One Big FFVII Rip Off?

Me? Doughting FF Series Relation? Nope.

OBVIOUSLY the creators hold a special place when they come to creating their characters personality and/or image.

1. Theres ALWAYS A young, cheeky blond dude who appears to be the main guy

2. Theres ALWAYS an optimistic, cute girl who has a close connection with 1

3. Theres ALWAYS a hotter guy, who knows more than 1 and pushes 1 around, but in the back of his mind, likes 1 a lot (as a friend of course)

4. Theres ALWAYS some kind of "thing" like non-human, hidden behind a thoughtful and intelligent face, with a deep sadness about there old home.

5. Theres ALWAYS a beautiful, usually (in fact always I think) brunette girl who softly and unwillingly falls for 1

6. Theres ALWAYS an older, stronger man, who's history is rapped in a mystery, and has a symbolic wound, as if the past still haunts him.

7. Theres always #2's sidekick or close friend or even family, usually wise and female, telling the party whats up, so us players aren't lost.

Heres the most contravener (at the moment) examples:

A. Cloud, Vaan, Tidus

B. Yuffie (Tifa*), Penelo, Rikku

C. Barret, Balthier (THE hottest so far), Wakka

D. Cat Saith (sp?) AND Red X (wow 2 of 'em), Fran**, Kimahri

E. Aries (sp? go easy on me, i didn't play it.), Ashe, Yuna

F. Vincent, Basch, Auron

G. Tifa*, Fran**, Lulu

* The optimism in this example is in another character (yuffie or something) and shes close to Barret, but still plays clouds closest friend

** FFXII only had 6 characters, so number 7 and number 4 where combined, in a very good way i think.
i mean, who ever really likes kimahri as a playable character. Hes awesome as a character, but just a burden to those who cant "ignore" a character, and has to train them all. and i heard cat saith was a joke, so I think 12 did a great job combining 7 & 4.

And of course, theres always a Cid, sometimes playable, mostly not.
Theres also a very smart scientist who used to be a good man, but got so caught up in his work he becomes lost to whats right. (Hojo [FFVII], Mechan [FFX/FFx-2{turned out to be unsent for 1000 years}], Dr. Cid)
And recently there has been an image of a man, handsome, long hair that flows in face, and looks appealing, but always has another plan going on that has nothing to do with what he tells his listeners. (Nooj [FFX-2], and Vayne)
And call me silly, but I think they are making fun of Fabio, the real life male model, in FFX/FFX-2 as Rin? Long Blond flowing locks . . . muscular ripped abdomen . . . fantasy accent . . . Too shallow for me, but I guess every other girl loves him.

Who knows who these people are, but they are real people, who influenced someone who has a lot of power in FF series, Like the creator, or writer, or mabey producer. Recently, one of them had retired, I'm not sure AT ALL which one, I just heard a whisper of a rumor that someone had retired, which would indubitably explain the sudden change in main character and friends. But it makes perfect sense there alike, there all made by the same people, for the most parts. Its like a CD. You buy the CD and you listen to it, and all the songs are similar.
Some may be sad that they won't get there dose of these people, but remember, it will be nice to have a change. I know I'll be sad, I really like the whole blond-guy-who's-best-friend-is-cheery-is-falling-for-the-
by-the-deep-voice-old-man thing. Lolz.
On a serious note, everyone can relate to a person in the party. Heres the bottom line proof that these people were MENT to be alike: I, Kourtney, am most like Yuffie, Rikku, and Penelo. Look back at B. Imagine that.

