possibly the worst ff ever

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this is an unfair thread... it's obvious this FF sucked overall compared to others, why? technology wasn't even close to being as advanced as it is now..

if you looked at this game without graphical and musical judgement.. then you can speak, but considering the first post, i can only say you're not

usually RPGs are judged on


if you want to compare old FFs with new ones, you have to ignore the first 2, cause mostly, you WILL have worse graphics and music(as in quality) in the old ones, because it was essentially impossible to have graphics like FFXII on a rather early console
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Yeah this is a pretty harsh thread i thought this was a lovely game considering its just as old as me i got it on the game boy so i can't really judge the music but i really liked the battle system. I also don't think u can knock the storyline at all it was a nice stick it to the man sorta one the original few dudes V a bunch of ****s.

I must say though it was a mega challenge to do
how could you say that the music? I thought it really has a good composition. the battle theme is my favorite. the story isn't bad. in fact it seemed to be a style in this early game they'd put later on like in the story of VI, VIII and VIII. It's very similar.
It certainly took a lot to beat thr Final Boss. Hands down the hardest.
but FFIII (not VI) was the worst, even though the Onion Knights were partial to the Saga.
It certainly took a lot to beat thr Final Boss. Hands down the hardest.
but FFIII (not VI) was the worst, even though the Onion Knights were partial to the Saga.

You don't know the easy way to win.

The Blood Sword does Massive Amounts of Damage to the Final Boss.
I think it was the easiest Boss in FF history.
I didnt know about the Blood Sword. I thought the weapon/armor at the bottom of thel ist was the best. like it was in strenghth order.
Oh well. shows what i know.
I didnt know about the Blood Sword. I thought the weapon/armor at the bottom of thel ist was the best. like it was in strenghth order.
Oh well. shows what i know.

Well when you first get the blood sword it sucks. It does a pitiful amount of damage.

It only works against the last boss so I wouldn't expect you to know.
FFII is one of my favorite final fantasy games i would say its a HUGE step up from FFI think about it and what is everyone talking about the levling system is normal to me better than FFI's nvm i havint played this one sorry i got confused
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I disagree. I liked this FF and at the very least it can be said that it was an improvement over the first FF.

I didn't care much for FFI. I found the game to include much too much wandering. While FFII had a fair share of wandering, it definitely streamlined the events into a somewhat linear plot. Also, the fact that FFII actually had a plot gives it an edge over FFI, which had a premise as opposed to a story.

The levelling system was definitely different and while it could be frustrating, it is pretty ingenious. It makes a lot more sense than exp. points, if you think about it - you get better with something you practice more.

As for music - frankly, I don't find very many of the early FFs to have appealing music. Perhaps one or two good melodies, but the simplicity of the audio kinda ruins the overall effect. However, one melody that definitely catches attention from FFII is the song played at the Rebel's Hideout. The Swan Lake selection also caught my attention, though I suppose that can't be credited to the game designers.

Summing up, I would say that at the very least FFI has to be worse than FFII. And I'm hardly saying that FFI sucked - it was extraordinary for its time, and FFII was a step up from that.
I believe the worst game to carry the name Final Fantasy would be Chocobo Tales....it's far too short and it's easy to complete.....only getting everything can be hard as some of the mini games are difficult on the highest setting.

FFII is an odd game style but it's a nice change where characters abilities grow in a more realistic way (if you use something a lot, you get better with it). I haven't played all the FF games but I wouldn't say it's the worst....it just takes a while to get used to. I can't say if the story's any good as I haven't really got that far.
I've only just started playing this game, first impressions: Obviously better graphics than FFI and a much more detailed story too. This is far off the worst FF game ever, IMO that title belongs to FFTA.
Theres now a sticked worst FF Game thread in General discussion ^_^ please use that to discuss the worst FF game :)
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