Party of 3..

Zack fair- Crisis core- awesum, especially when he gets promoted to 1st class, skilled swordsman, good at dealing damage with the right materia equiped

Cloud Strife- FFVII- again, awesum character, love his limit breaks and also his gravity defying hair, just as able as Zack to deal massive damage

Yuna- FFX- massive damage dealer by using her Aeons, good all round mage, she is also hot and woud Give cloud and Zack an insentive to fight harder (trying to impress her) although they have Aerith and Tifa to look foreward to
Cecil-A paladin who deals nice dmg and can heal.
Vivi-One of best Black Mages ever.
Cloud-Tons of dmg with Omnislash and can use healing materias too,so i would have got 2 healing fighters and a BM:)