Opera House

Celes's singing is awesome! XD yeah I liked the SNES sound effects instead of actual voices. If they ever remake this game, we'll probaby get a full chorus for this scene.
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I think the Opera House is suppose to be the first true climatic scene where Locke begins to fall in love with Celes as she sings about her lost love.
I didn't think it was all that great tbh, I did like it but, from reading through this fred and people saying how epic it was and its like zomg the best ppart in the game I might just call it a day

Although I am finally beginning to enjoy the game so I might not...until I get stuck again :wacky:

Chasing Ultros amused me and making out like it was all part of the act was pretty good.

I got sick of the singing part though because I fluffed it about 5 times...

I forgot to read the script the first time, the second time I was to busy reading said singing and forgot to select the oh my hero or whatever it is, the third time i missed the second prompt and the last 2...oh wait it might have been 3.. I didn't run up the stairs so I ran out time...

I do struggle with these things :wacky:

I did like it when the show opened though, all the colours were pretty and the conductor made me laugh, he looks like a demented fox or something and I like what they did with Celes' outfit. Very pretty :monster:
It was more epic for the accomplishment at the time it first came out, really...Having a whole scene where we got voices synced w/their mouth movements...And really? How could you muss it up so many times? If you know you're bad at that kind of thing, you can always write it down...>_>
I did write it down and I still buggered it up xD

I was getting really rather annoyed with it tbh. I thought the bit about picking up the flowers was part of the song so I left her stood there and wondered when she was gunna carry on :wacky:

I just kept running out of time at that point lol

I suck, I really do :wacky:
LOL when I first played I thought the picking up flowers part was also part of the song. And I couldn't understand why I kept messing it up. I thought maybe I wasn't doing the dance with the guy right :O

Finally I think I read the script a few more times and I realized that I was supposed to throw the flowers over the balcony. :O
Apparently so, I kept thinking that aswel Rydia, I think I will be having nightmares about that scene for a while. I swear I know that stupid song off by heart now -_-