Play As Maestor Seymour


Final Fantasy/Hip-Hop
Feb 19, 2007
Long Island, NY
Wow, I Just Found Out This Was Possible..

This Is A gameshark Code..

(M) Code

Seymour In Party

This Is Good For Me, Since i Beat Final Fantasy X Over 5 Times....
Wow neat. What kind of moves does he have?? ^__^
Attack - With His Staff
White Magic
Black magic

i haven't Played All The Way Through, So I Don't Know If I'll be Able To Summon Anima Early Or Fight Seymour With Seymour... More Then Likely Yeah..
im fairly sure that if you put seymour into your party with cheats then he'll have the same abilities that he has when you get to control him during that one fight with sinspawn gui.

so he would have :

White magic - Cure, NulBlaze,shock (etc) Cura esuna and Scan
Black Magic - Fire blizzard water thunder Fira Blizzara watera thundaga.

so i dont think he'll be able to summon at all :S but i think if you hack him onto the sphere grid he should be able to learn new moves.

Plus he already has an overdrive Requiem - heres a link for those of you who havnt seen it :
seymour cannot summon anima, but he does have a cool overdrive

this code can be glitchy if you have a full party ( meaning you have every character in the game )
Right and unlike almost every other FF, there's no such thing as "optional" characters.
That'd make a good topic...

I don't get why people like playing as the enemy. I mean it's one thing if you play the game for fun and for content. A couple years later, if you like it that much, go ahead and replay the game if you've forgotten some of the finer details. I mean Busta and I are replaying FFX now and it's technically my 4th play through. But why do people keep insisting on replaying the game if it's not fun anymore.

Also, I hate cheating. And yes, it is cheating. Not advantageous cheating but still cheating nonetheless.
Well. Its A Character Code, And If people Get Bored of The game, They Can try Something New...

I Don't Use Cheats For Infinite MP And Things Like THat.. THATS REAL CHEATING...

This Is Just A Code For A Character, And It Adds Replay value, Cause i like Seymour Just As Much As Sephiroth...
lol calm down its no big deal, i make codes like the seymour code to make the game ALOT funner ( i don't cheat on my 1st play through, that will take some fun out of the game )
Apart from the novelty of having seymour in your party i dont think that there would be any advantage to having him in - excpet he'd start off with Max MP.......
Well it is cool playing with him at the Operation site when you join up, but I would hate to have him permanently in my party. It's a cool thing for a few minutes, but after that, I'm ready to face Seymour instead of being all buddy-buddy with him throughout the game.
it would only be good for many be 30 minutes but as soon as you get to a point he would suck cause he would be too weak and therefore useless