Post your Dreams

When I sleep, it's almost always dreamless. If I ever get to dream and remember it in the morning, it's usually just some absurd, senseless dream consisting of some people I know plus a black monster or thousands of worms or really high places. :wacky:

I have this one recurring dream though, that bothers me. It starts out with something happening that I would normally dread--like showing up in uni, still in in my sleepwear or finding out that my bank account had been hacked and I lost all my money--and in the end of that unfortunate event, I look into my bathroom mirror and find that all my teeth had fallen of. No blood or anything gooey. It all just falls off.

...yeah, I'd rather not dream at all to be honest. :rage:
Last dream that I had, yet again, involved someone else kissing me. And this time it was Jared Leto. xD This is about the...8th dream...I've had that I kissed someone else. I find it a bit funny this time, that it was Jared Leto. But I just looked up some interpretations of it, and here's what I got:

Jared's also an actor, but I don't really go with this interpretation. "For example, if one dreams of kissing an actor it can be a play on words, it can mean one is longing for the ability to take action in some area of one’s life."

This one sounds more appropriate: "Kissing another person is often wish-fulfillment or sexual acting out. The wish-fulfillment may not be to kiss per se, but to experience the youthful energy of love.Kissing in this sense is the desire for the awakening of passion, not necessarily the passion acted out.
Maybe you need more passion in your life. Passion in a hobby or sport. Passion for life or also maybe to reignite a once passionate relationship that is stagnating and losing its energy." Sounds believeable.
I did have the wierdest dream last night. It's actually a really funny one when I think about it now.

I was walking down a backstreet on my way home from somewhere (don't know where, and where I was walking was not at all my neighbourhood or anything remotely close to my real home) and for some reason I took a shortcut through a steel factory, and I ended up being in someone's living room that was somehow attached to the factory.
Nobody was home and I knew this because all the lights were off, but somehow I knew they were totally rich and had a surveillance camera watching me. I was sneaking out of the house when I noticed their movie shelf.
I'm a huge movie lover and these people had an extremely large collection of movies. And, oddly, they actually had two copies of each movie.. so I thought I'd take a gander and maybe see if there was anything I'd like to take. I figured that since they had doubles of each movie (which was probably because they were totally anal) it wouldn't really be stealing on my part (this makes me sad because I really hate people who steal).
Anyway, I ended up rifling through their shelves for way too long, and was starting to get really paranoid that they were gonna come home and catch me, so I finally picked one movie- 101 Dalmations on DVD, I don't know why- and ran out of the house with it. Just as I was walking past the homeowners' driveway to continue my trek home, I noticed them slowly driving down the street in a black SUV preparing to pull in. I hid the movie under my coat as I saw them staring at me with ugly looks on their faces, and I figured they knew I had just stolen from them. So as they continued to pull into their home, I made a strategic journey back home, climbing through other peoples' yards and running down alleyways, because I knew they would be calling the cops.
I woke up before I made it home.

Sorry if this was too long for anyone to read..
I had quite a strange dream and I don't know what spawned it. A lot of details will be lost but this is roughly what I can remember, or at least what I make of it.

I was at a seaside town, or something like that, and I'm not sure if I was with Lew or DS. Whoever I was with seemed as if it was both of them somehow combined into one body. Sometimes it felt more like Lew, and others like DS, but more often it was as if they'd merged. Strange. :O

There were pubs in this town and so I went into each of them. Here I think my dream was inspired by Red Dead Redemption as a circle button icon telling me to have a drink popped up whenever I walked up to a bar. I decided that it would be great to have a drink at every bar in the town as I wanted to get a trophy. There isn't even a trophy in RDR for drinking at every bar, but it is the kind of thing that is in it so I'm guessing that that is from that too.

The next part had me getting onto a plane with Lew-DS. At first it was my idea but as soon as I took off I immediately shifted the blame onto Lew-DS and told him that it probably wasn't the best idea he's had today. I realised that I'd been drinking, and flying a plane when I don't even know how to fly isn't a very good idea. We then looked for a bit of land to land on but all we could see when we looked below were crashed planes and ambulances coming to their aid.

We just flew around in circles for a while and then I woke up.

