Post your Dreams


Red Mage
Aug 15, 2007
I thought this would be a pretty cool thread to make seeing theres an infinite range of possiabilities users can post.

Post ur latest dreams with as much detail as u can here, or if ur keeping a journal like me post ones u think are intesting enough that people mite enjoy reading.

keep in mind i write these dreams in my journal as soon as i wake up from one, so i was dead tired and i quickly jot down main things ive noticed or remembered so the writings terrible.

also the dreams in my journal may or maynot be totally truth or fully explained. Some parts of the dream may have been forgotten or left out. I do my best to write everything i can but somethings are nearly impossiable to record with full clarity and detail, as is the nature of dreams. =p

Here's one I had last night:

May 15-16

Setting: Desert like terrain, with a lush green forest! =O

I was in third per son view up in the sky watching herds of people and other alien races speeding away on veichles from a massive floating island. The cops found out and started speeding there way. I heard one say, "You got ur meter on?" Where they seriously ganna chase these guys down and give them tickets!? The island floated some 3-5 stories off the ground, seemed to have been raised not to long ago since in was hovering over a huge crator of newly dug dirt and rock. Above the island on its highest peak, there was a guy levatating a few feet above. He was glowing a bright greenish color and seemed to be channeling some kinda spell, my dream self thought. I think he was going to destroy that island to protect wat ever laid within it.
Below the island there was a guy or some kinda rhino being driving a truck, miles behind the rest of the survivers but seemed to be catching up very quickly some how. One rhino was riding a motorcycle speeding past the truck. Like everyone else they had cops persueing them too, oblivious to wats happening around them. The rhino was speeding into a small town and through a dense forest. Trying to stop his veichle he grabbed onto the base of a tree trunk and swinged himself around it like a monkey completly turning him around and slowing his momentum. As soon as he completly stopped another rhino flew past him and went face first into a tree and was instantly crushed. He seemed to be a friend of his for he was crying.
Thats when the island exploded and i blacked out and woke up...

yup thats all i can rememmber from that one dream, i hade 2 more that same night but ill share those later..

I keep a journal mainly because im attempting to lucid dream. Ive only started about a week ago so ive only reached 0 major ( u probly dont know wat that means lol =p)

but anyways post away! dont worry if you think its stupid, most dreams are like that anyways. Mines probly beyond stupid but w/e! XD
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I had one the other day, not brilliant... But I'll write it up here. I don't write dreams down though, so this is by memory.

Setting: Some street of a busy city or town somewhere, a main street with pubs and shops along it... Probably in Ireland, based on the situation, but I couldn't tell for definate.

It was rather weird really. Me, my Mom and my Dad were walking down the street, then all of a sudden this Irish man came up to us, and started Irish dancing and skipping down the street, and then back and round us... All cheery and jolly and goading us to follow him.
Eventually we did... My Mom followed him, also dancing... All very cheesy... My Dad was too, assumingly, though I never actually saw him do it. I'm assuming I was too as I was moving at the same speed and up and down and stuff...

We were literally dancing down the street, round the lamposts, and in between people, following this Irishman with a cheesy grin. It was particularly funny seeing my mom do it...

I woke up after a while. Nothing else happened that I can remember.

It was just really, really, crazy... No explaination for it whatsoever. :O
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I had a dream a few nights ago where I was in a cinema with a bunch of friends. I don't remember too much about my dream. But and I had a pet dog who was about half the size of me and he obeyed my every command. :monster:

He kinda looked like this

Except his Fur was black and thicker.

Oh and his name was Rasputin (for some bizarre reason)
I think he is meant to be my guardian animal or something. :wacky:
Hmm I would say the best dreams I can think of are dreams in which I fly in. I dunno, its pretty random but I would assume I got that from an early age. Then transitioned over from watching DBZ a bit growing up, I guess at heart when I was a kid I always wanted to be a super hero, but I never acted on it, thus why I had dreams.

