People that are immature for their age


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
Have you ever met an adult that is extremely immature for their age?

My future brother and sister in law are like this. They are about 30 years old and still like to pull childish pranks. Things like, saying something innappropriate when someone walks by them in a park, putting carts in handicapped spaces, and being annoying to get people that they deem annoying away from them in the store. Then they giggle about it afterwards.

To me, that is something that ten year old kids do, not adults. It sometimes seems like they were deprived of a childhood and stuck in this preadolescent stage.

Also they have this "you need to accept me for who I am!" When they do not accept others for who they are. And the stuff they want to be accepted for are things like making inappropriate/rude comments during serious conversations at the dinner table, talking about gross stuff during dinner, being loud and obnoxious in public, saying innappropriate language in front of the grandmother, the person who often has made a meal for them, and saying offensive things in front of others who would find them offensive.

Also, the wife whines when she has to stay home alone babysitting for 2 eight hour shifts during the week with their baby. Apparently that is too much for her to handle when her husband has to babysit the baby 5 days a week.

Met anyone like this? How do you feel about them?
My dad is very immature for his age. Its hard to explain but he's a 45 yr old man who loves cartoons, video games and just being annoying. He's also very stubborn and sometimes i feel like i am the parent and he is the child!

(I also think I am too immature for my age and i get it from him)
Yah my mother.

At times she can be okay but most of the time I just want to slap her around and tell her to snap out of it.

My relationship in comparison to that of my mum and dads is so much more mature.

My mum acts like this stupid kid towards my dad most of the time and it's really weird and irritating when I'm there when it happens.

She'll make dumb faces, or weird noises or saying something that doesn't make sense just to annoy him.

Though she always puts on this, 'I'm little miss perfect' act in front of strangers. =/
My uncle is very immature for is age. He's 50 years old and he still lives with my grandmother. That's a bit pathetic. He never got a decent job. He worked under the table here and there but he has been on welfare for over 30 years.

Instead of working he plays video games. There is no age for video games but he shouldn't just focus on that. He should take his responsibilities instead. I think he's on a credit black list so he can't get an apartment or credit cards for example. He's pretty much fucked. I wonder what he's gonna do when my grandmother dies...

He's also very childish. He can get into long arguments with me or my grandmother about silly and insignificant things. he's like a little boy who thinks he's always right. He keep talking to me about WOW every time I go see my grandmother and how it's the best game ever and that I should really try it, etc...

I have pity for him but at the same time my mother told me he had numerous occasions to get out of the situation he's in. It's sad...
My maternal uncle. He was a bachelor for a long time and didn't marry until he was in his early 40's. When him and his wife had their son, he went to England to drink and watch football with his mates for 2 weeks only a week after the kid had been born. He's a great guy and everything, but I think he's just been his own man for so long that he finds it hard to factor a family into the decicions he makes because he never had to think about anyone but himself for so long.
We'll im 20 years old. I'm somewhat mature for my age where i think about my future and im trying to create a safe and stable environment for my future family(well hope to be family). My mother on the other hand is just like my sister. They listen to the same music dresses the same way and go out boy hunting together i mean like wtf really lol.
me and my housemate are like 9 year olds with each other. we'll sit and just annoy each other and insult each other all day and night because it's funny to us both. if i'm putting something in the oven, i'll not do the same for aiden even though i'm already there doing it, purely because it's funnier for me to make him get up and do it himself.
we also bicker about stupid pointless stuff like a married couple, and it makes people think we're gay. neither of us help that image by calling each other dear and love and daft stuff like that.

it's all in good fun though, which is why we do it. the amount of times we've told each other we hate each other, the words have lost all meaning, and the word cunt is part of everyday vocabulary with us.
Hahaha i know a couple of guys at work like this. In particularly tony, he doesnt have sulk and moan over little things, especially if he loses a game of cards or if wer playing call of duty and hes doing shite hel rant and rant and rant about it :lew:....hes 33 :wacky:

Alternatively even more annoying are kids who seem to think theyre mature and try to make themselves out to be an adult but really theyre just litttle brats who need to grow up.

