Party Leader

Which character do you most use as Party Leader?

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I had Vaan carry a Staff but his speed was quite superb so I had him handle a bow. Now, he's dealing huge damage.

Especially with The cat hood...thing. xD
I always had Basch as my party leader when running around. During battle I switched a lot between him, Balthier and Penelo.

As far as the true leader role, I guess it'd be Ashe since everyone seemed to blindly follow her into whatever stupid thing she was leading them into really.
Penelo? How in the hell do you play with her? Haha. She was a horrible character. -_-;;

I couldn't even deal with her as a party leader. She ran funny.
Penelo? How in the hell do you play with her? Haha. She was a horrible character. -_-;;

I couldn't even deal with her as a party leader. She ran funny.

I never used her as a party leader in the field because, well, she ran funny. But she makes a great mage so that's what I used her for. Given the proper augments, she does amazing damage with her magic.
I liked Penelo ;_; I used her as my mage aswel, can't say I noticed she ran funny, but then if you've seen me run you'd prolly think she ran quite normally
I always have Balthier cause he's my fav guy character and I sometimes use Fran as party leader. As Balthier uses crossbows and guns and bows, Fran can use any weapon available in FFXII.
I like Balthier as well for the party leader. But mainly I used Vaan because he seemed to be the default.

But I used Fran as my main healer and gave her a bow/arrow and tried to keep her in the back. She was VERY effective this way.
Replaying the game I am now using Vaan (ya i know he sucks xD) but i thought id try some toher people out. I got Fran as my ranger and Penelo as my healer now.
Who do you use as Party Leader the most?

Myself, I use Fran and Ashe the most, but I voted for Ashe.
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Lillyane Refia

I merged your thread with the existing one. Please check threads next time before making one, avoid doubles. ^^
I used Vaan as the party leader only so I could feel as if he was still the MAIN CHARACTER OF THE GAME. There was nothing else to support his role, so at least I could give him a little flag in the corner of his picture and control during battle just to make me feel better.

My two parties were:

So I guess I used Ashe, too.
In my case this tends to change a lot. I've pretty much used every character as party leader, but the one I've used the most is Balthier, though right now I'm in Rabanastre catching up on some hunts so Ashe is leading woman at the moment.
This isn't the first time to cycle team leaders to walk around, a few earlier FF's have it. I use Fran all the time, I really don't like using any other character for that, I like using the bow at a distance, just incase I have to run from harder enemies, which seems common in this game. :lol:

I wish it wouldn't go back to Vaan when entering towns n' such. :brooding:
i allways have 2 groups (mostly male and female) and a leader for each of a higher leval than the others like vaan on 22 for the males and fran on 21 for the lasses with all the rest of the characters on lower levels becasue i have only just got most of the characters and i like using the main one character vaan and also i like to use fran because shes got loads of potential
normally i used vaan as party just because well he is ... well he is ...well he's just there xD my team was Vaan>Balthier>Fran & Basch>Ashe>Penelo>_<
For me it was usually Balthier or Vaan. I kept Vaan as the main "wanderer" since he is sort of the poster boy for the game and you are introduced to him as a playable character first (besides playing as Reks). After getting farther into the game though I started to form more of a favorable opinion towards Balthier and his history and character. So I would walk around with him as my main character in the party.
Well, normally Balthier and Ashe. I equipped both with bangles, to see those enemy stats.
I think Balthier should have been the one to venture around towns, etc.