If there was anything more to it then I've forgotten details now.
Um this post just seemed interesting and to be honest i dont dream that often(or i just dream but forget right after i wake up lol) and have never had that long of dreams ever. Maybe it was the fact i had a dream catcher hangin above my bed for about 12 yrs of my life until one day it fell on me when i was dreaming but that i cant remember......But back to topic!!! lol but the most recent dream i had was like a few weeks ago and to be honest i was totally horrified with my dream XD okay here it is.

From what i can remember of this dream i was just staring into a big open field all cartoony and sweet with a little sun in the back but i was just staring into the field fora couple of seconds until a little bunny(bunny noy rabbit, bunnies rule rabbits suck XD) starts hopping into my view and hops all the way into the center of my vision and looks directly at me and just stares...................until it explodes...yeah not really violently exploding like no blood or anything but just big cartoony puffs of bunny parts but as i stare off into the furry debris it starts to reform like all monstery reforming almost like showing me a slow rewind of th bunny exploding lol. But as the bunny comes back completly normal and back to staring at me it then lifts up one of its front paws and gives me a thumbs up with one of its little cartoony fingers lol. And then it skips off out of my vision again lol.

I wake up right as it leaves my vision and just sit up in my bed. Just siting there for the longest time replaying that dream over and over until i just yell out WTF!!!!
And thats how i remember it but he wierd thing is when i told my friends a few of them mentioned those websites for finding out your dream and i went to dream dictionary but it made no sense lol the rabbit it said i didnt find bunny on the website bunch of jerks lol but it said rabbits were a sign of luck wich i was okay but the other stuff didnt make sense though like it said explosions ment i had 'hidden anger/rage' and i was like, what? Because ive never been a violent person escpecially with animals and the worse ive dont to another person was cuss then out so i alittle confused but no matter i just thought id express my dream b/c this thread was so interesting lol i even to the time to read everyone elses posts lol :x3:
I love posting my dreams <3

Well, I have no idea what I was dreaming about last night so I best post the night before. All I know is I was biting my tongue or some shit last night. Weird.

So I was back in my old school with all my class, only I was still the same age as I was now, and they were back to being like 15. So I was much taller than them. It was weird. We were playing Rugby in Gym Class and some guy was acting like a bit of an ass so I went up and strangled him. I have no real idea why. Anyway, when we went in to get changed someone had taken my shirt. So I was looking around for it but I didn't want to "cause a fuss" so I never asked anyone where it was. So I ended up walking round school all day with no shirt and everyone was laughing.

I have to be honest, it was a weird dream and a little too sureal. It just felt like I was this big target or something. Odd stuff.
Dreams. hmmmmm
well the last dream I remember having was pretty freaky, so I dont really want to talk about it.

but a dream ive recently had that was really cool was when I was with a good friend I havent seen in awhile, and I was pushing him around in a shopping cart through numerous empty parking lots at sunset on some sort of epic serch to find a Lenscrafters. because his passion in life was to be an optometrist.

witch was weird cuz I have no clue what he wants to be when he grows up, but I doubt its an optometrist

lol it was one of the weirdest/ best dreams ive had. hahahahaa
Can't say that I am one to remember my dreams and to be honest I feel like I've never dreamed of something, others tell me that "you dream it's just that you don't remember" well, I think I've seen one but it was a long time ago and it was a disturbing one...

I saw a scene where the sky was filled with tombstones placed upside down just hanging there from the stormy clouds, there was no opening in the clouds, I could not see the sun and the earth below me was dry almost like a desert but with no sand, just dry dirt, around me there were dead trees everywhere, I think they were too buried upside down with their roots hanging from the outsite instead for their leaves and not far in front of me there was a black horse lying on the ground making disturbing noises, when I looked closer I noticed that the horse was dying and I just stood there observing... after that I started crying, I dunno if I cried for the horse that was dying right in front of me but it was a sad experience... then it all gets blurry I don't remember anything else.

And that is the only dream I "remember" in my life aside from the ones I make up myself with the naked women :ryan: I'm not sure if the dream itself means anything but I felt like sharing.
I can't really recall any dreams I've had for the last few days. I did have one dream like a month ago that I can't stop thinking about mostly because of the sheer stupidity of it.

