Phoenix Tower

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
How many people did this gay tower? lol It's 30 stories tall with no breaks. I think I made it to level 28 before one of the enemies turned all my people into stone in one hit. I was pissed. I never got Phoenix. I beat up Busta until he told me what happened with Reina at the top.
I did this homosexual tower.
One of the lamest dungeons ever, I used Phoenix alot in the game though so it was worth it.

I doubt you could beat up Busta
I did the Phoenix Tower. Going up wasn't horrible, but I was ticked when I found out that I'd have to go down the whole thing again. I didn't use the Phoenix summon much afterwards, either. It was helpful, but not worth 99 MP.
I did the Phoenix Tower. Going up wasn't horrible, but I was ticked when I found out that I'd have to go down the whole thing again. I didn't use the Phoenix summon much afterwards, either. It was helpful, but not worth 99 MP.

Not Worth it?!
It can revive all your dead party members and Deal Fire Damage. Pretty Awesome in my expert opinion.:P
Loved the tower and it's role in a side-quest area of the game that touches in a bit more on Reina's past and her emotions as a character.

Sure it's a long climb with hard fierce battles and repetitive fiends, but getting to the top even just for the moment Reina shares with her dragon is so worth it.

Beautiful part of the game that challenges your stamina in terms of character battles, and rewards you with a short, but epic moment at the peak.
Meh, flee as a command is very dangerous. If it doesn't work then you've just wasted a round. I like it when you can flee and fight at the same time without penalty like in Final Fantasy IX.
Thee is no penalty for using flee in FFV. It works every time except on enemies that you can't escape from at all. As for the tower, i think there's a way to get up it so you don't have to fight any of the bosses again. It wasn't too hard anyway. I just used a combination of Meteor, Holy and Flare on all of them.
If you should be stocking on items in cases of "oh crap im dying and have no magic". Sometimes a proper amount of items to use in and out of battle is equally as important as the latest spells and armor.. can save your butt.

Oh.. and MightyGrd


Yeah Phoenix Tower is a bit of work to get to, but I can't say its that hard. I did it last night (did it before but that was like 10 years ago) and I didn't find it that bad. Just tedious. I was well prepared going in, but not level wise or AP wise.. just item and equipment wise.

I make a habit to keep 99 potions and hi-potions around w/ as much Elixer (for magic pot and emergencies) and ethers are kept till near the end of the game (mid world 3).
yeah i did this long tower i did it on my first try to lol phoenix was NOT worth it i found him to suck my charaters never died so i had no problem i was hoping for a super hard boss fight at the end but whatever
Lol, yeah I did… It actually wasn’t all that bad of sidequest, in my opinion. Going up wasn’t that bad, but having to go all the way back down kinda sucked. Overall, not too boring, nor is it exciting… It’s just an average dungeon.

On a side note, I thought that obtaining Phoenix made it worthwhile.
Lol, yeah I did… It actually wasn’t all that bad of sidequest, in my opinion. Going up wasn’t that bad, but having to go all the way back down kinda sucked. Overall, not too boring, nor is it exciting… It’s just an average dungeon.

On a side note, I thought that obtaining Phoenix made it worthwhile.

One word for you: Teleport!
Phoenix isn't really worth it IMO

But if you had an emulator, you could've done it anyway bcuz of the quicksave option.