
Did YOU beat Ozma???

Hell was this guy hard, talk about cheapness galore, Move aside Yiazmat and Penance This guy was A rocksolid cookie but worth the challenge, Who beat him??
I never even attempted to fight him - i heard so many times that he was a bastard child and such that i really couldnt be bothered :P although there are videos on Youtube of Level 1 Vivis beating him o_0
Yeah i've seen it, Pure Cheapness man.I DID beat him But it took me like three weeks to finally realise i had to give Ore to all of them Stupid monsters I especially hated giving Whatever it was to that Yam or Yan thing
This is where I get confused....I didn't find him as hellishly hard as many people make him out to be. Sure, I needed to take a second shot at him before succeeding but I know people who were far better in terms of levels who took many attempts at him ( some not succeeding ever ) even though they'd also done the 8 spirits. I must just've got lucky with which moves he pulled out....:huh:
I haven't beaten it yet. I've fought it a few times, but I've always lost. I was levelling up a bit to beat him a while ago, but my PS1 control broke, then I lost my memory card and I've never played it since >_<
I have my own strategy if you would like to use it go head, but i head to go to go to school so i left it unfinished!LOL! If you use it let me know how it worked out for you.
Ozma was literally the hardest Boss i have fought in any final fantasy
ive beaten it and it wasnt too hard
Its more of a random battle
I thought penance was harder cause ozmas only attack that was truly annoying was meateor (it can do 9999 damage or 0 damage lol)
well i tried once, and i got owned badly at level 60. Never bothered to try again just cause i'm that lazy at leveling up. That with all the storys of how hard it is, well i just thought nooo don't want too do it and left it forever

reading this is making me want to try again.
I only tried five times of all the play-throughs I had. And those five times are dedicated to a single attempt to beat him on one file. D= Obviously, I beat him the fifth time.

But as for him not being hard, that's just bullcrap. He's definitely up there with Penance and so forth. Those negative status ailments were just too, too cheap.
ive beaten it and it wasnt too hard
Its more of a random battle
I thought penance was harder cause ozmas only attack that was truly annoying was meateor (it can do 9999 damage or 0 damage lol)

Penence was easy i reckon, Ozma was hard cause i accidently had Quina in my team (i think he sucks)
well any 'hard' boss is difficult if you have someone in your team that you dont use often
penance requires more thoughtful moves whereas with ozma you just you wing edge , dragon crest, grand lethal and flare ^_^
Nope. Tried a few times but Curse gets to me before I can deal any real big-time damage. I'll take off about 25,000 or so from Ozma before he turns all of my characters into the Budwieser Frogs.
i go him first go using zidane, amarant, freya and steiner at level 83, 87, 77 and 75 repectedly
What level should I be at to beat him? I think my characters are around level fifty or so.
around lv 65+ should be a good start
it helps to have wing edges if you use amarant
oh and if you dont do the friendly monster quest you must use long range attacks