Playstation Playstation 4

Dude I never follow E3 I do TGS for some reason. Sometimes I miss great shit for example Watchdogs from last E3 lol. Yeah I always thought E3 was purely for games and game developers etc.never the consoles themselves?

Anyways as for bluray discs I still dont understand why not..I mean its the same format but you might be right cause I havr no clue about all tht tech shit. :p
Dude I never follow E3 I do TGS for some reason. Sometimes I miss great shit for example Watchdogs from last E3 lol. Yeah I always thought E3 was purely for games and game developers etc.never the consoles themselves?

Anyways as for bluray discs I still dont understand why not..I mean its the same format but you might be right cause I havr no clue about all tht tech shit. :p

it will have a blu-ray drive... the problem is with processing, ps3 runs on the cell stature, ps4 will run on a pc structure, pretty much running ps3 games on the ps4 would be like trying to play a ps3 disc on a pc.... it not going to run... there emulation of course..... but emulation is dam hard to get right/run
The cloud gaming thing has been done before, it doesn't work unless you're wired up with fiber from point A to point B. It's gonna roll out on it's face and I'm not entirely sure if it can get up.

The hardware is a bit lackluster and the system's power should be tapped in just a few years again. Most games will run in 1080p, but at 30FPS and it's graphics still watered down (or so I'm assuming based on the footage shown, the shadows weren't even AAd).

The controller is another bit of a gripe of mine, I liked the classic formula but I won't bash it until I've tried it.

Regardless, I'm sure I'll eventually get me a PS4...or maybe one of Valve's consoles, and I'm certain they will do well for this but most of the features they listed are stained at best.

Edit: Also, the fact that purchases do not carry over may very well keep me off the console for a long time. Trying to sell us back things we already paid for 2+ times is not cool at all.
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Yes thank you Jeff no way am I gonna pay for some classic Sony games a third time the fat cats and Sony must be on pure crack if they think the average consumer is gonna swallow that. Now not only do I want to put off buying any future console, but I don't really wanna invest in games for the PS3 anymore. There's too much neglect for consumer interest in the gaming industry.

That said; I'll probably end up buying it. Fuck sake :wacky:
To be perfectly honest, I am not interested in the PS4 at the moment, especially with what I've seen last night. It just seems like it will just be another PS3 rehash with more social interaction thrown in to add some flair. Maybe Sony isn't getting the memo that gamers aren't all about what looks good and that we are about what actually IS good. I am going to use E3 to truly decide on whether to wait for the 4 or do what I intended and buy the 3.
I'm actually getting excited for this console, so much so that I think I'll try and preorder it or something off of Amazon if I can :lew:

The graphics look great, but imo those have always been in Sony's favor. The xbox isn't true HD so I bet their next gen will have it. The people really look real :ohoho: Like, even moreso than they do on the ps3.

I'm not a fan of the controller, like most others. It looks wonky and like it would be awkward to play with. Hopefully they'll end up changing it's design before release.

Looking at the actual specs though, this thing appears to be a real powerhouse. It has 8 different processors in it so it will hopefully be fairly seamless during gaming.

Is it me or did they never show the actual console though (I didn't watch the live stream, just read the meat and potatoes of it on whatever link it was Dennis posted)?
the event in a nutshell

Hardware seems a little bit underwhelming. For a very reasonable amount of money, you could get a PC with similar specs, stick it next to your TV, turn Steam Big Picture, and have "Next Gen" console gaming today :lew: . I see some in this thread calling it a real powerhouse, and while it certainly isn't bad or anything, it really isn't anything you wouldn't get out of a semi-decent PC. Hell, my PC is nearly 2 years old, and other than maybe the graphics card, I don't even think what the PS4 has would be a big upgrade compared to that.

I am curious about the controller though. I have pretty big hands and always hated the ergonomics of the dualshock controller compared to the Xbox 360 one. I think a lot of people really like the dualshock because that is what they are used to, but if this offers a more comfortable grip, I see no reason not to welcome this change. Even if it is ugly :P
I'm starting to wish that Watch_Dogs isn't cross-generational. I know I don't normally say this, but it looks way too ambitious for the current-gen machines. It should really be next-gen only to avoid the chances of it not falling flat on its face or impaling itself on its own sword of ambition. In other words, accommodating it for the PS360 will probably produce outcries of the game being "gimped" thanks to 2005/6 hardware. And I wouldn't be unsympathetic to the backlash.

ahaha, no they do not. you haven't played a PC game on a good computer before, have you.

