One Disappointment...


Cecil's Best Friend
Apr 16, 2007
I might be the only one but I was kind of disappointed that they didnt have a Jump materia or something like that. I really like dragoons and lancers and their jump abilities and I wish that there was a way you could do that in this game. What do you guys think about this?
Ya i definitly think that cid should have had one for sure cause he is a sort of dragoon class. But wouldnt it be akward to see cloud jump 10 feet in the air and come down on someone (im excluding the scences in FF7:AC xD)
Jump materia? Erm, it wouldn't really be needed because the characters' limit breaks already included jumping...with style. =) Besides, there were many other cooler materias.
It would have been...awkward for them to make the characters jump. I'm not sure if Cid does since i've never used him..But can you imagine Aerith and Tifa and Red XIII with the jump materia? It just wouldn't work O_O Cait Sith jumping? It would be ridiculous.

Could work on a remake though xD
Cid has his limit ability set to jump. :monster: *berates Mark on his lack of FFVII knowledge*
I, for one, would have loved to seen it in the menu, but yeah for the most part it's not really necessary.
To be honest I didnt care for the JUMP ability. The only one in your party that acted like a Dragoon was Cid. And I didnt like him at all. So I didnt care for the JUMP ability.
Thats because your a newb Strife. Jump is made of total win. They should have had a Jump materia, one that made you jump a thousand feet in the air and then penetrate any monster for 9999 damage, and it should have been called The Ultimate Jump.

Yeah... that woulda been awesome...

I'm Angof and I'm a Dragoon fan. Nice to meet you.
Well see thats where I had said I wasnt a dragoon fan. Freya was good and I did use her in FFIX but in FFVII I just didnt care.
Thats because your a newb Strife. Jump is made of total win. They should have had a Jump materia, one that made you jump a thousand feet in the air and then penetrate any monster for 9999 damage, and it should have been called The Ultimate Jump.

Yeah... that woulda been awesome...

I'm Angof and I'm a Dragoon fan. Nice to meet you.

i dont know about all that but i just like dragoons and i love the jump ability so thats why i wish it would have had it...but thats just me
Well the closest you will get to jump attacks are the various limits in ff7. Cloud has Braver. Tifa has meteor barret and another limit. Cid has jump and hyper jump. If you want jump related attacks that much just use this party and jump to your heart's content. :monster:
I doubt I would have even used it if I had it, it would of just gathered dust in my inventory I think. I rarely used it in IX
~SapphireStar~ said:
Pleas dont call members noobs

Considering he didn't say anything about it don't you think that perhaps he is ok with me calling him a newb. Maybe we know eachother and were joking around. It would be nice if you didn't go around to every thread harassing me because you don't like me for some reason too. Kthxbai.

Jump in most Final Fantasy games don't have a huge use. This is beause they are like normal attacks that take longer to use. Sure you can make a wonderful use out of them to dodge some attacks and such, but their use is just so limited. The only game that Jump is majorly useful is FFXI because not only can you deal damage, but you can lose hate, gain more TP than a normal hit, and dodge some damage if you time it well.

Hints why I say you should have gotten a really powerful jump, that way you would have a reason to use it. Sure it was exaggerated, but that was just to get my point across.
Alright guys, cut the drama please. I don't want to see this thread leading into an argument. AngofWolf, if you have a problem with a moderator, then feel free to PM another mod about the issue or an admin. Please don't publicly post it. Thank you! Carry on with your discussion!
I would have liked more elemental materia. There hardly any water, wind and holy attacks in the game.

Jump could have been added for a better effect but hey ^_^
Considering how power based everything was in ff7 a jump materia would not make the slightest bit of difference IMO. Though a fun extra I doubt I would have used it, and besides, materia is more focused on magic. Most of the physical attack materia were hardly any better than the regular attacks, other than a few more hits or a wider attack range.
I would have to say the way limit breaks were gained was annoying. Very easy of course. I didn't feel the way they were learned didn't fit how the story is in the game. Very minor complaint, though this game has little to no problems.
I kinda wish they had that too. It would had fit perfectly in and great for cid. Possibly it could had been cool for cloud>_<