Tony though i really like him, sure hes immature but not in such a way that i find him annoying or close to a point where i end up thinking,
'oh this guys a pain in the arse' 'i dont wanna be around him.'
I know a lot of people are easily irritated by him at work but they take him too seriously. Theyve knows him longer than me so they should be able to tell thats hes a decent guy. Theres harmless and funny immaturity and theres the other pathetic kind, the latter people are usually a little short on friends i seem to find.
I got a buddy who's pretty immature. He constantly talks about how he wants to move out of his parents house but he's upset because he never has any money. Well, of course he doesn't have any money. He spends it all on comics, games and movies. I actually got pissed off at him the other night because he got a dog. A few months back, he got sick and it costed quite a bit of money to get him better. He's perfectly fine now. But since then, my buddy treats the dog like shit. He rarely goes to see him (the dog doesn't live with him because he's mom claims to be allergic) and he doesn't really do anything to take care of him. His girlfriend does most of the care taking. My friend pissed me off because he said he doesn't care about the dog anymore because taking care of the little guy is "too expensive". He barely spends any money on the pooch and any money he does have he spends on other shit. It's irresponsible to the point it makes me want to just take a fuckin' folding chair and bash it across his skull for being such a childish idiot.
I'm gonna have to say, my dad on this one. He's suppose to be a role model for both me and my siblings but, he's so childish and immature no one wants to take after him. He's so immature in fact that, I feel embarrassed to be around him. He's what? 48 now? Yet he acts as though he's a teenager sometimes, even younger. I'll give you an example that happened quite recently actually. so, my aunt and uncle as well as my cousin came down to visit us and, go out to dinner at a restaurant. My dad started drinking around noonish? maybe earlier I cant quite recall. Now, drinking's fine.... if you have self-control. My dad lacks self-control and, well things got ugly. By the time we got to the restaurant, he was already wasted. So wasted, that the waitress denied him any alcohol. He started throwing a fit and whined like a kid. He was so loud and obnoxious people felt threatened? And so, the manager came to our table and explained he was being watched. I was so embarrassed. I think he actually felt bad for us xD (the manager) While the manager was talking to us, he got up (we ordered chips and dip in a separate bowl) and stuck his finger in the cheese bowl >.< I don't care about your excuses, drunk or not it was your decision to drink as much as you did. He also threatened that he wouldn't tip the waitress >.< I felt so bad for her :/. I eventually left because of him. Gah, he's so immature >.<
I think immaturity depends on whose opinion it is, if you go to university and start doing ridiculous things or start talking about the sex life and little things like that, then in the eyes of most university students and even lecturers, that's the norm and something they find fun banter but if you did the same things in front of another group of people they'll think you're immature. The only things I find immature are when people are being full on dicks, say someone starts a fight for a ridiculous reason or because they're drunk, just things like that.
Im certainly not miss maturity but fucking hell

Ive come across a few folk that just beggar belief. A couple of them happen to be exes unfortunately lol. One being like 31 now, and he's about as responsible as a 5 year old. He expects everything to be done for him, owes thousands from all the debt hes got himself in with not paying bills etc. He has absolutely no get up and go and if other folk didnt push him, he just wouldnt...well...go

It's the folk that cant take responsibility for themselves or their actions that get to me more than anything. Just grow the fuck up and sort it out.
I have to add, having fun or being childlike does not make you immature. When I think of an immature adult, I think of someone who avoids responsibility at all cost, crys when they do not get what they want, whines when things do not go their, doing petty pranks for revenge over something stupid or can not compromise over anything ect...

Being silly with friends is not immature. Maybe at a serious gathering like a funeral then yeah. Talking about your sex life in the appropriate situation is not immature. Doing so for attention is or because you feel insecure. You know, those that are like "OMG no one is giving me their full attention! Hey guys! Look how kinky I am! Lol your faces! I'm so kinky listen to this story! LOLZ Hey don't go back to your conversation, listen to my kinky story!" That's just immature and annoying.
My Dad is a pure goof. He watches children shows, naps during the day, plays video games all day on his day off, and acts like a fucking child and he drives me insane with that! :gasp:

Guh! I mean, come on. You're gonna be 41 soon! grow up! Those ar things teens do, not a 40 year old man with 3 children, that he hardly spends time with.