Okay, so I'm on the Enterprise (yep, a semi-Star Trek dream) and we come to a halt. Then, this guy starts having a meltdown. He starts playing with a little model ship and pretending that this cheese cube is an asteroid. We all just keep drinking and try to ignore him, but then he starts screaming really loud. We try to calm him down but nothing's working. He starts screaming about how we're going to crash. Then, I grab the ship and say to him "Look, we've stopped. Now, we're not going to crash." He gets this huge smile on his face and then starts laughing. Then, he says, "Yeah, we've stopped. And now, we can stay here...forever!" And I'm kinda like "Okay?" and then I look at this guy and then I look back at the insane guy. And for some reason, he's got this weird helmet and it's got this kinda weather vane/antenna looking thing on it. Then, he picks up this cup and starts drinking from it while he's laughing like a maniac and because he's laughing, all the liquid from the drink starts coming out of the side of his mouth. So, he's laughing like an idiot with like beer or some shit pouring out of his mouth. Then, I woke up. I only remember this dream because it's the first time I've ever woken up laughing. It was the most random shit EVER.
I've had some wierd dreams the past couple of days, A couple of nights ago, I played FF Dissidia and then watched an FF7 related anime...

Well, I was with Cloud, and I swear he had gone completely insane. He wanted to take revenge of Sephiroth for killing Aerith, and to so, he was going to cut off Jenova's head and bury it in the ground. So we were walking, to my cousins house for some reason, with Jenova's head in our hands, and we used the house as house. There, I met Tifa, Barret and Vincent (it gets better) we were all taling about where to bury it, how we're killing Sephiroth and all the rest when who's in the next room? SEPHIROTH! he saw what we did to his mother and he got really angry! Then you know how when you enter a battle in FF the screen spirals around before you enter the battle screen. Yeah, well just as that happened I woke up, thank god. I realised who I was supposed to be after I woke up. I was Aerith's soul. I kept saying to stop, someone will get hurt and they kept ignoring me, which is probably why I left before I saw anything happen. That, or I was shit scared of Sephiroth!
I always dream about random things. Last night I dreamt about searching on google for info about a german game I have on my gameboy color. When I woke up I seriously thought I've done that.
I also dreamt that I was fighting a big muscular guy. He was provoking me and I suddenly could do some fmoves so I decided to fight him, only when I wanted to kick him it went in slowmotion so I didn't hit him hard at all =.= I did succeed in kicking him through a window o_O his whole face was bleeding so he gave up.
And I also dreamt about school or something. There was a really nice girl sitting next to me in class. More I can't remember
I had this one dream where I had gone to school and completed all my classes and had a great lunch. Then I went home did my chores, watched some TV, showered, then went to bed. After that I woke up thinking it was the next day.
lately i had dreams of seeing the people at my school,very stange,is it cuz i think of them? at a time the dream is over i have one again about them,in the dream i make movement but when i close my eyes its over(due to tiredness(,then it resumes again. will that dream ever come again :hmmm:
Last night I had a dream about my ex-bestfriend Breanna. it's very strange :hmmm: I guess it's because I miss her or something. Like she just randomly can over... I can't exactly remember what happened after that but still its weird to me :hmmm: I haven't talked to her in ages.
I had an odd, vague dream only last night that did puzzle me quite a bit once I woke up this morning.

I dreamt that I was waiting all alone in an airport terminal. And by "all alone", I mean it. There were no staff, no other tourists, nobody. Just myself. All alone sitting in a seat in a wide, spooky, empty terminal.

And then I vaguely remember that I eventually left the seat empty-handed and proceeded towards the boarding gate to a plane where I encountered my friends there waiting for me. I can't remember anything after that - but I do recall driving a car near a mountainside. A little weird I have to say.

So.....what was that dream telling me? That I should get away from my family for a bit and go away? Who knows. An empty airport was freaky anyway. :lew:
I will admit that I don't write down my dreams just because I usually don't remember the dream fully until I have been awake for about 30 minutes and by then, I am distracted by getting dressed or shower. Lately, my dreams have been too vague to recall, but I think the most interesting dreams I have had are as follows. I will keep these dreams as short as possible so I don't take up too much space. ;)

Anyway, the first one was nearly 15 years ago when I was 9. My family and me were in my bedroom on my bed, but the room was nearlyy 4 stories tall and the bed was attached to the ceiling by four robotic arms. There was an old-fashioned villain in the corner opposite the bed in a little box lowering the bed. The floor was green acid for some reason and I don't know why, but the acid refused to leave through the open door. I tried to convince my family to jump to not die, but they refused. I gave a leap of faith for the door, but caught my shoulder on the acid. It actually hurt in the dream and when I woke up, I had a burn on my shoulder in the same spot.