I don't think he's ever played a PC game. He finds PC gaming abhorrent. :monster:

Though to be fair, if you haven't been spoilt by PC games at max or at quite a reasonably high graphical settings, your first reaction would naturally be that it looks like photorealism! Until you examine it closer, then look at that old man render they showed and realise that while it's getting there, it's no photorealism. And in some screens of Killzone, I noticed some odd shadows as if incomplete - but that could just be because it's not overly polished at this stage of development. But it's decent enough for what it is.

In fact, what I'm interested in is seeing what the average framerate of these shiny PS4 games will be.

@Rapture, nope. They didn't show the thing. I'm not really sure why because you'd think you'd have the main guest there for its own dedicated show. It kind of did dampen the show when you realise that much of it was just talking and soundbites and some tech demos, but no concrete look at the machine. Guess they're saving it for a later showing to leave the door open for the hype train to continue chugging through - or they're still not sure on what the casing should look like. :wacky:
I don't think he's ever played a PC game. He finds PC gaming abhorrent. :monster:

I did tell you why I don't like PC gaming already. Must you always be such a nuisance? :rage:

I have played pc games before but not many. I see no appeal in mmo games whatsoever. I really do not like using a mouse and always liked playing with a comfy controller instead. Put it simply? Subscriptions put me off. I might have played FF XIV a realm reborn if it were not for the transactions. Some of my friends play mmo games and when I watch... it just looks like a bunch of mindless clicking and BEFORE you say mashing buttons is the same well.... I do not mash buttons ever. Only time I do it is when I am required to lift something in a game or if it is a QTE. I am no excessive video game player but I know what one is like.

1) The controls on console feel much more comfy.

2) I grew up playing console. When I tried my first PC game I cried from boredom.

3) I see no point in modding communities. I do not like hacking in any type of game. Pokemon as an example? Well, people hack all the best stats and moves... which some pokemon cannot even do. I have never really understood the hype for Skyrim modding.

4) Excessive mmo gaming tends to be a huge problem. Look at videos. It is the same with halo addicts and Call of duty. Hell, it can be any shooter! I just think PC have the worst.


You might say I cannot judge because I didnt play many pc games but this is my honest opinion. I would not play games if they required some fees all the time. You pay for the game and that is that.

you say that like PC games are not the same games on consoles. and for that I laugh at your ignorance. but this is not the thread for PC gaming vs console gaming so I'll leave it at that.

If there are any good games for the PS4 in the next few years, I'll probably get one. God knows I'm a sucker for doing stupid shit in games and recording 10 second clips of said stupidity.
What I'm most worried about is -

The lack of a Pause/Start and Select button on the PS4's controller.

And I'm highly aware that the Home button, or the Options button might bring up a pause menu, but, I don't think it will actually PAUSE the game. Rather, it will let it run in the background as you try to reply to messages and that sort of stuff. Only to later exit from that screen and see yourself dead in a pool of blood.



Okay. :okay:
I was not asking for an explanation for why you don't like PC gaming, but seeing as you've posted it anyway...

I have played pc games before but not many. I see no appeal in mmo games whatsoever.

Yes, because all PC gaming is, is MMOs.

Subscriptions put me off. I might have played FF XIV a realm reborn if it were not for the transactions. Some of my friends play mmo games and when I watch... it just looks like a bunch of mindless clicking and BEFORE you say mashing buttons is the same well.... I do not mash buttons ever.

FFXIV is also for PS3 with the same fees model. Bad example.

If you're mindlessly clicking, you're probably not playing it properly.

The controls on console feel much more comfy.


Good thing plenty of games support Xbox 360 controllers that you can just plug in to use instead.

I see no point in modding communities. I do not like hacking in any type of game. Pokemon as an example? Well, people hack all the best stats and moves... which some pokemon cannot even do.

Well then, you're not compelled to do so! And modding is not really hacking.

I have never really understood the hype for Skyrim modding. mean, other than enhancing your experience on Skyrim? From things like fixing certain bugs and problems that Bethesda neglected to fix and attend to - all the way up to entirely new original content that you would not be able to acquire for the console versions? And the fact that Skyrim PC is the best version?

