Pans Labyrinth


Chocobo Breeder
Jan 19, 2007
Has anyone seen commercials for this movie!???? DOESNT IT LOOKS SO KICK ASS!???????!?!? Im like, dying every second I cant see it.....I need to see it....neeed...
i saw it...completely in was a great movie....

my girlfriend and i saw it and she...who really isnt into sci-fi....LOVED it...though it was a bit violent though...

good some places its only in select theaters
i so want to see it!!! i have an avater. a here is the moive web site!!!! its so cool!!! it evan has the hole sound track my fav one is #1 long,long time ago!!
ya isnt it the best !!! cheack out the website!!!!
it well make you like it even more!!!
I saw it with a friend of mine about two weeks ago. I really liked it, although some parts made me squeamish.

The part with the pale man and the food scared me.

Great movie though. 9/10 stars.
I was let down honestly. It liked it, and thought it had some deeply emotional moments and some wonderful imagery, but I don't think it's as great as some make it sound.
Pans Labrinyth

I thought this film was delightful and a break from the norm. Its mix of fantasy and war story made it very appealing and interesting.

My girlfriend on the other hand thought it was the most boring film see had ever seen.

What do you guys/gals think of it?
Amazing film, loved the characters and the gothic fairytale feel to it. Although I hated the guy with the eyes in his hands. freaky!
Although I hated the guy with the eyes in his hands. freaky!

Everything about him was just creepy. And the capitan stitching his own cheek made my skin crawl also.

I really loved this movie though. I liked the atmosphere and how the fairytale was set against the backdrop of a war-torn land. The characters were fantastic, especially Ofelia and Mercedes.
I saw a preview for this movie and I thought it was supposed to be about some kind of monster. I have to say I was disappointed that it wasn't, but it turned out to be a good movie.
I downloaded it a few months ago, I have to say it was pretty frigging awesome. I should probably buy it sometime, whenever it cheapens in price.
I thought it was quite good, but not something I would watch frequently by any means. For a sort of "dark fairytale" I thought it worked amazingly well. The nasty frog in the tree, the creepy eyes-in-the-hands guy, and Pan himself. Which begs the question, how could Ofelia take a look at freaky, gnarled Pan and think "hey, why not trust this guy?"
I enjoyed this movie. I never trusted Pan and it was a surprise to me at the end when he was legit. I didn't like the part when the fairies got eaten by the monster with eyes in his hands. And when the captain beat the guy in the face over and over with his gun, that was disturbing. But it was a good movie. One I won't forget very soon.
I never trusted Pan either. My brother and I kept saying over and over that he was going to turn out evil. That scene at the end with Ofelia and her baby brother didn't help his case much either.
It was such a delightful departure from generic fantasy crap like Eragon ...

I thought the Pale Man was awesome! XD Despite eating the fairies ... Pan was amazing too. Infact, everything was brilliant. The disturbing things like the repeated-gun-to-the-face, sowing-up-his-own-face, and being really mean to the shuttering guy only made this film all the more realistic. It was brilliant ^_^

I really, really loved the Spanish language in this. Almost makes me want to learn Spanish :P
*is in tears* Leki so badly wants to seeee this movie! But Leki can't sneak it into the house without parents knowing..... THey've heardthings about it, and apparently think Leki is 'to young' to see it.....

I've only seen a few trailers. Is it horribly graphic or something? Y_Y