The other reoccuring dreams, a bit on the weird side, are I always get in fights with dudes I know in life. Its almost like a big Rocky Movie to be honest. I beat the stuffing out of em, whether it be from MMA style fighting or just straight punching or grecko roman wrestling. I mean I've only been in 2 fights in my life, both I came out on top of by submission. So I don't know where it comes from, except of course I do watch MMA fighting every now and again. Oh well, odd, right?
ok, im havin' a dry spell so ill pull out one of my faves from the log...

i was led in bed, watching "Waking life" on my 360 and i was drifting off but i heard the film finish so i re ran it n got to about 25 minuites into the film, and i closed my eyes and so could only hear the speach, but i love the film and watch it alot coz it helps with my lucid dreaming studies n shiz; well after about 15 minuites of trying to stay awake and concentrate while letting my body rest i started to see weird flashes and streaks of light n all sorts n then i could only see the film, clearly and very synced to the sound i could still hear, at first i thought i had already opned my eyes but i looked around and instantly realised it wasnt my room... BOOM ! instant lucidity :awesome:... well i walked to the window and looked down, it was a LONGG drop and well enough to "take off", i opened it wide, looked back at the alarm clock to make sure i was dreaming ... just incase (in dreams nothing is stable; least of all words and numbers, and images on things like TV's you will rarley ever be able to read in a dream; exeption below xD)and jump, backwards, out of the window... i span and flipped for a little while then pulled my self round, faced the ground, lowered my arms, and threw out a khamaya maya (however it is spelt ?) for DBZ, and catapulted myself, speeding, higher and high, parallel to te building, untill i was sufficiently high enough, and let my self relax and started to drop like a feather falling.. landing on a small little island, the sun was perfectly hot, the water was crystal, and the sand was warm and golden, perfectly neat, as if never touched, i walked around aimlessly for what seemed like days... just soaking it all in, anyway, i started to get bored and leaped myself tree to tree till the rearest building, that had a sign on the door, saying "Closed down, Moved There ---> pointing to the building not 15 paces away. i go in and on the inside its much diffrent... it was a; prison. long, wide, messivly tall, green, metal hallways, towering stairs, god knows how many stories it was.. it guess 20+, well i hear gunshot and screams from upstairs and instantly "know" (expect) it to be a zombie and what'cha know (indreams its you subconsiouse woking, say IRL your walking down a dark dath in a woods, and you hear a noise, if you think it could be or even expect its a mugger with a knife, it COULD be but the chances are its not, and it can only happen when there is a mugger iwth a knife behind the tree, if, in a dream, your in the same situation, then when you expect it,, it most probally will be one coz thats what you imagining is there) sorry to jabber on. umm.. neways.. hordes of them bombarded the prison, and soon enough alot of people (friend generally) turned up, by this point i had lost my lucidity, because i hate zombie dreaams, i had problems when i was a little kid with them coz of games, films n shit, n it never really went away and so its a reacurring dream/nightmare) well anyways out of nowhere a GIANT crocadile started to chace me and some other but they got eaten and after a few minuittes i was in a lab hallway :S... and realised this was a scene from RE2 and so i knew how to kill it and once again knew i was dreaming, i teleported myself out to high ground, and used telekeneises to contact "the higest" pretty much god in a dream way; and ask for help and i was fronted with the presence of a old man, long beird, white-ish robes, nothing else, exept some straggled hair and a sand timer .. he handed that to me and said "use this to reverse the suffering of hundreds of villans, they may be bad but they didnt deserve evil... and that moment was a flash of light... it was, as if, a apiphany because i realised i could undo that, tand that it couldnt happen IRL and since then i have had one bad dream/night mare since and it was some random hill billy that i shot i think in the end, and i asked the man to remind me that i needed to remember him before i left "his world" and as quick as he agreed he had gone... i could hear in the background somewhere, a song, it was a hevenly riff, with a smooth drum set up, and a voice, but it was distorted, and so i tryed to follow it, and closed my eyes and tryedto imagine it in front of me playing, and when i opned them it was but it was a phone, and it wasnt the same music, well it was but it didnt sound "the same" the was gunz and roses - welcome to the jungle, my ring tone. and i realised i was going to have to wake up, i wanted to end the dream on a good note, so i teleported to my house again... the building a jumped from.. put the TV on led in the bed, and fell asleep, and as i had in the first place when i fell asleep, i found myself back in a diffrent reality lol...

this was about a year ago, but still love it for many reasons,
it was my first ever proper lucid dream for one

EDIT - i know, i know lots of mistakes, live with it , im tired and stoned n really tired lol
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I had a dream last night that I was at work, and that I had something major that needed done (what it was, I now can't remember), and I was utterly frustrated.

