Fan Fiction Personal Work- Final Fantasy- The Fallen kingdom


Jul 6, 2008
The story takes place in the same area as the tactics advance series, in the fictional town of Ivalice. The story revolves around three people whom read the Gran Grimoire and get transported to the other Ivalice that takes place in the tactics and XII games.

Unlike the world in there however, the system of Judges have already long been destroyed and the world has tipped into a time of more or less chaos. Clans are generally the ruling party and with them, the territory is also likewise controlled. Monsters have become more common and with them but the scions themselves are nowhere to be found.

The story revolves around the three main characters.

Fore Guilbert

A Young boy who finds the Gran Grimoire in his new house. He is initially skeptical at the book because he finds that it is empty and it has no identification other than the ornate cover. He takes it home and experiments with it. He later decides to use it as a drawing book only to find out that the book seems to absorb Ink. He shows it to his friends Lucia and Barth whom become interested at the book almost instantly. As they watch, the book seems to slowly draw shapes until finally it maps out the basis of the world of Ivalice. What is especially strange to him though is that he finds a page that says "draw here". Without thinking, he draws the girl that he has a crush on in the page. Instantly, he blacks out and when he wakes up, he finds himself within the other Ivalice, but instead of himself, he finds out that he has turned into the girl that he has drawn in the book.

Fore is rather backwards in terms of his social skills. He is backwards and withdrawn, often getting ostricized by the rest of his friends. He has a rather droopy appearance that is carried over to even when he is using the body of his dream girl.

Fore's primary weapon are daggers being that his rather shy demeanor has made him quite undetectable which makes him a very effective thief. He also is very well read which gives him a natural affinity for things like tomes and magic.

Lucia Dunamis
Fore's childhood friend. She has protected Fore often when he has gotten picked on in the past and often has to fill in for him or assign him work to do. When she first sees the Gran grimoire, she takes an instant interest in it. To her, the book was the ticket to a more exciting world and true to its word, it allowed her to enter the world of Ivalice. Unlike Fore, whom drew a picture of his dream girl, She drew from her imagination, using the book as a reference. When she reawakens, she finds that she has become a Viera.

Lucia is much more dynamic than Fore and unlike his meek demeanor, she strives to stand out. She also seems to have a taste for recognition and glory, leading to her extremist tendencies and brash actions. She finds her new Viera body to be perfect as it is in every way, an enhancement of her original appearance.

Lucia's fighting style is very offensive and she primarily has a habit of leaping headlong into battle. The weapons that she prefers are often Greatswords, Broadswords and Knightswords.

Lucia later betrays the main group and joins a story antagonist group called the judges of retribution. She becomes the Judge of 4, and gains the Esper Famfrit.

Barth Drakes
Lucia's Twin Brother. Barth has always been the peacekeeper of the two and thus, he is more outgoing than either of them. He has neither Fore's shyness nor Lucia's aggressiveness. When he draws in the grimoire, he simply draws himself which has made him appear as himself in the other Ivalice.

Because Barth is often there to act as a peacekeeper, he could probably be the one that everyone gets along with. He also protects Fore when he is not used to being in a female body.

Barth is rather strange for a person in that he has no problem with almost everything that he is given. He can use almost all forms of weapons and magic. However, he prefers to use rods as his main weapon due to their balanced nature.

Story basis
The main part of the beginning is primarily the clan members trying to deal with the clan wars, eventually coming across a clan whom wants to return the world of Ivalice to its former beauty instead of a indiscriminate war zone. Over the course of the story they will face other clans and their ideals.

The main part of the story begins when they meet the Judge of the Precepts, the first member of the Judges of Retribution. He makes it his goal to incite a revolution and bring Ivalice back to peace by destroying the clans and their clan wars. Lucia at first fights the judges thinking that they are a good challenge but she later finds out that they all possess Scions. Realizing that the only way to control a Scion is to become a Judge, she defects from the main team and searches for a way to become a Judge. She eventually completes the trials to become the Judge of the Darkening CLoud, in the process acquiring Famfrit. As a judge, she is easily more powerful than most of the other judges, being beaten only by the judges of the Precepts, Wheels and Death.

The reason why the Scions are only with the Judges is because in the story, the judges want to restore Ivalice through power and domination, which gains the respect of the Scions. They also are a symbol of power which makes them all the more perfect as a host. Therefore, they will only allow judges to make pacts with them.

