Poor Quistis!

I guess Quisty doesn't rly need just 1 guy (or girl :D)!
As 4 the job she rly did suck as an instructor! I skip her tutorials, even the 1st time I played this game...:oy:
She was this annoying::poked:
She is WAY better as a merc.
BTW I've always been wondering:
Where does she keep those gattling guns?:nudge:
She was only 18 and she lost her ition as instructor right at the beginning of the game, so, hooking up with anyone would technically be fine, if a little weird xD

Amyway, I think the only time I really felt sorry for her apparent lonliness was when they were all in Trabia remembering the Orphanage and Quistis realising her feelingsd for Squall were childhood memories of big sisterness lingering. By ther end, I wasn't all that fussed, I certainly didn't feel sorry for her - anyway, she could get anyone she wanted xD

Not everyone needs to pair up :monster:
I think had FF8 bothered to develop any of the other characters we would probably see Quistis' transgression - at first she's smitten over Squall, but as she moves on she realizes she doesn't need some leather obsessed weirdo to be happy :monster:

She's a strong woman, maybe a little lonely, but she can handle herself. It would have been nice to see her relationships develop a bit more.

Or you can pair her with Seifer, as he seems to display traits Quistis mistakes Squall to have had. This is a pairing I personally support, but I don't really think it's necessary for Quistis to get with someone to be happy. Plus, I just like to pair Seifer with anything that exists :P
If she wasn't bossy, annoying and a sexual predator then she probably would have ended up with someone.

But i'm guessing that the fact that she was involved in a teacher-student love scandal probably gave her a pretty bad reputation around Balamb Garden, and therefore nobody wants to be with her.
I couldn't believe Quistis even liked Squall in the first place! He seemed like a petty, one-dimensional jerk alot of the time. He was always quite mean to Quistis and never really treated her with any respect. I never knew what she saw in him, especially since she is such an intellegent, attractive (cartoon) lady. I thought that story arc was quite strange, even when she figured it out to be a sisterly type of love...WTH. Romantic love one minute, to sisterly love the next...>_>

I think Quistis would end up with someone with brains. I actually think it would be pretty cool if she hooked up with Seifer. Actually, that would be hilarious. It would be one of those passionate romances, forever fighting and making up. Although completely not suited to one another they keep persisting anyway, lol.
Well, I finally completed the game, and from the looks of it, everyone in the main party got together with someone in the end. Squall and Rinoa (obviously) Irvine and Selphie, and Zell and the library girl xD

So, where does that leave Quistis? With no one! Poor Quistis. I felt kinda...dissatisfied with the ending, as it only really showed Squall, Rinoa and Laguna. Not the other 4 main characters

I kinda thought her and Irvine had something, he did dance with her and all. It seemed cute to me ^^ Nah I think Zell and Selphie liked each other through out the whole game :tighthug: Just me?
I think the ending was perfect to be honest. Yea some of the characters didnt get a good look in but really the main characters were what it was all about i think, laguna, squall and rinoa.
Haha too bad for quistis, maybe if headmaster Cid was single...I always thought it was rather obvious Quistis never had a chance, she seemed way too mature for an 18 year old. Her fun side did come out but i always felt she couldve been somewhat more flirty.
Ah! forget Quistis! she was boring, and no fun to play with at all, serves her right for being such a loser! haha, but really I found her pointless, aside from the drawn-out tutorials in the beginning...