Playstation On the edge of anger!!


ShinRa Guard
Mar 1, 2008
well lets start by telling you guys what kind of dog i have. full bread pit i love her to death her name's sissy well lets just say love is a tough word. well i spent my full check lets say about $350 on my psp n some new games. thats quite a lot of money and games well when i went up to my room to play my new found games i found my dog eating half of them like they were donuts. i lost madden 07 and 08 (psp) Fight night round 3 (psp) scarface (psp) god father (psp) and assasins creed (PS3) i was mad sad and upset and i held my anger...i didnt kick her down the stairs if that is what your wandering. have any of you been in this situation??
I'm sorry but I lol'd :wacky:

My cat has destroyed a couple of DVD cases which has made me mad, so if she did that to my games, she WOULD get kicked down the stairs. I think I'd be fuming for a good few weeks
my dog chewed up a rental from Blockbuster when he was a puppy. hes a german sheppard so it wasn't hard for him. we forgave him cuz he was just so darn cute
I can't claim to have had this problem.
Which is amazing considering the vast amount of dogs I've had in my life!

A friends bird attacked my Pokemon yellow though. I was really mad about that XD
I can't claim to have had this problem.
Which is amazing considering the vast amount of dogs I've had in my life!

A friends bird attacked my Pokemon yellow though. I was really mad about that XD

I just lol'd again, this thread is funny :wacky:

Why the hell did it single out your pokemon? I find that so amusing, I'm getting great imagery, what kind of bird was it? :wacky:
well lets start by telling you guys what kind of dog i have. full bread pit i love her to death her name's sissy well lets just say love is a tough word. well i spent my full check lets say about $350 on my psp n some new games. thats quite a lot of money and games well when i went up to my room to play my new found games i found my dog eating half of them like they were donuts. i lost madden 07 and 08 (psp) Fight night round 3 (psp) scarface (psp) god father (psp) and assasins creed (PS3) i was mad sad and upset and i held my anger...i didnt kick her down the stairs if that is what your wandering. have any of you been in this situation??


That's a real bummer. I haven't had anything like that happen to me...but the dogs at my house (all 6 of 'em) are pretty small. They couldn't go through my games the way a pit bull could. I HAVE had wires to my console get chewed up...but those aren't all that expensive.

You're a good man being able to keep your cool like that. I can't guarantee that I'd handle things quite as well. lololol
I do not want to get on your case but doesnt your dog do this kind of stuff often ? You should know your dog well enough , if you love it so much, to not leave things like that out in the open.

Im not here to judge, or preach to you. However, I think it was your fault too. The dog is arrogant and less intelligent, and you are more intelligent and should not be so arrogant.

I hope you corrected your dog soon after, if not then you are actually more arrogant than the dog. It has to learn some how, it wont learn if you do not teach it.
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Ah, I feel bad for you. This is one of the reasons why I don't have nor want pets.
This is why you buy games at gamestop and get the additional insurance thing for a year. xD

Also, I would've beaten that dog with a stick. Bastard.

Can't say that I've been in such a situation, though. My dog is a small and fat little doggie, plus she's usually banned from entering my room. But I don't think she has a taste for CD roms, anyway. :monster:
My cats (all four of them) attacked my Pokemon Ruby game...
While I was playing it...
So that annoyed the hell out of me...
It was when I was battling a Gym Leader, the flying one I think, and they didn't like the music or some shit...
This is why you buy games at gamestop and get the additional insurance thing for a year. xD

Who the hell does that? It's a waste of the extra $2 or whatever they charge for it now. Besides, if you're actually careful with your stuff and keep it out of reach of animals, things won't happen :wacky:
Who the hell does that? It's a waste of the extra $2 or whatever they charge for it now.

It's only two bucks. To insure that they weren't lying once, I bought something, went outside, and smashed it into pieces. Went back in, and they gave me a new game.

But I think that paying two dollars for a year long insurance thing is pretty reasonable. I'm also a kind of "shit happens" person, so I get it all the time.:neomon:
Our gamestop doesn't even offer insurance anyway, but $2 would only be like £1 or less here anyway...

And no...I can't say I've ever had any of my stuff vandalised by any of my pets. My friends puppy likes to chew on my Stewie plushie, so we hit her with it :wacky: When I had dogs myself they were rarely in my room, and they were like, trained to behave., I typically put things out of reach of the animals in my know...on shelves.
wow your acting like i left my new games on the floor with a doggie treat next to them. my room is on the 2nd floor and all my games are on my desk with my laptop sissy just decided to find her way upstairs one way or the other climb on my chair and go to town on my games...and for the replys about the birds. i have a blue and gold macaw* and if you walk in its room with a fitted hat on it will attack you. but its only if its fitted
I just lol'd again, this thread is funny :wacky:

Why the hell did it single out your pokemon? I find that so amusing, I'm getting great imagery, what kind of bird was it? :wacky:

I wanna say it was a parakeet... I can't remember XD. It was many a year ago, back when I first moved to Washington!