Poop...it's everywhere...


Tauros and Probopass <3
Apr 8, 2007
As I type out this thread, I can smell the disgusting odor of poop. Just five feet away, a few turds are sitting on the carpet.

It's only dog poo...but I don't want to pick it up. They're my mom's dogs, so it's normally her responsibility to pick this stuff up and flush it down the toilet. Unfortunately, she's at work. I'm the only person home...and one of the dogs just cra--I can't take it anymore. Brb...


Problem solved. I sucked it up and picked up the poop. Made me gag a tad, but it's done. Alright, forget that bit. All better.

Now to the point!

How good are you at picking up/cleaing up fecal matter? I bet most of you have pets. Some of you are mothers. Is it easy for you to wipe your child's butt or change their diaper? I struggle with chihuahua poop. God help me if I ever have a kid. Maybe practice is the key...
Ugh, you would think I'd be used to shit by now, but I'm not...well, Im probably more tolerant of it than I used to be but the cat's shit makes my eyes water sometimes

She actually did a really big smelly one at like 2 this morning and I couldnt take the smell so I had to empty the litter tray. THAT is because th stupid git ambushed my curry the other day :dry:
I think I could pick up cat poo more easily. They go in trays, right? All I'd need is a pooper-scooper! Nifty.
I had to pick up my nieces poop before, when she was potty training.....didn't make it to the toilet.....
I didn't mind it much when Logan was a baby, but now?? Oh GAWD all I can say is that I'm soooo glad he's potty trained!
Eh, I hate fecal matter. I don't have a pet, but my friends do and so I've had my fair share of the nasty odors. So who knows how good I'll be at cleaning up until I have a child, but I know that I wouldn't like doing it. xD

E coliiii. >_<
Oh gee...

Guess how many diapers (BM included) I change from Monday - Friday?




About 24 - 30 a day. You do the math.

We have 11 kids in total at my daycare. After they eat breakfast (usually we have 7 - 9 kids) I change them. One or two will have soiled diapers. Then before lunch, I change them again. By then, there's 11 kids in total. Of course, if they have BMs before then, either me or the other teacher will change 'em.

After snack, the other teacher will change them, but sometimes if they have a BM after that, I'd change them anyway.

Yeah, fun job, huh? I wanna quit so bad. Am I used to it? Hell no! I've almost threw up, eyes watering...while changing some kids' crap...it's one of those what-the-hell-did-you-have-for-dinner-last-night?!?! smell...

Of course, it's easier for me to change my daughter. But she's potty-trained now anyway, so no biggie there.
Luckily for me there are woods behind the hotel, so I dont have to worry about picking up after my dog. There was this one time when we lived in VA when we were taking care of a neighbors dog and she shat all over the upstairs while we were sleep. It was gross XP...luckily it wasnt diarrhea. I would've spewed everywhere and made it worse! lol
Mitsuki said:
About 24 - 30 a day. You do the math.

Holy crap. Are you serious??? Diapers are pretty expensive, too. Well...I'm done complaining about dog crap. 30 dirty diapers a day is intense.
I can't believe Booger hasn't noticed this topic yet.

Anyway, ugh...I can't stand dealing with animal shit. I used to be a vet assistant, and the cats weren't too bad because the litterboxes made things easy to take care of. But the dogs........not fun, especially when they shat in their kennels before I had the chance to walk them.
Holy crap. Are you serious??? Diapers are pretty expensive, too. Well...I'm done complaining about dog crap. 30 dirty diapers a day is intense.

Especially pull-ups. And yes, I am dead serious. No wonder I'm so grumpy by the end of the day.

As for dog crap...I've never actually owned a dog...I mean, we have a family dog, but it's not mine, so the responsibility for cleaning up after him goes to my siblings. I can't really stand dog crap, to be honest...
I can't really stand dog crap, to be honest...

Who can ^^ ?

I think cats are easier to manage when it comes to these things, smaller poo, and plus it's easier to teach them. My cat has never pooped anywhere else except in his litter box.
I hate standing in dog shit when I'm out. I end upmaking a right song and dance about it. If people can't clean up after their mutts they shouldn't have one
THAT is why I have a cat, no way would I pick up her steaming turds from the street.... Honestly, it's disgusting. I hate shit -_-
If I get enough tissues so that I can't feel the turds when I grab 'em, then it's not so bad.

Just gotta be quick to dispose of them before the smell hits yah.
I am very good at picking up poop, and cleaning up diarrhea. When you have 4 dogs, you've got to learn to handle cleaning up poop from your floor when you're potty training them, throw up, pee the like. Whats bad is when 3 of them all have diarrhea and they spent the whole night pooping in your basement. Now that mess was hard to handle.
I've cleaned up animal shit most of my days. :wacky:

I used to work in a cattery and so it was part of my paid job to clean their litter trays. Cats tend to be quite clean and just leave one little dollop of shit in the corner. The pish is the worst to get rid of, particularly if their tray had a hole in it. The messy cunts were the worst when they somehow had shit up the wall and everything. ¬_¬

On top of that, I've been to a number of riding schools and worked voluntarily at the weekends and stuff. The first stables I was at provided us with rubber gloves and physically made up pick up the enormous piles of SHIT. Bending down to get it was not a pleasant experience for the ol' nose. The last school I went to was much better and actually had shovels and such like ... probably because those horses shat out mammoth piles and you'd be there forever trying to climb them to pick them up otherwise. :wacky:
I worked with a kid late last year who always had this smell. Smelly Dan. He's a funny freakin' dude, but when he stopped showering, we stopped hanging out with hm.
I am very good at picking up poop, and cleaning up diarrhea. When you have 4 dogs, you've got to learn to handle cleaning up poop from your floor when you're potty training them, throw up, pee the like. Whats bad is when 3 of them all have diarrhea and they spent the whole night pooping in your basement. Now that mess was hard to handle.


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