The second one was nearly a year later and it started out in my living room. I was watching tv when Chucky (yes, the stupid little evil doll) came after me with a little knife. I ran away out the front door when I was suddenly in a desert with no end in sight. He chased me through the desert and I found a floating door there and ran through it. Then I was in a train car, one probably for storage. At this point, I was cornered but I realized that Chucky was a little doll with a tiny knife that would only hurt me a little if it cut. So I walked over to Chucky and kicked his head off.

Third dream was the only dream I have ever heard of that had a sequel. The same year as the Chucky dream, I had a dream of a zombie attack. It was all over my entire town. I was heading home from a friends house, trying to save them by getting them to my house for safety. We made it back, but after I got her inside to safety, I got caught by a zombie and was bitten. I woke up right then and there. A couple years ago, I had the sequel to that dream. I was at the same house as before and had just been bitten and was turning. I then decided that being a zombie was cool since there was a club in the basement area for zombies only. When I tried to get in, they told me I wasn't a full-fledged zombie because I had to be bitten 3 times. So, I had a bum zombie bite me a couple more times and they let me in. I prowled around a little, drank some liquor, ate some brains, and partied. Then my parents came home and I had to get rid of the club as to not get myself or anybody else in trouble, so I tried to rush all the zombies out and clean up before it was too late. That's where I woke up. I enjoy a good horror spoof, especially when it's in a dream. :)
Usually I don't remember dreams, but I remembered the last bit of the one I had last night:

Me, and a whole load of other people including family, friends, and people who I'd never seen before all decided to go on a cruise. Atleast I think it was a cruise; we were on a huge boat. We could've been captives, but I don't know. Most of the rest of this part of the dream was very blurry and patchy. I don't really remember what happened.

Then, next thing I know, I'm swimming in icy cold water, it's really clear, and there are bits of iceberg all around. I look around and see two other people: one guy who I knew and one girl I didn't know. All in a flash, I suddenly knew that there had been some kind of apocalyptic event, the whole world was under water, and we were the only people left alive on the planet. So bizarre. The last thing I remember saying is "I guess we'll have to procreate" or something like that. What a dorky, but very practical thing to say at the end of a dream.
The dream I had last night was strange it took place at the Venture Compound from Venture Bros. (on Adult Swim) and it had been converted into a water park. Brock Sampson (Venture Bros.) was a secret agent who was still a bodyguard for the Venture family and Tali (from Mass Effect) was following him around for one reason or another until he disappeared in a secret entrance into the compound via the wheel of a car.

Uh, so in the dream I was looking through the eyes of Luigi (from Mario) who was in the water park and then the place got attacked and everyone was being turned into shoes, but Luigi and some random kid managed to escape in an elevator which some chick apparently named Kagura was in to, but they shove her out of the elevator and go to the lowest floor in the elevator which is actually the top apparently and the bottom/top of the compound was taken over.

So Luigi goes through a Sonic-like level to save it and at the end the Kids Next Door show up and say he saved the day. They all took off in a spaceship and the dream ended...It was a very strange dream.
I had the most bizarre dream ever the other night.

I was judging a dancing competition in Will and Grace's apartment from the TV show. There were three groups of two left - Will and Grace, Harold and Kumar, and Reno and Rude.

They had to perform the Macarena, and in the end, I voted Will and Grace out. Instead of them walking away, Jack and Karen appeared from behind me and shot them dead.

The last two acts had to the perform the dance from the Cheeky Girls song, The Cheeky Song. I never got round to choosing the overall winner, because Teri Hatcher's face spun into view and Wipeout began playing, along with some sort of funky colourful background.

I told a few people in work, and now they're worried about me.
I dream of one day getting me a pair of wings "airplane" and soarin' into the skies with maybe a friend or my girl by my side. I've also dreamt of having wings of some kind, or just gliding or flying...