Pokemon: Renewed Land


Tony Stark
Apr 24, 2007
Stark Tower
In the country of kanto pokemon and people live in harmony, Pokemon help people, and likewise, the world Is peaceful, and has been since Team Rocket were beaten and disbanded, over a century ago, People have all but forgotten about the horrible acts of team rocket and life in kanto had returned to normal, the eight gym leaders taking on new challenges daily, trainers hoping to win all 8 badges and go to the Pokemon world championship, where trainers from all over the world would come together and test the power of their pokemon in order to be named the world champion.

Pokemon from across the Globe have migrated so all the nations of the world are capable of finding all the pokemon, all asides the pokemon of Legend anyway whom vanish when Team rocket did. It has come to the time of year where Professor Oak Sets another group of New trainers on their very own pokemon journey. Giving out the same pokemon as all the other pokemon professors in the world, Squirtle, Charmander, bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, totodile, chikorita, torchick, piplup, turtwig, Oshawott, tepig and Snivy. 4 water pokemon, 4 fire pokemon and 4 grass pokemon, hopeful Trainers from across the world would come to professor Oak’s lab and hope to get their first pokemon.

There are many different reasons as to why people would Set off on a journey across the Pokemon World, some want friendship, power, adventure, to learn about pokemon, and some just want to be crowned the Best, what will your reason be? and how far will you go to Achieve your Goal.

you Don't have to be a new Trainer, but lets not have anybody starting at to high a level, at most you can have 2 badges to Start with, but keep final evolutions within reason, for instance if your starter was Squirtle no Blastoise's. If your pokemon Evolves via a Stone such as Pikachu then the earlier you use the stone the less potential your Raichu will have.
Pokemon will learn moves as they journey, but try to keep the pace in which they learn them, and make earlier moves less powerful than the moves they learn later in the RP (no learning thunder or hyper beam for the first gym)
If your not a trainer just starting out then PM me regarding the team you want and what moves you want them to have, but again keep it within reason. this RP will be very open, but there will be other 'quests' as such, i intend to Bring an Evil pokemon stealing group who have their own Evil plans, so if you have any ideas for something like that then by all means let me know and we can discuss it, but that wont be until later in the RP.
when we reach a new area/ town/ City then i shall post what there is in regards to poke centres and marts, if there is a gym or other things. (or if your character reaches an area before mine then we can PM and you can disclose what there is)
Starter pokemon will be first ccome first serve, if you want to reserve a pokemon then let me know and i shall reserve it for you, older trainers will have to do this aswell, however their starter wont be at the same level as the others as they will have had theirs for longer.​

Character Bio:
Badges: Which badges you have (new trainers dont need this part)
Appearance: be as discriptive as possible please, you can use a picture if you wish
Training style: do you train with constant battles or do you work with them to help them improve.
Brief History:

Pokemon Bio. (you will need one of these for each of your pokemon if your not just starting out)
Species: what pokemon is it?
Nickname: If your pokemon has one
Relationship: ranging from Ash's Pikachu to Iris' Excadrill (at the start of the Black & white anime)
Distinguishing marks: does your pokemon have anything that sets it apart from others of its species? is it shiney? (no full Shiney parties)
Moves: keep it to 4 at the moment, new pokemon will have the usual tackle/scratch and Growl/Tail whip.

if there is anything you want to ask you can post it in here or PM me.