Other than him, I feel like most people my age are immature. I can't have a serious convo with them. It always has to be a joke or something stupid. They just piss me off.
We can all be immature at times. It doesnt matter how old you get your always gunna have immature moments. I think youd be rather weird if you didnt have these moments. People can be sometimes quite funny with immaturity as long as theyre not being ridiculous.

I worked with a guy Ronnie who was around 35 when i worked with him so hel be around 37 now and for his age he was definitely the most immature adult ive ever known. At times he was funny with it. He would do things like funnily get someone in trouble with the boss. If they were talking about him and he walked in he would go WAH HEY Darren was just calling you a slave driver. Then hed add in a few make up things aswell. It really put people on the spot and it was funny seeing their reactions to having being exposed for having a moan about someone when theyre not around :lew: Hed do a little dance aswell which made it funnier.

However when was put in a bad mood and someone upset him. He was good at winding people up but he couldnt take it back. When he was wound up and upset he reacted like a complete baby and it was nothing short of pathetic. He would sulk and refuse to do things giving the most childish responses youv ever heard.

So in short it could be funny but at the same time when it wasnt funny it was really the most pathetic show youl ever see by a 37 year old man. But like i said i think everyone has a bit of immaturity in them. As long as it doesnt get the better of you its pretty harmless. But if it does its time to really look at yourself and re-evaluate. :hmmm:
Superficially, my 30 year old boyfriend meows, speaks gibberish, and does very little during the day other than play videogames while I'm at work.

Thoroughly, my friend whom I've known for years. She has two kids, is married and living on their own but she hasn't really grown up over the last 5 years. Things are just as much the fairytale as she started them out to be and she always believes everything will turn out perfectly, that when something awful happens, it's practically the end of the world.
i know that a lot of people perceive me as immature

but, i like to have fun, and I don't deal with many situations that require any level of maturity... so it's not really fair to judge me :neomon:

but i don't know, it's hard to pay people any mind whenever they call another person immature most of the time. i mean, usually that person is only like 15 years old, or is still very young. personally, i'm not in any rush to become someones daddy or grandpappy. :wacky:

unfortunately, i think inappropriate humor is one of the things many people consider immature. like a holocaust or race joke, or being able to look at something unfortunate and being able to laugh at a detail of it or find it amusing. many people confuse the definition of immaturity with a person just simply being repulsive in their perception. It's kind of like a bullshit made up word with the way that it is generally used on the internet.

I've actually, literally, shit you not, seen another person tell someone that they were immature for avoiding a conflict, which in doing so, would greatly benefit that person. It's just so ridiculous the way some people use the word nowdays. Not anyone here, but I'm a part of a lot of communities and I have seen some of the stupidest posts the internet will ever have to offer.
You know what's funny? I've been told that I'm immature for my age.

In public, I'm loud and I don't care. I like to talk and apparently it's immature to be loud. Why? I'm having fun! I like talking and laughing and how does affect anyone else? It doesn't! It's not like I'm directly provoking these people or anything. I laugh loud. When I'm playful, my pitch and tone gets higher. Isn't that a normal thing?

I'd admit I'm one of those people who will giggle if I see something on someone. e.g. There was a large man the other day at Sams club who had a small shirt and his gut was hanging out. I didn't mention it while I was there, but I did laugh.

I guess I'm only immature when I'm with the people I'm comfortable around. If I was by myself or with a group of acquaintances, probably not.

I've been told I have a mind like a man. I like to ask my boyfriend: "Hey, is that girl hot?" I don't know, I admire women but nooo apparently that makes me lesbian. I just wanna know what your opinion is! He thinks i'll get hurt or something. I don't care its human nature to look at other humans who are attractive... You don't have to be weird and stare, but shit sue me. :mokken: