Party Leader

Which character do you most use as Party Leader?

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The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
An interesting thing about FFXII is that for the first time, you could choose who you walked around as in most of the places, by making them the party leader. Did you have a favourite party leader? Why?

I often had Ashe or Fran as the main party leader, Ashe because, well, she is the main character, and Fran because she's one of my favourite characters :D

And, who did you think was the real "leader" of the group? Sure Vaan may have been the one you had to walk around as in towns, but he wasn't the leader. In my opinion, I think the leader role belongs to either Basch, Ashe or Balthier, although I haven't really decided yet...
I'm certain that isn't a first. I think in 4 you could do it. I always changed it about i never really stuck with one single person.
Penelo and Vaan seemed to be there ... just 'cause. If we took them out, the only parts of FFXII that we'd remove would be the uninteresting parts. As such, I never, ever, use either of them.

Fran, Balthier, Basche and Ashe always took charge for me, where Balthier and Ashe would occassionally switch places in my team [in other words, Fran and Basche would be kept constant party members]. I frequently changed my party leader - it never mattered much, as all of my party members tend to have similar, if not exactly the same, abilities.
I use Ashe as the leader. Reasons are because I like her and I have equiped a bow onto her. Usually enemies start attacking the leader first, Ashe can go far and shoot her enemies with her arrows.

Sometime I use Basch as well because of his unmatched strength
I would always use Basche or Ashe because My 3 people i mainly used were Basce, Ashe, and Balthier and i wouldnt use Balthier cause he is a range attacker. I had the person that had the best defence up seeing as they would be the person to be targeted.
Usually it's always Balthier I'd use, but since I change parties to level up the other characters, Basch, Fran, or Ashe would take the charge if Balthier is not in the main party.

Vaan and Penelo - I don't use as party leaders. I really think that Balthier seemed more like the leader of the group.
Basch is always used as my leader, simply because the main character Vaan seems inexperienced at being a leader and is just tagging along.

Basch is an experienced soldier and in my eyes is the most experienced character in the party.
I used Vaan because he had the best stats end-game and he's always in your party.

But Basch and Ashe WERE the main characters. The true party leader would be Balthier because he just leads the party everywhere.
Yeah, My party leader HAD to be Basch or it felt really weird. lol. He's my favorite person anyways, besides Balthier.
I think I just always used Basch, I was too bone idle to change it really, I just remember not liking Vaan and thats why I removed him from lead. Balthier's my fave tho, it'l be him on my next play thru ^^
I always had Vaan as my party leader, it just seemed right somehow. His stats make him a great tank. Story line wise I would say Ash was the leader, as she is the one with the drive to liberate her Kingdom.
I could not put Vaan as the lead because he was the one who walked around in the towns and such. So, therefore I'd see him constantly. >_<;;

Balthier, Basch, or Fran were the ones I'd put in the lead most times.

Vaan was a Balanced character. I used him just for White Mage stuff. Weird, no?

I'd say Balthier or Basch would be the actual leader of the game.
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Vaan was very well balanced, but, I always had him stealing stuff. xD

I always swapped out Basch and Balthier as my party leaders because I just liked them. Though, Basch with the Masamune and Genji Gloves is just...AWESOME.
Pretty much always Vaan. The OCD in me told me to keep the "main" character as the party leader.
Actually you could change your 'party leader' as early as FFI and through to VI. Only VII, VIII, IX and X restrict you.

Mine tends to be Vaan anyways because he is a good 'Tank' and Bashe because he looks 'buff init'.
i used vaan because i couldnt be bothered changing him and he wasnt that bad
Actually you could change your 'party leader' as early as FFI and through to VI. Only VII, VIII, IX and X restrict you.

Mine tends to be Vaan anyways because he is a good 'Tank' and Bashe because he looks 'buff init'.

Actually, X does not count. You could switch your party leader out then too. Haha.
My main party consisted of Basch, Ashe and Balthier, so leadership would alternate between the three. Most of the time, I preferred leading with Basch, since he took damage for the party aaand he was my favourite. Normally I would enjoy controlling a caster (in this case- Ashe was my magician), but they're just too squishy to tank.

Vaan was a Balanced character. I used him just for White Mage stuff. Weird, no?
That's what my Vaan was for too. Although I didn't use him much, I focused on his white and green magic. I even let him run around with a staff. RPG boy in combat cliche = dominated. :P

I agree with those who said Ashe is the true leader in the story. If not, then Balthier, the self-proclaimed leading man.