Pans Labyrinth


I tried to watch this movie, I really did. But the whole Spanish actors thing kept reminding me of Telemundo TV and I couldn't take it seriously. Plus, by half through the movie as the little girl was collectiong and doing her tasks, I asked myself, "Do I care about why she's doing this?" I concluded with a no and fell asleep.

Just not the movie for me.
*is in tears* Leki so badly wants to seeee this movie! But Leki can't sneak it into the house without parents knowing..... THey've heardthings about it, and apparently think Leki is 'to young' to see it.....

I've only seen a few trailers. Is it horribly graphic or something? Y_Y

There's a couple scenes in there, a soldier is torturing a guy, and another where the girl's mom attacks the same soldier. Those are really it and even they aren't too bad...the movie is pretty dark and bleak, but nothing terribly gory or disturbing is in it.
I really liked this movie. I almost started crying at the end. I thought it was beautifully done. I was really rooting for it at the Oscars. Heh, it was definitely not the fantasy movie that the commercials made it out to be.

My friends and I were debating who was a scarier monster: the captain or the pale man. It's still up in the air. :p