Accepted Characters:
Ironman - Stephen
Folmarv Tengille - Adrian

Starter pokemon List:
Charmander - Tailon
Cyndaquil - Ironman
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Character Bio:
Name: Adrian
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Wears yellow Dragon Trainer outfit, has jet black hair, weighs about 160 pounds, is 5'11, black eyes, and has olive toned skin.
Personality: Has a great creative mind always coming up with new ideas, but sometimes can be impulsive and impatient with his decisions often getting him in some risky situations. He often looks down on other trainers judging them to quickly, and also critically assessing his own performance in battle. When things get tough Adrian always has an optimistic view and always will try and cheer people up, and will always try and think of a logical way to get out of the situation.
Training style: Adrian trains his Pokemon with a logical sense of duty to strive to be better, he also cares for his Pokemon deeply and will protect them at all cost.
Brief History: Adrian is from Black Thorn City in Johto, he was raise by Malcolm and Berenice who themselves are a famous Dragon Tamer Duo that run the Black Thorn Gym. Every since Adrian was young he looked up to Malcolm and wanted to be a strong Dragon Tamer his self so when he turned of age to become a Dragon Tamer and to get his first Dragon Pokemon (which is 18). Malcolm and Adrian went in the Dragon's Den for his final test, to become a Dragon Tamer. While there Adrian stumbled upon an egg which Malcolm said he should keep for his first pokemon. So Adrian was questioned by his father, the test that was needed to become a Dragon Tamer. Adrian past with flying colors, and as they were leaving the egg hatched and it was a baby Dratini. Of course Adrian was puzzled about the Dratini's Coloring, and Malcolm answered that it was a rare species of Dratini (It was a shiny) so Adrian named his new Dratini, Kibou(which means hope in Japanese). After four years the Dratini was all grown up and ready to battle people, Malcolm tells him that when he was a child before he met Berenice he grew up in a region called Kanto where he trained against skilled Gym Leaders there, and they where wise and gave him advice on how to become a better trainer himself. So after Adrian heard this he wanted to become like his dad and be the new Black Thorn City Gym Leader and to become a Dragon Type Master he headed to Kanto via ship, and has bright hopes of many adventures ahead.

Pokemon Bio:
Species: Shiny Dratini
Nickname: Kibou
Gender: Male
Relationship: Hatched from an Egg in the Dragon's Den
Distinguishing marks: Has bright green eyes, and is a shiny Dratini.
Moves: Aqua Jet*/Leer/Thunder Wave/Wrap

*Learned Through Breeding Process

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Nice Bio Folmarv, the only problem i have with it is Kibou's ability to use Extreme Speed and twister, for a trainer with no badges i feel these moves are a little high powered, however, Quick attack instead of Extreme speed i dont have a problem with, and considering the low level in which Dratini naturally learns twister, kibou can learn that before the first gym. other than that i have no issues with it so If you make those adjustments then your bio will be acceptable. But for now It's unacceptable If you let me know when you have made the changes then i shall re-read it.
Nice Bio Folmarv, the only problem i have with it is Kibou's ability to use Extreme Speed and twister, for a trainer with no badges i feel these moves are a little high powered, however, Quick attack instead of Extreme speed i dont have a problem with, and considering the low level in which Dratini naturally learns twister, kibou can learn that before the first gym. other than that i have no issues with it so If you make those adjustments then your bio will be acceptable. But for now It's unacceptable If you let me know when you have made the changes then i shall re-read it.

I have fixed the Extreme Speed and the Twister bit. I removed Twister till later, but gave him Aqua Jet (Couldn't use Quick Attack, Dratini can't learn it, but can learn Aqua Jet through Breeding). Anyways Hope this fixes things.
okay then, i shall allow Aqua Jet, but just so you know the Gyms and the order in which we face them wont be the same as the Anime/Games, the Order will be different as will the Selection of pokemon that we face. Thank you for making the Alterations and your Bio is now Accepted

Here is my Bio:

Name: Stephen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Badges: Non

Personality: Stephen is a kind hearted person who will help those in need. With that being said his personality much depends on how you treat him, he believes in mutual Respect, not only between two people but also between people and pokemon, if he sees a trainer abusing a pokemon he will intervene, otherwise he will leave trainers to their business. although he hopes to one day become world champion he isn't one to rush off, he takes his time and makes sure he is prepared for a challenge before making it.

Training style: Stephen doesn't have a set training style, he uses different techniques on different pokemon, he understands that certain pokemon require certain types of training and so he varies his training for his pokemon to make sure he gets the best results.