Again, up to you. But it is a very attractive perk to the platform.

Excessive mmo gaming tends to be a huge problem. Look at videos. It is the same with halo addicts and Call of duty. Hell, it can be any shooter! I just think PC have the worst.

Yes because once again, PC gaming = MMO gaming. I have seen the light. And that somehow has tremendous bearing on this.

And because you have a bunch of arseholes on PC and perhaps a bunch of obnoxious super elitist PC master race people = PC gaming must be avoided at all costs?

You might say I cannot judge because I didnt play many pc games but this is my honest opinion.

Actually, I was just going to say that you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.

I would not play games if they required some fees all the time. You pay for the game and that is that.

Once again, the only games for PC that would need a constant fee are MMOs like WoW. And because everyone knows that all PC gaming is, is WoW...

And I dearly hope that you don't pay for Xbox Live Gold as we speak for your Halo online matches...


@Hayabusa, I dunno. I can't imagine there not being an actual option to pause in case you want to answer the call of nature or do some cooking during a hectic boss fight. Because that...would make no sense. It's not like it would be a simple oversight because pausing is pretty much a golden rule. :hmmm:
I was not asking for an explanation for why you don't like PC gaming, but seeing as you've posted it anyway...

Yes, because all PC gaming is, is MMOs.

FFXIV is also for PS3 with the same fees model. Bad example.

If you're mindlessly clicking, you're probably not playing it properly.


Good thing plenty of games support Xbox 360 controllers that you can just plug in to use instead.

Well then, you're not compelled to do so! And modding is not really hacking. mean, other than enhancing your experience on Skyrim? From things like fixing certain bugs and problems that Bethesda neglected to fix and attend to - all the way up to entirely new original content that you would not be able to acquire for the console versions? And the fact that Skyrim PC is the best version?

Again, up to you. But it is a very attractive perk to the platform.

Yes because once again, PC gaming = MMO gaming. I have seen the light. And that somehow has tremendous bearing on this.

And because you have a bunch of arseholes on PC and perhaps a bunch of obnoxious super elitist PC master race people = PC gaming must be avoided at all costs?

Actually, I was just going to say that you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.

Once again, the only games for PC that would need a constant fee are MMOs like WoW. And because everyone knows that all PC gaming is, is WoW...

And I dearly hope that you don't pay for Xbox Live Gold as we speak for your Halo online matches...

Harharhar you are very funny, wisp. When did I say all pc games are mmo games? The majority of pc gamers play MMO games. DUH! Mhm, ps3 online is supposed to be free so I dont feel FF XIV should have any fees. If people are mindlessly clicking they are not playing properly? Dear god, go look at League of Legends, Starcraft, and the like and come back to me on that one. I cannot wait what you will come up with.

Onoes, I have an opinion! On Pc controls! I am not comfortable with using desktops either and I would not be able to stand playing games on my laptop. The way I see it is pc is for internet/important use and to pass time. My consoles pretty much keep me amused if I am bored of using the internet.

Actually, it is hacking :wacky: Why? You are modifying something in game to make something unheard of appear in the game. Example in Pokemon: I can make a Charmander learn surf with the use of hacking. So in Skyrim's case? You are doing the same exact thing. You are manipulating the game to make it your own experience. Halo custom edition has to be a good example here also. I never played it, but I do know that game is all about modding.

Skyrim PC is the best version? Keep telling yourself that. I don't know anyone who plays Skyrim on PC. All I see on PC are usually mmo games. :monster:

Yes, hacking is so attractive! I am truly sorry if I do not care about modding on PC :olivia:

No clue what I am talking about? I think you just do not like my opinion. Is that it? I know what I am talking about and you make it seem like I have extreme hatred for the PC community. I do not? I really really do not. I prefer console and that is all there is to it.

Most PC gaming is WoW :)

Halo online matches? Pretty irrelevant to the topic if you ask me.

If what you are saying is I would rather pay more for console than PC... you are right. Money for subscription is like the same as buying DLC. I only do it if I am interested. You make it seem like Halo is the only thing I play. :lew:

Also to be on topic....