Fore however will gain his own personal Esper that will be competent enough to fight against a Scion but thats very late into the story.
Its still in the planning stage but I'm drawing concepts of the characters.

So far though, the judges will be as such.
Judge of the Precepts- The most powerful Judge in the story. He is easily the most ambitious as he the person behind the entire movement. He can also be considered the first Scion judge. He is ruthless in his quest but he cares not the loyalty of his followers and it is this trait that allowed Lucia to become the Judge of the Darkening Cloud. His weapon is the Zodiac Spear.

Judge of Death- The second most powerful Judge, she is a Gria whom joined under the belief that the Judge of the precepts is right in his actions. She is also perhaps the most skilled in her tactics and techniques because she is the most diligent of the judges. Her weapon is the Life strings, a violin weapon. (The more broken wires on her Violin as she fights, the closer she is to killing everyone.)

Judge of the Wheel Walker- The third most powerful judge, a Viera whom used to be a past judge. She does not actually follow the Judge of the Precept's vision, rather she believes in fighting. If she sees any form of weakness in his reign, she will kill him. She lives only to challenge stronger opponents and while she likes strong people, they have to stay strong for her to stay within the belief. Her weapons are a salvo of 6 very long swords named the Nirvana.

Judge of the Darkening Cloud- Lucia, the character whom betrays the main party. She seeks power and excitement which led her to become a judge in the first place. She holds no allegiance to their ideals rather she is simply in there to fight stronger foes (even the judges are not omnipotent). She has a mutual rivalry with the Judge of the Walker of the Wheels. Her weapon is the Storm Oar, a huge zweihander.

Judge of the High Seraph- Yet another Gria, one whom also believes in the beliefs of the Judge of the precepts. She is rather bitter at the fact that two of the judges who are ranked higher than her hold no faith in the Judge of the Precepts and will often act jealously against them. Her weapon is the 7th Heaven, a holy Bow.

Judge of the Whisperer- A moogle judge whom joined with his human partner. He is perhaps the realist in the team as he is often skeptical at the grandness of the plan. However, he became a judge because his friend wanted to become a judge as well. Ironically, he is actually stronger than him despite being unwilling to become a judge. His weapon are a pair of guns, the Meteos.

Judge of Order- A Bangaa judge. He joined simply for power. The order of the judges were his best bet, almost pointing him in that direction. Unlike most Bangaas, he is rather level headed despite his power hungry nature. He uses a pair of heavy blades on the back of each arm named the Gaia cleavers.

Judge of the Condemner- A hume judge who joined with his moogle partner. He joined because of the money and political power that the judge of the Precepts had, giving him the power to protect his hometown. He shares the Judge of the Whisperer's feelings but he is fully commited to being a judge. His weapon is the Wave Divider, a Flying Driftboard.

Judge of Balance- A Nu mou judge. Despite his intelligence though, he is rather weak for a judge. While he likes the Judge of the Precept's beliefs, he feels that unless the judges gain sufficient power, they cannot hope to realize their dream. He is very skeptical of the two Viera judges and mistrusts them greatly as they are ranked higher and yet display such disobedient actions. His weapon is the Pendulum staff.

Judge of the Wroth- Another Bangaa Judge. He is like the stereotype bangaa, rough and impulsive, almost always picking fights. He initially attacks Lucia before she became a judge which often ends in a stalemate. Upon fighting her as a judge, he is almost brutally beaten up and remains almost terrified of her thereafter. He can be considered her lackey as he is probably the only one who will do anything willingly for her. His weapon are the Dragon fists lightning elemental weapons.

Judge of the Corrupt- Another Hume Judge, she is a judge that does not really care. The origins behind her being a judge is rather unknown and she shows almost no commitment to being a judge at all. She uses a long spear named the Crystal Spike.

Judge of the Impure- A Nu Mou judge. Not much story behind her other than being a judge whom believes in the Judge of the Precept's ideals. She is rather weak for a judge. her weapon is the Miasma Bludgeon.

Judge of the Gigas- Often considered the weakest of the judges, he tends to have outbursts against the other judges. Despite being on the good side of the Judge of Precepts, he still believes that he has to prove himself as a judge and often gets himself into trouble. He is a Hume with a rather stocky physique. His weapon is the Titan ax.