Brief History: Stephen is the Son of the 8th Gym leader of Kanto, and so he always had big shoes to fill while he lived on Cinnabar Island his father was always pushing him to become a Trainer and take over as the Gym leader when he retired, but that wasn't Stephen's dream, he wanted his own pokemon adventure, he wanted to make his own choices, his own mistakes. when Stephen was around 10 years old he went for a walk Inside the Cinnabar Cave to get away from his father's nagging and Stumbled across an Axew Surrounded by multiple Zubat, he immediately picked up a handful of Rocks and began throwing them at the Zubat, scaring them away. he ran over to the Axew only to Discover it was quite severly injured, he picked it up and carried it to the pokemon centre, and waited until it was completely healed by Nurse Joy, afterwards he offered to return it to where it came from, but the Axew refused, instead it allowed Stephen to catch him, Stephen has kept Axew with him ever since, however Axew hates being in it's pokeball so it can usually be found at Stephen's feet or on his shoulder.
Stephen chose not to set out on his journey just yet, instead he waited, when he was 15 however he got Sick of his father's Constant demands that he train Axew to fight and become strong instead of being friends with him, Stephen's father would always tell him "Axew is weak, Haxorus is Powerful!" and Stephen was sick of it, So he Climbed aboard the Boat and left Cinnabar Island, he journeyed to Pallet town, meeting many people and Pokemon along the way, he had no want to catch or battle, but there were some cases that couldn't be avoided, one such case was a particularly stubborn Machop who kept comming back in Mount Moon, So Stephen Caught it.
When He arrived at Pallet town Stephen Went straight to the house of Professor Oak, and it was only at this point that Stephen found out that his Axew was infact Shiney, a rare type of pokemon that's colour is different to the others of it's species. this surprised Stephen and Oak's to research the differences between normal and Shiney pokemon kept Stephen there.
It was two and a half years ago Stephen left Cinnabar Island, and after spending So long as Oak's Research assistant, he left on his own Pokemon Adventure, intending to train and become the Best Trainer he could be, and hopefully one day Participate in the Pokemon World championship.

Pokemon Bio. (you will need one of these for each of your pokemon if your not just starting out)
Species: Axew
Gender: Male
Relationship: Axew is Stephen's Closest Friend
Distinguishing marks: Shiney
Moves: Scratch, Leer, Assurance

Species: Machop
Gender: Male
Relationship: Machop will do anything to prove how tough he is.
Distinguishing marks: non
Moves: Low Kick, Focus Energy, leer
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The order in which we face them wont be the same as the Anime/Games, the Order will be different as will the Selection of Pokemon that we face

Kinda expected that :P, since it has been a century since the anime/games happened, stuff is expected to be different. Can't wait to see whats new :D.
Well hopefully we will get more sign-up's and we shall be able to get this RP Going, but until then, Your just going to have to speculate as to what is going on, haha. Hopefully we will have some more sign-ups before the weekend, but its just a time of waiting now.
Well hopefully we will get more sign-up's and we shall be able to get this RP Going, but until then, Your just going to have to speculate as to what is going on, haha. Hopefully we will have some more sign-ups before the weekend, but its just a time of waiting now.
Yea we definitely need to get more sign ups lets hope we get more people on board :D
Hey, im interested but im only a fan of generation one of the series, is that going to affect my play capabilities?
It should not, I myself skipped the 5th gen Pokemon games. Plus you can always learn, so give it a shot and post your character. :D

Here is the template, in case you have forgotten it:

Character Bio:
Badges: Which badges you have (new trainers dont need this part)
Appearance: be as discriptive as possible please, you can use a picture if you wish
Training style: do you train with constant battles or do you work with them to help them improve.
Brief History:

Pokemon Bio. (you will need one of these for each of your pokemon if your not just starting out)
Species: what pokemon is it?
Nickname: If your pokemon has one
Relationship: ranging from Ash's Pikachu to Iris' Excadrill (at the start of the Black & white anime)
Distinguishing marks: does your pokemon have anything that sets it apart from others of its species? is it shiney? (no full Shiney parties)
Moves: keep it to 4 at the moment, new pokemon will have the usual tackle/scratch and Growl/Tail whip.

Character Bio:
Name: Anna Resto
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Badges: Plain Badge, Boulder Badge
Appearance: Anna is a red-head and her bright green eyes pierce into her enemies souls though they can show great love and loyalty to those closest to her. She is tomboyish and even when wearing a uniform that requires a skirt she makes it look tomboyish with additions of her own. Her hair is kept in traditional odango even though her make-up varies from minimalistic to theatrical depending on her mood.

