

Slayer of God
May 11, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Is it just me or did the leveling system in this game uh... not exist at all? The relic idea just made all the characters the same. And when you have a file with friends going do you have a hard time not putting you character through dungeon after dungeon to boost his stats when your friends are not around? I really feel that this game could have benefited a lot with a more EXP centred leveling system.

Your ideas?
it wasn't that bad.
It was diabolical. This game, like the movie Spirits Within, does not deserve to bear the illustrious title of Final Fantasy.
The story was next to non-existant. All we were given was the brief and poor story of some random traveller told by your characters father at the beginning of eah year. It gives the game very little depth, and takes away much of the desire to continue with the game. Which leads nicely onto my next point; There was no objective to the game.
You had to visit two or three areas to fill up your bowl with the water from the trees and nothing else. It got old after the first two collections, boring after the first year, tedious after the second and easily forgetable after that. There was no end in sight for the game and it became unplayable. It too gave the game very little depth and gave players little to work towards (whereas previous FF games had an objective of 'save the world').
And now the characters. Because you could only include one character in your game, there was very little character interaction which made the game linear, boring and really highlighted other shortcomings in it as there was nothing to break up the water collection. The only time characters did talk was on the rare occasion in a town, and when your character's parents say goodbye to you at the beginning of the year.
The landscapes also were poor. They were designed with little thought or creativity and the player really feels as if they're being forced to the end rather than making their own way there due to the lack of deviation available from the areas and plotline.
Just like the objective, battles were repetetive and boring. No enemies really required any tactics to defeat, as they could all be defeated with a limited amount of patience and a few, timed presses of the A button. Not exciting at all.
'Nuff said?
The game wasn't that bad. If u get a bunch of friends together it was actually very fun. I found teh game to kind of suck when i played alone. But with friends it was great.
I found this game extremely difficult and lack-luster in the whole 'actual game' thing. The only way to possibly have a chance on surving was if you were lucky enough to find the right materials to make a super-powerful weapon, and to have had the right spells. As the years go by the enemies just become more invincible and make you really wonder what it is you're even supposed to be doing :S I got around the 4th year and was OMG :P