Post Your Experiences At Work

^^^ Okay, that's gross. XD

I actually have something good to say about work. I worked with, who I call, the most entertaining people in the place.

So someone pre-orders, like 25-30 pizzas for next Thursday afternoon. My co-worker, his name is Matt, comes back with this gigantic stack of order slips, looks at me with this sly grin on his face, and he says "Better get to work".

I just stand there, mouth agape, and I'm like, "You're serious?"

He's all, "Yep, get to work".

Then the assistant Manager comes in and says, "Matt's just joking with you."

Went right over my head. XD

He's all smiling and laughing and acting all innocent, and I was staring daggers at him. But it was all in good fun. :awesome:

He's seriously the one I like working with the most, but unfortunately, I'm not scheduled to close with him for at least the next two weeks. :gasp:
i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE where i work, i can be really shy, so for the first couple of weeks i never said a word. so now everyone i work with thinks im 16-18 witch is freaky considering im 14. now that everyone knows im 14 they laugh at me -.-
^^ Why do they laugh at you because of your age? Are they retarded?

Anyway today was the last day of doing a ridiculously long as job which I started on Friday.

I had to search for all this stock that had been miscounted last month, and so it looked like we were missing a lot of money because we couldn't find it.

Most of the problem stock was fragrance. <_<

Anyway today I ended the stress and came home at 3:30.

It was driving me insane. The only place it could of been was in the Pen, but I went out there like 30 times or more, hunting through everything and it simply was not there.

Found out later that there was a major computer glitch. <_<

So therefore, the stock really wasn't there. The computer just thought it was.
I guess I usually rant long and hard about work, but today was seriously something else.

My alarm didn't go off this morning, for reasons I have yet to understand. I checked it twice before I went to sleep, I went to bed earlier than usual...

My work starts at 8am, which means I have to be there before 8 to get changed and ready to begin. I live about an hour away from work, too, so I get up every morning at 6am. Well, this morning I was woken up by the phone. It was the assistant director of the school, calling to ask where I was since it was 8:20am and I should have been working for twenty minutes already.

My day pretty much already sucked, since I got to work at 9:45am after being incredibly angry and upset with myself for the huge fuck-up, but then since it was a rainy day, the kids were also having a hard day and were really frustrated and hard to control. At one point, a particularly difficult kid whose diaper I was trying to change decided to piss on me.

To make matters worse, I then had problems with my previous employer before I left work, had to stay an hour and forty-five minutes later than usual to make up for being late in the morning, and then got stopped by the assistant director on the way out. She asked me how my day was. I burst into tears.

I got told not to go back to work tomorrow and to pull myself together.

Today has not been a good day.
Gah I have to fill in for this girl who is on holidays at the moment and pretty much I wasn't that well trained before she went on holidays and there was a lot of unfinished problems before she left.

Anyway this Thursday I have to do End of Month Reports for two different stores and I've not even done one End of Month completely with the girl. So I dunno how I'll go on my own.

So she tells me to print the reports and when she comes in next week she'll finish the end of month.

But now she's rung up and asked for another week off work, so I have to do the full end of month now. :gonk:

I don't mind my job, though it can be tiring considering I also have to deal with high school, family, friends, etc.

Today, I'm glad that the perverted (or not?) guy that works there too was sick today, so my friend filled in for him. I don't like dealing with him, he's... really weird and creepy in a way. I'm not sure if he really is perverted or if it's unintentional, because he doesn't seem to notice (I'm not sure if he's acting or not). In fact, it looks like he doesn't like any of the female employees there. He's always making fun of us, or looking at us as if we're stupid.

Actually now that I think about it, it's not just the female employees; he's like that to every woman EVEN the customers! One time I had to deal with an angry female customer because he was also looking at her as if he had a problem with her.

Then today, I found out that he doesn't look his age at all. I thought he was in his early twenties - heck, everyone thought so too - but we got told he was in his 30s already. I'm not sure whether to believe that or not, for all we know he could just be faking his age so he can get a better pay than us. <_<;;
Okay I am really stressed and irritated at the moment.

I was promoted a couple of weeks ago to be the new Merchandiser for my pharmacy. A couple of weeks later, one of the ladies who is the Stock Controller resigned.

All last week I was learning the Merchandiser's role and on Thursday my managers ask me to be the new Stock Controller instead.

I'm like. :gonk:

I learnt all that stuff when I could have been learning other stuff. >_< Sure the things I learned will come in handy, but this means that I will only be given one week to learn the job I actually have to do!

I'm freaking out! I'm meant to be telling people what to do and I might not even have a clue myself. =0