Then my co-worker comes in and says that he's got it all done instantaneously.

I'm so grateful that he did it, I just automatically hug him.

Then he kisses me. I mean REALLY kisses me. And I let him.

I am just flabbergasted. I ask, "What was that for?"

He smiles and says, "I've just been wanting to do that for a while".

what do you all think of it?
heh... XD

Me and Dan were sitting on a park bench last night in my dream, talking about something. All I remember really from the conversation is the subjects of sex and music. :3

Every ten minutes in the conversation, I kept checking the watch I don't own that was on my wrist in the dream, Jess would run by screaming something dirty and taking an article of clothing off. It was so freaking odd. I laughed but Dan kept muttering something about strippers in Rhode Island and how he didn't want to be reminded... XD

All and all it was an amazing dream.
Nellers, keep me out of your dreams :gonk:

I had the ODDEST one last night... I was in some small town, and there were lots of trees. There was a train next to it, and I started out on the edges of town but with seemingly no time passage, I was in the center of the town walking around :P

I ran into a boy who was walking around too, and there were these like... loud speakers broadcasting music across the town. Like... the radio, only huge speakers on top of the light poles... o_O Apparently one of the songs was of the boy's singing (I have no idea who he was, or who he even resembled) and I mentioned it. Somehow, I ended up back at the house he lived in with his older brother, who, as I found out a little later in the dream, owned the train that ran by the town.

I... er... ended up losing my clothes and holding a towel around myself, but I'm not sure how this happened -_- We were on his front porch, and next thing I knew... I was only wearing a towel. Quite odd, that bit >.> Then some of his brother's friends arrived, and it was getting late, so I ended up leaving with my clothes in a bag.

I don't know WHAT gave me such an odd dream, but I remember it being quite good while I was asleep XD Now it's kinda creeping me out =/
I had the weirdest dream about a year ago. I woke up (well I didn't actually. I dreamt that I woke up), went to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror only to discover that my entire upper body was covered in thick brown fur. That's not the weird part though. The weird part is that I didn't appear to be particularly concerned about having turned into a Yeti overnight. I was more concerned about missing my bus and being late for work because I couldn't possibly shave off all that fur in half an hour...
I had a strange dream last night.

Me and my friends were kidnapped by a vampire. So to gain our freedom, he challenged one of my male friends to a card game of some sort. And every time that he lost a round, he'd take a chunk out of my neck. He lost EVERY single round and I was bleeding very heavily by the time we successfully escaped. However, I felt that the pain was addictive and wanted the vampire to bite me again. I started searching for him ...

And that was the end of the dream. :monster:
I had a weird one not last night but the night before..

It nearly made me late for Uni as, though I was awake a few seconds before this dream, it just randomly hit me and I fell asleep again as I was intending to get up. I then woke with only 15 mins to get out the door, which was stressful.

Anyway the details are lost now, but I remember some of it... There was a large circular camp, with barbed wire around the perimeter, and also within a smaller circle in the middle... I think whoever was keeping the people in the camp probably existed in there, but nothing could be seen... It just looked like cardboard.

By large I mean the size of a freaking country... There were towns and castles in different sectors of the camp... But it looked almost like chess pieces or perhaps pieces from the board game Risk, or even D and D on occassion.. The circle was divided into two halves, for an unexplained reason, also with barbed wire.

I saw the soldiers from one castle thing move towards another one.

However the floor of the whole place looked often like cardboard, or even wood like a tabletop, but light of colour... But sometimes it was a pale green. It looked completely empty until all of a sudden one of the castles was revealed to have happened to have been there all the time, and the same with the other. By this logic, though it wasn't seen to my memory in the dream, I can imagine there were more around the whole massive camp, and the people keeping them in probably lived in the centre.

I think the two armies might have clashed, and perhaps maybe the one side (red team) overwhelmed the other one (I think they were brown or orange) as they appeared to surround and engulf them.... But I don't think any clear result arrived about the victor. I think I just woke up as that was happening.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was going to end up with everyone going in a circle... Taking one camp, moving to the next, and so on round and round, cutting through the fence in the middle. But I'm just guessing the end of a dream here which is a silly thing to do, I just felt like it was probably heading in that direction.

