Percentage help

Fei Jai

Jul 3, 2007
Does anyone know where can I check the exact percentage number of my game? I know that when you go to save it is written on your save, but it doesn't give any number after the decimal place; I want to know the exact number, e.g., 15.7%, or, 44.2%.

Also, to achieve 100%, can I skip dialog (as in pressing X, not Start -> Skip)? I ask because after completing Chapter 1, I am missing 1.2%, and I followed the Bradyguide and other online guides strictly. According to one online guide, it said you can skip dialog (not scenes, and not the Maechen speech), but according to the Bradyguide, it said not to skip dialog.

Any help would be great.
Well as to checking the exact percentage as to the decimal place there is no know way to do that, that i know of. As for skipping secenes no you must never skip any scenes because there is dialouge in like every scene. Second as to your missing percentage, did you fail any missions. Failing a mission will result in a change of more shorter dialough, lack of rewards and continuing on with that mission arc. Example fail one of tobli's missions and you wont get the reward that is locked up in his place. I hope this was of help to you.
If you wish to achieve 100% completion, I suggest you do not skip any scenes as this will bring your overall percentage down. With regards to checking the exact percentage of your save game, I have no idea how you can do this and seriously doubt that you are able to
You're best off playing it safe and not skipping. As for the percentage, you can't obtain anything specific. The only reference to percentage is in the file-loading screen, or at the end of the game.
You don't actually have to do every single thing in the game to get 100%, ironically. Also, skipping dialog or scenes has no impact on your score whatsoever, besides Maechon's speech.

Have you supported both groups in your seperate walkthroughs and done *every* possible thing you can do? That might be what's causing the problem.
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The first time I played I got half way through it… found out I was 10% short of where I was supposed to be… So, I restarted the game and followed the guide very closely (a thousand save files later) making sure not to screw up again. Anyway, yes, my second time through I did manage to get 100% complete.

I almost positive the game won't give you a percentage in the tenths (I think)... My best advice is to get an official guide or find one on the net and follow it closely. Also, save your game often and never overwrite the previous save file, in case you mess up…
-----Have you supported both groups in your seperate walkthroughs and done *every* possible thing you can do? That might be what's causing the problem.----
(Still don't know how to quote)

Only one of the 2 gives a pourventage, the other one gives a Dressphere i think
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