Onion Knight

Nope, it's not possible. You can only send one mognet message to each NPC until you communicate with real people. To do the onion knight quest, you need to be able to send Topapa 4 messages until he gives you the one "The Children Are in Trouble!"
The other MogNet accessible quests are Sara's Pendant, a final dungeon, and the Legendary Blacksmith quests.
I would recommend either

A) getting the USB WiFi dongle for the DS
B) going to a cafe or something with WiFi access you can use
C) finding someone else who has a DS and message back and forth 7 times.

With the messaging, you're restricted to 1 per hour. If you're at a cafe or something, you're not gonna want to wait 7 hours with someone else to get these messages. The easy way to get around this is:

A) Message the friend
B) Save your game
C) Set your DS's clock forward one hour
D) Start up FFIII again
E) Voila! You should be able to message once again
F) Repeat until you're done.

Oh, I just noticed you're in Kentucky. My wife and I are from there. If you're near a university or library you should be fine. Most of them have some wifi hotspots that are publicly accessible. Even try a coffee shop or something. Just go there and bring someone's friend code and give them yours. You can even use mine. Access this site on a terminal and just PM or otherwise notify whoever it is, so they can set up your friend code on their DS.
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Dang rumors lol

Well anyway, so your saying I can go to my library and be able to connect to wi-fi? Because my library is the only place I could go to.

Another question. Nintendo Power said that you could connect and Mcdonalds. Was that true?
If it's one of the McDonald's with a WiFi connection. Lots of places these days have those, and I remember McDonald's flirting with it. However, it depends on where you are. A McDonald's in Lexington would be different from a McDonald's in Somerset. Also, it depends on how well your area funds your library as to whether or not they have WiFi. I remember Lexington Public Library did, and it's a relatively popular and inexpensive thing for most libraries to implement, so it's a good chance they have a WiFi connection there.

Some coffeeshops and restaurants advertise WiFi, but they still require you to have a subscription to the service there, so check it out.
Dang rumors lol

Well anyway, so your saying I can go to my library and be able to connect to wi-fi? Because my library is the only place I could go to.

Another question. Nintendo Power said that you could connect and Mcdonalds. Was that true?

There are lots of hotspots. I even found out that Barnes and Noble was a hotspot.
I wonder if wallmart could be one lol

Well anyway, I probably dont have a chance of being able to do it then. I live to far in the mountains and people dont give dang about us. Everywhere around us sucks. I wonder if mine does have it anyway? I'll have to check tommorow..............
Don't despair on FFIII Wi-Fi

Is it possible to acess him without Wi-fi? IF you do, im screwed.:mad:

Good luck and I'm ready to exchange seven messages with anyone using that send, receive, save, reset the DS clock and send again.

My friend code for FFIII on the DS is: 468238124576.

Try to catch me on.


i just got the onion knight

i dont have wifi either, all you have to do is send and recieve 7 letters to a friend even if its just ds to ds!!! the onion knight looks a little wierd...
Yea thats right you dont need WiFi as long as you know someone that also has Final Fantasy III you can send message to either other if your in the same room as each other.. then you can send messages without havin to go onto the WiFi.. But if you dont have anyone that has the game then you'll need WiFi
PM me if you need an Onion Knight buddy. I never got it and I just got my Linksys to work with my DS.
I only know two people with DSs. One is in Arizona (I am in Colorado) and the other I don't talk to anymore, lol.

I think the onion knight looks cute. I don't have him, but I have the strategy guide and it shows all the classes and talks about them. It's a very useful resource to have.
WiFi or Infared connection.

You need to send 7+ letters to a friend. You don't have to recieve them back neither.