God knows what all that was about. :ness:

Maybe it is trying to tell me I am trapped in someones little game?
Or perhaps the circular camp = my mind.... Whatever the heck the Red team is, it is going to / is already smashing away at everything else in there! :gasp:

A recent thread made me decide to make this one

Talk about some weird dreams you've had here, I know mine are pretty odd.
I will post some of mine later though.
well last night I dreamed I was getting high threw the whole thing and according to the dream dictionary it means :To dream that you are in possession of or taking drugs, signifies your need for a "quick fix" or from an escape from reality. You may be turning to a potentially harmful alternative as an instant escape from your problems. Ask yourself why you need the drugs. What do you hope the drugs will achieve for you?
I once had a dream that I swear to God was sentient & evil. In this dream, I kept waking up & experiencing some nightmare scenario, usually a screamer video that became real. Each time I realized I was still dreaming. Eventually, I tried to lucid dream my way out of it. I remembered that, the day before, I'd been told that you can't turn the lights off in a dream. So I tried.

Guess what? You can. After I'd "woken up" at 6 PM, something else happened. When I finally actually woke up & checked the clock, it had only been 19 minutes since I went to bed.

Freaky as Hell.

I also had another dream where I was stuck in a place like the winchester mansion avoiding cult members. Later, I found out that the whole thing was somehow put on a boat going to who knows where. Then I was woken up, so I didn't find out how it ended.
Most of my oddest dreams happened when I was a little kid, but I do get a weird one here and there lately. The best ones I remember were from when I was somewhere around 6 or 8 years old--in one dream, which I had after going to eat at Red Lobster for the first time, I was in my house at night and suddenly an army of lobsters came pouring in through the bay windows and all the doors of my house :confused: And animal control had to be called to come and remove them. And in the other dream, I was in an alleyway somewhere, and a spaceship full of green slime aliens landed right next to me, and when they came out of the spaceship to try to attack me, I cut off all of their heads with a sword, and then went into the spaceship. When I got in there, Garfield, his cat wife, and their two cat children were in there, and they adopted me so I went with them in the spaceship to live with them wherever they had come from.
I have had some fucking BIZARRE dreams lately. Il see if i can rememebr them.
I know i had one, i think it was last night actually where i was in some place, a house maybe, i cant quite remember but all these rats were trying to eat me. One got close and i went to kick it. At that point i actually woke up and kicked my laptop off my bedside cabinet ¬_¬

There was another about zombies taking over burger king and we had to escape in the car of this fat guy Colin that i worked with. He was driving to california o_O

Tbh its just a load of bizzare shit. I should google the meaing behind burger king zombie dreams and see what comes up. I honestly think my minds starting to crack up a wee bit.
Idk why i get very strange dreams,its usually about students in my school,who are reveled to be part of my family,like males to be my long lost brother and the class would freak,females just to be related.I also get dreams of seeing people i havent seen in years.
I always have strange dreams and it never gets boring.

Last night I dreamt I was in the show Scream queens, we were on a boat and I had to act in front of a bunch of people with other contestants, but I didn't want to.
So I talked to the director about it and he got angry. Then I walked away and went down some stairs, for some odd reason I walked through clouds when I walked down. Suddenly I was on school with my friend and wondered out loud why the hell we were on school again because we had 6 months off. But my friend said I shouldnt whine and she almost let my laptop crash. Then later when I walked out of the classroom I walked to the ship deck and recognized a lady. It was Isabella from a popular Dutch soap GTST. I knew she was on the run and when I looked at her I saw a laserdot on her face so I grabbed her and she fell on top of me. I wanted to take advantage from that moment but had no choice but to run the hell off together with her because men with guns suddenly appeared. That dream was really interesting XD
Night, unknown area, raining fire (dont askk) Im standing in a dark area in the middle of a firestorm Walking into nothingness I feel the burning of the fire on my whole body but yet i dont stop there is a man with a gun at the end of the alley he aims, he shoots, he hits me in the shoulder. Pain eropes through me I charge after him I get to him, pull the gun out of his hand and shoot him many times the man is dead I see a dark object rise from him it enters me it kills me, slowly and painfully from the inside I die i feel death, but i dont wake up nothingness, is this what death is? dark empty void of nothingness I reside here without pain I wake