Personality: Easy to anger but usually a very happy person her fiery nature is shared and mirrored by her pokemon. A steadfast friend to all who can call her that but a fierce enemy of anyone that wishes harm to her or her friends

Training style: She trains her pokemon until they are tired then lets them rest up for the next day, only when she thinks they are ready does she push them against gym battles, she will not enter a battle with a pokemon she feels could suffer a loss, purely because she wants her pokemon to take pride in being the best they can possibly be

Brief History: Her parents split up when she was a child and while she lived with her pokemon trainer mother she wouldspend most weekends with her pokemon ranger father down in the safari zone. She learnt to care for all pokemon, not just the powerful ones or the cute ones, infact more often than not she would be caring for an icky spinarak (her own words at the time) She got her charmander's trust by saving it from a rainstorm and taking good care of it until it was better. She has been training bit by bit making sure her charmander was as ready as he could be for his important battles. recently her charmander evolved into charmeleon and they have been training together vigorously since then, though she is mindful to take good care of her pokemon.

Pokemon Bio.
Species: Charmeleon (level 22)
Nickname: Cinder
Gender: Female
Relationship: A friendship akin to as hand his pikachu but more respect than love
Distinguishing marks: Its tail flame burns as if being powered by gas giving it a blue/green colour, it also has markings on its body similar to that of a velociraptor
Moves: Ember, Dragon Rage, Flame Charge (TM) & Cut (HM)
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I assume when you put the boulder badge you meant that your character already has the first adge, however with the time difference between the games/anime and the presant day it is no longer the boulder badge from Pewter city, It's the Plain badge from Veridian City (Where The 8th badge used to be collected) so could you please change that for me, also you have mentioned parts of personality in the appearance section, these should be in the Personality section, appearance is stritly for how your character looks, so could you move them, so get those things changed and i look forward to seeing the rest of your Bio
so still no mention on whether or not i can have a charmander? i need to know before i finish anything to do with this character seeing how that is a key part, her first pokemon would fit her personality, thats all im trying to sort out here, i do not want to use any fakemon (anything after gen one) starters. Also the only part of her personality i have mentioned is her intemperateness which i will be editing when i know about my pokemon choice, also i didnt mean the plain badge, i meant the badge for defeating brock, if that means i have more than one badge so be it ^^ thanks
i hate to tell you this Tailon but Brock is long since dead, this RP is set 100 years after the Games and anime, there is no more Brock, he is long since died and the second badge is the Boulder badge (given by the new gym leader) if you want to have 2 badges having beaten the second badge then by all means have that, also i didn't realise you wanted charmander, sure you can have it, thats fine I'll change it on the list.
ok thanks, i wasnt sure what time scale this was as i havent played anything after pokemon red generation and thanks for the charmander, you didnt have to change anything, its not like there is only one charmander in the world, i never understood why it wasnt possible to catch others in the game ¬_¬ i wanted a team of charizards
editing my profile now
well thats all looking good, however Charmeleon is a rather high level in comparison to your gym badges, so could you possibly make him a little less high level, (for instance 20) also i stated in the info in the first post that you shouldn't have moves that are to powerful, so would you mind terribly swapping Flamethrower for Flame charge, it is a later Generation move, but charmeleon can learn it through TM, and it's less powerful than Flamethrower, i'm trying to cap the power of people so that there is more of a chance that we meet on our journey's you see.

the only reason there is only one of each starter is so that Each user has a different one, can't really have 3 people running around with charmanders as it wouldn't give the RP any Depth.
the basic level for most second gyms is eighteen-twenty i personally grind my pokemon to level thirty just after the gym before moving on to the next, i can take it down to twenty-two but a flame-type isnt uber powerful versus rock so levels would be tough seeing as charmeleon is only one pokemon ^_^
okay then, but he would have had to go through two pokemon as the Second gym is 2v2 (1 at a time) and you only had one pokemon so it would have been a very rare thing that the gym leader would have let you battle 2 Vs 1.
the only reason she was allowed to do it is because she begged the gym leader to face her