all times
-Always have Bubble belt equiped just in case reverse wears off
-Run if nessesay, go to the top of the ramp and heal quickly before the boos heals it self

Hope this helps any of you and good luck (Yeah the bastard is tought as hell ><;; )
Haven't got to him yet, i'm level 73 still trying to beat the Behemoth King! Got a couple of more hunts and then i'll be there. Including Yiazmat, whom i'm not looking forward to fighting.
Yeah I'm relatively new to 12, (lvl 31 vaan mt bur), about 37 hours in but i'm going to complete every aspect of this FF. I'm absolutely licking my lips at the prospect of a 6 and a half hour battle ( a figure guesstimated from others accounts, no need to correct :) ) against yiaz. Thanks square, you and only you, truly know how to make a boss battle rewarding.
Yea, my battle against Yaizmat was about 5 and a half. The first half of the battle... I wasn't in the room. I had my gambits set up so well I just let them fight. And he was still pretty easy until he got to about 1/4th HP. Then he got pretty difficult.

If I had to pick between the two, I would say that technically Omega is harder... because he is much stronger. Omega can wipe your party out in 2 hits while it takes Yaizmat quite a few (although the bastard can combo them into hell and back).

Even with that being said, I'd have to say that Yaizmat might be the "more difficult" battle. Simply because with every battle there are some times when you'll get very lucky and sometimes when you'll get very unlucky. The battle with the God of Wyrms was long enough that you could get very very unlucky at times and he'd end up wiping out your party.

The battle with Omega is much shorter (although still long)... so you really can go through it and do fairly well