Pokemon RP

That's awesome guys, its great to see people interested and joining. You didn't have to add your team but thats cool... I'm keeping my whole one a secret for now though;)
I'll create the in game thread now too... Experienced trainers can start wherever they want to, but I will limit the amount of pokemon you can have to six on your person and up to twenty-four more in the box systems...
OK, now, onto the RP!
There will be two beginnings; New trainers have to start in Pallet Town (or close to) and again, Expert, wherever you want.
MasterCloud and Kira, i know XD
Part of the reason I meant to put in my bio:

Damo was raised in Cerulean City by his parents who fully supported his desire to raise and collect Pokemon. However, they always insisted on Damo collecting water Pokemon, and nothing else.
Over the years, Damo grew to resent his parents and their controlling ways and decided to disregard their wishes and follow his dream.

All sorted :)
Yo, guys just a reminder (yeah, yeah) that the RP thread is up and running, so post!
Oh and all experienced trainers, a slight handicap, you also have to earn some badges, everyone will be at least one or two short of the ten minimum...
When you get up to a Gym Leader, I'll decide if you can play them (temporarily) or if I will...
well I'm planning on starting off about to battle Erika for my fourth badge so you wanna play her while my fire team kills her, or shall I???
You can play as the gym leaders themselves but Kira, if you are only up to your fourth badge would you mind editing your team a touch? As a team of Typhlosion, Charmeleon, Pupitar, Nidoking, Pikachu, Aggron is a fairly strong team for a three gym badge trainer, just devolve maybe Nidoking, Aggron and either Charmeleon or Pupitar... we don't want insane trainers...
Plus the whole having a Pupitar thing... they only live in Mount Silver and in Sinnoh (don't remember where) so unless its a misbehaving traded pokemon, make it a larvitar would you?
ok i shall edit pupitar, nidoking, and aggron

EDIT: i now have larvitar, Nidoran (male) and lairon
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Name: Zeke
Age: 17
Appereance: Long black hair that falls just below his shoulders. Black vext stop and white baggy jeans. Muscular physique
Profession: Paper boy
Home Town: Pallet Town
Personality: Quite solemn and somber, but know how to have a laugh. Girl crazy.
Favorite Pokemon: His Drowzee, nicknamed "Dee"

Pokemon Goal: To compete in the League and beat the Elite 4