So lets loop back to the point. DESPITE the fact that Final Fantasy games really ARE a lot alike, and its a no brainer that they all have strange coincidences , FFXIII will NOT be a rip or FFVII. The reason being is that there are new "album artists" making the game, so it should actually be VERY different then the rest. Saying FF13 is like ANY other FF, is like saying Hannah Montana has the same kind of music as Three Days Grace. Different people behind the scenes, different results. And that as they say is that.
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Why's Nomura getting all the blame. All he does is draw the characters not translate them into a 3D model...
ok clouds sword from ac is called the first tsurugi i think not sure but i dont care what the game looks like i dont care if they used cloud himself id still play it on the fact that it has final fantasy in the tital and lives up to the final fantasy standards good graphics, great gameplay, pimpin music thats all
I don't see, honestly... I think the old claim about FFX designs being ripped from FFVIII held more weight (Squall=Tidus; Rinoa=Yuna)... especially with the Cloud to pink haired chick... I mean... thats just pushing it way too hard. Also, I can't see Sephiroth in the Versus guy anymore than I could see him in Zidane... and Tifa being some other generic brunette chick? I mean... seriosuly people... its all ridiculous. Sure they all have that Japanese emo look to them... but so does every other charcater in a serious human-based Japanese game... its their style!
To be perfecty honest, no one can judge Final Fantasy XIII before they've even played it! Maybe the futeristic setting is similar to that of Final Fantasy VII but the story's probably going to be completely different.
The newest girl from versus has almsot the same exact facial features as Tidus does in FFX. I haven't really paid any attention to this game yet as it'll probably hit only the Playstation 3, and there's no way I'm getting one.
actualy theres more than 13 fe games theres x 2 with lots of new characters pain and so on then the rest of the sequals have a couple new characters
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I'm sorry but...could you be more clear in your post? I couldn't really understand what you are trying to say here...I in no way mean this to be offensive, it just really is hard to understand what you're meaning here.
All in the Final Fantasy series have similarities and are continually mocked by groups of gamers for that very reason. I suppose there are similarities allthough your argument for Tifa and the newest Versus dame is unfounded. A lot of female character designs have been similar over the years. Please desist from being a VII fanboy and wait for the remake: you know it's inevitable.

-Sir Balthier
All in the Final Fantasy series have similarities and are continually mocked by groups of gamers for that very reason. I suppose there are similarities allthough your argument for Tifa and the newest Versus dame is unfounded. A lot of female character designs have been similar over the years. Please desist from being a VII fanboy and wait for the remake: you know it's inevitable.

-Sir Balthier

Just to make corrections, I'm not a boy, so I can't be a 'fanboy,' and FFVII is not my favorite Final Fantasy, by any means. I'd prefer full-blown remakes of FFIV and FFVI, before VII. So with that out of the way, I'm just going to say:
Yes, there are always similarities between the games, but that doesn't mean I can't remark on the uncanny resemblances between these designs. There are a million different faces in the world, yet the characters tend to be rendered from the same similar set of them.

And, from those photos, Tifa and the Versus girl, in the face, look VERY similar. The girl in Versus may be blonde and blue-eyed, but it's the facial expressions and the rendering that gets me.
Okay, "fangirl" it is. Although it seems I am highly mistaken, for that I am sorry.

Out of friendly curiosity, what is your favourite Final Fantasy, Miss Fates?

-Sir Balthier

I'll accept that. xD
FFVI is my favorite, VII ranks 6th on my favorites. FFVI, FFIV, FF Tactics, FFXII, FFIX, FFVII...and others after.

To be back on topic:
I'm waiting to see some more new designs, but nothing has been coming out on Versus or XIII lately, just those transforming Summon-bikes.
Yes, there are always similarities between the games, but that doesn't mean I can't remark on the uncanny resemblances between these designs. There are a million different faces in the world, yet the characters tend to be rendered from the same similar set of them.

I sympathize with you, some people are getting far to upset about something that has been the case for many, many years. Albeit some people like yourself have touched on it, the root of the problem is Nomura. Although I think he is a great artist his inspiration and creative mentality is somewhat stagnant.


If I really wished I could keep making more of these, (and trust me there would be a lot to make), on the similarities of all the characters over the past 10/11 years.

- Hair
- Facial features
- Belts
- Buckles
- Massive swords/keyblades
- etc, etc.

It could take all day to list them all...all Contra (and now myself) are trying to put across is that this is Nomura's work, the XIII characters were always going to be like characters Nomura has made over the years because that is what all his work is like. Nobody is moaning about it but a bit of originality wouldn't go amiss now and again.