I really hope PS4 is region free and not region locked. A region lock would be just stupid and would make gaikai a little irrelevant.
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Oh God even on FFF people has to bring the PC in the mix.... :ffs:
Is PC a console? NO!

I dont give a shit that pc has the best graphics and what not. Not everyone likes to blow a lot of cash for a high end pc.

Regular desktops aren't made for games but more for allround purposes. If you buy a Gaming PC kudos for you if you have the money..

Talking about PC vs consoles is retarded... Some people will never be satisfied. Consoles are made purely for games. Tht Sony decides to be more social and integrate with social medias is actually a smart move.

Its optional even Xbox does it already every smart tv does it. People like Facebook and what not its huge. This way they focus on the hardcore gamers and casual gamers.

People bitch too much imo.

Hell Im already blown away by the fact I can use my phone to control my youtube app on my freaking ps3 such a small useless feature but fucking awesome sauce nonetheless.
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OK, mods. This is my final post on this topic. I promise I will stop after this.

The majority of pc gamers play MMO games. DUH!

...says who? Where did you pluck that from, besides your arse?

Mhm, ps3 online is supposed to be free so I dont feel FF XIV should have any fees.

PS3 online being free has no bearing on what payment model FFXIV uses anyway. And besides, I thought you find MMOs completely unappealing. Why would you consider playing this anyway?

Actually, it is hacking :wacky: Why? You are modifying something in game to make something unheard of appear in the game. Example in Pokemon: I can make a Charmander learn surf with the use of hacking.

Modding originally was just hacking, yes, but it's really come to its own now, to the extent that I have to semantically separate "modding" from general "hacking". Did you know that certain PC game developers pretty much go so far as to encourage a bit of modding around, and make their games so that they're friendly enough to mod with? And that Bethesda is one of them?

Heck, look at DayZ. It was originally a zombie mod using ARMA 2, and it's now a full-fledged game of its own. Pretty impressive.

Skyrim PC is the best version? Keep telling yourself that. I don't know anyone who plays Skyrim on PC.

You can get a lot more out of it than the console versions, so erm, yeah. Given the choice if I could, yes, I would go for PC. And yes, people do play Skyrim on PC. Heresy, I know.

All I see on PC are usually mmo games. :monster:

Put on some glasses. There are plenty of PC games out there that are not MMOs.

I know what I am talking about

uh huh

I prefer console and that is all there is to it.

Well that's fine. I'm more of a console-er too, but I'm just addressing your ignorance. For instance:

Most PC gaming is WoW :)

This could just be you deliberately being hyperbolic and cute. Which I hope you were.


Huh, thought they already did confirm region-free. Turns out they haven't really confirmed nor denied it yet.

I'm also hoping it will be region-free, but even then, when you have Atlus deciding to region-lock Persona 4: Arena for the PS3, leaving Europe and Australia pretty much still deprived of that game with no sign of a release date, there'll be nothing to stop publishers from being cocks anyway.

Not that I'm as anxious and desperate as some others out there for a region-locked console, though. When you've been in PAL territories this long, waiting a while has become a specialty for us. We've waited before, and we can wait a while again.

But I would like to hope that I can stream anything from Gaikai without having to worry about the game never having had a physical release here before. I'd love to find out what the hoo-hah about the Xenosaga games is and how long my sanity would last with its hours of straight-up cutscenes.
Oh God even on FFF people has to bring the PC in the mix.... :ffs:
Is PC a console? NO!

I dont give a shit that pc has the best graphics and what not. Not everyone likes to blow a lot of cash for a high end pc.

Regular desktops aren't made for games but more for allround purposes. If you buy a Gaming PC kudos for you if you have the money..

Talking about PC vs consoles is retarded... Some people will never be satisfied. Consoles are made purely for games. Tht Sony decides to be more social and integrate with social medias is actually a smart move.

When people see a new piece of hardware, how much bang you get for your buck, is a totally reasonable point of discussion. The PC is a good bench mark for comparison because you can actually go out, find the exact components you want and an exact price. tried to see how much it would cost to build a PC of similar capabilities to the PS4 specs and ended up around the $600 mark. The new PC4 is said to launch at $429 and $529. The PC they put together is $600 today though, not $600 when the PS4 launch in November, so really, a pretty decent gaming PC doesn't have to cost a lot.