FFXIII-2 Pay Money for Ending

Kage Kazumi

ShinRa Guard
Oct 12, 2010

So I was YouTubeing it up and came accross this video where the user said that...


That the ending of FFXIII-2 at the end says: To Be Continued!

and will be continued not in FFXIII-3, but downloadable content you will have to buy!

Here is an IGN Article: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/121/1218042p1.html

And the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NzA3w9RYsE

Alright so what you think?

My Thoughts

I like DLC, but only to an extent and paying money for DLC for an ending (even alternate endings) is very cheap. It saddens me that SE has jumped on the bag wagon of releasing incomplete games.

That's like buying a car with no tires (you get the rims, but no tires). Why? Cause the tires are sold separately.

It almost makes me sad and angry I bought FFXIII-2.
yes it does leave it on "to be continued" but there is technically an ending if you want it. The ending they give you could be all you need, to be continued isnt really needed. Sure its not the best way to do it, but what can we do. If your to cheap to buy it then stick with the ending you get or look at the 9 paradox endings. im looking forward to the DLC.

being almost 3am and me half asleep i realize after reading that it doesnt make much sense so heres the short version.

They give you a bad ending, the future DLC makes it better with more info.
yes it does leave it on "to be continued" but there is technically an ending if you want it. The ending they give you could be all you need, to be continued isnt really needed. Sure its not the best way to do it, but what can we do. If your to cheap to buy it then stick with the ending you get or look at the 9 paradox endings. im looking forward to the DLC.

being almost 3am and me half asleep i realize after reading that it doesnt make much sense so heres the short version.

They give you a bad ending, the future DLC makes it better with more info.

Well mediocre players and followers like yourself only feeds the fuel to allow them to release such non-sense.
I'm not really bothered by it. There's already a few endings anyway is there not?

I don't think they should add more endings as DLC though. Things like extra characters, costumes, weapons, even new areas etc is fine.. but an ending? That should be part of the main game and not DLC if you ask me.
Well mediocre players and followers like yourself only feeds the fuel to allow them to release such non-sense.

So I'm a follower because I don't mind paying more for a continuation? That makes sense. But you on the other had want everybody to bash it in hopes of getting it for free, thus making you a cheap follower of a different group as well.
No. It just means he's not happy about paying full price for an incomplete game, then having to pay extra for shite that should have been in the game to begin with... like... the ending 8(

He's not cheap, people who pay for storyline DLC are suckers.

I think this was a stupid thing for SE to do.
I personally felt the story of XIII-2 was complete. :/ It wasn't a conventional ending and I think a lot of people can't believe it's the real ending (which it could be). The

To be continued...
is meant to direct the gamer to the paradox endings and alerts people to the future story DLC, which is meant to enrich the story rather than complete it; the DLC may not include a different ending.

Wait until an ending appears in DLC form before getting mad at SE. ;)
I think SE is going to release an additional ending in the form of DLC maybe, this way they can take more peoples money.
The paradox endings to my understanding are just "what if" scenarios, and not necessarily considered canon:

Serah and Noel getting killed by an Atlas

Anyway, the game is considered incomplete, because everyone actually expected the sequel to wrap up the story nicely and for Lightning to finally find true "happiness" or however Toriyama envisaged it. I don't think many people would have imagined it to have ended on this note with those words appearing on the screen and the likelihood of paying to see the rest. They have a right to feel that Square-Enix have just screwed with them, and decided to cut short what was already quite a short-ish storyline here and there while hiding the rest of it away in a locked drawer.

On the other hand, nobody ever said that FFXIII-2 itself would be the last we would see of the Final Fantasy XIII universe. No, that doesn't justify what they did. It's still a stupid gamble, not alleviated by the heavy DLC culture that is often a nuisance, though a gamble that will stay pay off financially. People will bitch and complain about it, but they will still buy it, so Square-Enix ultimately wins anyway.

(If however, they'd have left the ending as it is with little chance for an actual continuation, I might have actually applauded Toriyama for this gutsy move.)
Like I said in a previous thread, less people would buy the DLC if SE announced a Final Fantasy XIII-3 that would wrap up the main storyline. I personally doubt they're going to have a series span 2 games and then have a DLC ending.
I think it's a possibility that they're going to release the DLC, followed by Versus and then finish off the Fabula Nova Crystallis by releasing XIII-3 to wrap up the flagship title's storyline as a trilogy.
People will probably call me an idiot, but I really can't see the people at SE taking the sequel to their least popular main series game and making the ending DLC, it would just leave a bad taste in people's mouths, in terms of the Fabula Nova Crystallis series.