

Hardcore Hero
Oct 24, 2006
Sometimes the World that Never Was, sometimes Cast
I think Square made Blitzball way too hard and complicated. Basically it was RPG-ish. I think they should have made it like a normal football game (just obviously in the form of Blitzball) anyone else no what I'm talking about? (Or am I just to dumb to add up my HP :P!)
God, like I've said before, I've had this game for about six years now, and I still don't understand how to play it.
There's too many rules and instructions to follow! o_O
I whole-heartedly agree. It seems that a sports game couldn't even feature in a Final Fantasy game without being just a simple sport. Nope, that was too much like a sports game for square-enix so they chose to implement all that ya-da-ya-da-ya-da and make it another HEAVY startegy game. It was utter nonsense for it though. Nice idea that should have been what its name suggests; may be they should have named it BlitzPG Ball or something.
I think blitz ball is good, it would be too different for the game to not be rpg based, as its in an rpg, the genre this site is dedicated to :rolleyes:
i havent won one match since i first started this game :dry: the hp thing is way 2 hard. I tied once tho!!:)
I hate blitzball in general. I wanted to get Wakka's ultimate weapon and i found out you have to win some blitz tourneys. So I just duck it. IT's not worth it. It's too complicated and over-done.
i didnt think so many ppl disliked blitzball
the rpg-ish style of it made it all the more fun to me
the only thing that i dislike about it is the amout of teams i can play agaisnt
I think it's too easy, tbh. Once you know what you're doing, you're flying.

Lvling up is a pain, though. The opposing team lvls up more than me, even if I bloody win.

*shakes fist*
I agree ive never lost a blitz ball game including the first match you play, though I personally love it I thought it was pretty easy especially once you reach high levels but it was interesting and I liked it alot.(the first match was crazy hard though)
I think it's too easy, tbh. Once you know what you're doing, you're flying.

Agreed. Once I got a Guado on my team all I had to do is use his speed to dance around the sphere, luring the poor AI towards one end and then use a long pass to give it to Tidus and score with ease. It was EASY and OVERDONE. Sorry, it wasn't that good.
Blitzball was easy to play, and altogether an enjoyable sidequest (if it can be called that:| )
It provided a nice break if you got bored or impatient with the storyline of FFX
If you don't like Blitzball then don't continue playing it - it is optional after all.
If you're confused with how to play the game then listen carefully to the instructions given - it just a matter of subtracting status' to determine whether or not a move will succeed. True, it does seem difficult at the beginning, but once you get the hang of it and if you have the Jecht Shot its really fun - you get some really cool items too.:D
Leave Blitzball alone!!! It's not hard or complicated! It rocks! Besides, I like that it's different to football - if u wanna play footie then you'd buy a footie game!
It is rpg based but i like it although it becomes very easy when your tidus reaches lv 80+
give the ball to him and shoot (instant goal)
Leave Blitzball alone!!! It's not hard or complicated! It rocks! Besides, I like that it's different to football - if u wanna play footie then you'd buy a footie game!

I also loved it for the fact that it was an underwater sport, it was very different from just another basketball, football rip-off. However, it was easy. I didn't mind the stats and the learning of the skills; it was a nice add of depth (sort of like a simplified Football/Championship Manager); however I just didn't like the fact that you felt controlled by the CPU. It supposed to be a sport but it didn't feel or play like it. The whole general concept was nice it was just the execution of the way it PLAYED that I didn't like it got tired, it felt stiff and wasn't that challenging.
It would have been better if they kept the RPG depth within the managing of your team and such and had the fluid control for the actual playing of the game.
Once you get the basics blitz is easy. get posession and wait for a guy to get into a good position. What i found to be a good tactic is to give forwards tackle moves,like wither tackle makes bringing down a opponent really easy. That and experiment with the tactics like counter, simply grab the ball with the midfielder and go back to goal, wait for a forward to get near the goal and pass and finnish with a jecht shot. Simple