Post Your Personality Disorder!

Well, I figure I should start posting instead of lurking around, so yeah.

Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

Yes, I can agree with that. I am that avoidant, haha.

Oh, and my Myers-Briggs Type is INFP.
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

I really don't know what to say. It bothers me though, the antisocial part. <.< I was also expecting to get higher in the paranoid bit, but I got moderate there. Surprising results. It was fun answering though. :wacky:
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

Oh, wow. I don't really know what to say about this besides I'm not surprised at obsessive-compulsive or avoidant.
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

Wow, this looks a lot better than when I took the test in the ninth grade. Yay!
I've already taken the first one posted, totally skipped that damn Jung one because I'm lazy, and I just took the third one, the whatever-it-was one. :wacky:

My personality type:


ENFPs have a tendency to overextend themselves in both their physical and emotional commitments. Their proclivity to procrastinate and to overlook details complicates their circumstances. ENFPs often move on to new ventures without completing those they have already started. Their charming personalities can show signs of irritability and over-sensitivity when their desires to please different people come into conflict. During times of stress, ENFPs feel alienated. They then engage in deceptions that serve to obscure what is occurring within themselves.

The ENFP finds symbolic meanings behind the immediate circumstances. These meanings are construed as foreboding problems when ENFPs are under stress. Having a pervasive feeling of losing control over their own independent identities, ENFPs will feel virtually split apart by intruding circumstances. They will be "besides themselves" and "just not all there" — as if something, or someone, has taken away the essence of who they are. Not feeling like themselves, the ENFP will become subject to their own feelings of shame for being a phony, a fake or an impostor. If stress continues to grow, they may attribute malevolent schemes to others in order to explain away their fears.


This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well.

conference planner
speech pathologist
HR development trainer
career counselor
housing director
character actor
marketing consultant
human resource manager
merchandise planner
advertising account manager
speech pathologist
massage therapist
editor/art director

VERY STRANGELY accurate. o_O
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

I'm surprised about the avoidant part really. But the others not so much XD
Paranoid: Very Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Very Low
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Very Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

I'd actually taken this same test only a few days ago, I'm assuming I got exactly the same results...
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Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

The part that most suprises me out of all that was the moderate level's of Histrionic and Narcissistic, I dont get how someone can be narcissistic when they dont actually like themselves half the time :wacky: But reading more into it, I am definatley guilty of fantasising a little bit too much.

Histrionic fair enough, I cant half get a bit over dramatised at times with things, and I guess sometimes I can be a bit of an attention seeker without realising it.

Schizotypal, the only things I think are correct from that is appears shy and aloof, often withdrawn from others and suspicous/paranoid.

Paranoid, most definatley, this has a heck of a lot to do with past relationships and breaches of trust that have caused me to become highly suspicous of what other people are up to all the time, I can be a right stubborn mule at times and I wont accept help from others even when I know the task is a bit much for me because I've had people do that in the past and take all the credit for something which has often made me feel rather shitty.

Avoidant, yep definatley, I do tend to try to avoid emotional confrontations, because I simply dont tend to handle them well, I definatley dont think a lot of myself, in fact I've been often known to refer how much I dislike myself on many occassions, and people have often found me to seem unfriendly or unapproachable.

Dependant, now this one was a real shocker, although I do have difficulty making my mind up about things at times and I do tend to like to take a backseat role in relationships, I'm not actually a submissive person and I definatley dont ever feel suicidal.

What can I say, I'm a lunatic soup xD

Jung Results:

[SIZE=+1]Your Type is

[/SIZE]You are:
  • slightly expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed sensing personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality
The Protector/Guardian:

We are lucky that Protectors make up as much as ten percent the population, because their primary interest is in the safety and security of those they care about - their family, their circle of friends, their students, their patients, their boss, their fellow-workers, or their employees. Protectors have an extraordinary sense of loyalty and responsibility in their makeup, and seem fulfilled in the degree they can shield others from the dirt and dangers of the world. Speculating and experimenting do not intrigue Protectors, who prefer to make do with time-honored and time-tested products and procedures rather than change to new. At work Protectors are seldom happy in situations where the rules are constantly changing, or where long-established ways of doing things are not respected. For their part, Protectors value tradition, both in the culture and in their family. Protectors believe deeply in the stability of social ranking conferred by birth, titles, offices, and credentials. And they cherish family history and enjoy caring for family property, from houses to heirlooms.

Wanting to be of service to others, Protectors find great satisfaction in assisting the downtrodden, and can deal with disability and neediness in others better than any other type. They are not as outgoing and talkative as the Provider Guardians [ESFJs], and their shyness is often misjudged as stiffness, even coldness, when in truth Protectors are warm-hearted and sympathetic, giving happily of themselves to those in need.
Their reserve ought really to be seen as an expression of their sincerity and seriousness of purpose. The most diligent of all the types, Protectors are willing to work long, hard hours quietly doing all the thankless jobs that others manage to avoid. Protectors are quite happy working alone; in fact, in positions of authority they may try to do everything themselves rather than direct others to get the job done. Thoroughness and frugality are also virtues for them. When Protectors undertake a task, they will complete it if humanly possible. They also know better than any other type the value of a dollar, and they abhor the squandering or misuse of money. To save, to put something aside against an unpredictable future, to prepare for emergencies-these are actions near and dear to the Protector's heart. For all these reasons, Protectors are frequently overworked, just as they are frequently misunderstood and undervalued. Their contributions, and also their economies, are often taken for granted, and they rarely get the gratitude they deserve.


The last Guardian type is the Protector (ISFJ). This is the Guardian least likely to seek positions of leadership since they may feel uncomfortable in the lime-light. They are often seen as the people who do whatever is necessary to keep things running smoothly. They do their best to prevent problems. Like the Provider, they can be attracted to fields in medicine, education or social service. In business, positions that combine some type of social interface with time alone are best for them. If they choose technical positions, they prefer ones with at least some independence, such as electrician, or photographer. Says Patrick, "I was attracted to portrait photography because I am able to help people look their best and celebrate significant times in their lives. I take time to create the best portrait I can."

Now I felt the Jung test was a lot more accurate, and I was very happy with those results xD
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Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

Hmm...not to surprised. Cant say that i am not for a lot of the moderates. Id say its pretty accurate to be honest XD
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

Pretty good and close overall. Although I was a bit surprised on how high my Dependent level was. I think I agree more with the Schizoid level then I do my dependent level. Oh well, however I look at it I've always been introverted. Still it was fun to take ^_^
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

The high ones make sense, but I don't really fit the definition of histrionic--I answered no to pretty much everything it says in the "More info" section for it :hmmm: For example, I don't do unusual things to get attention, I just don't give a f@$% :mrgreen: And I definitely don't manipulate people. Really, I know a few people who do--they irritate me and they've hurt people I love, so if I had that as a trait I would be willing to do my own brain surgery to get rid of it.

Incidentally, I went back and re-read this post about 7 or 8 times to make sure it was perfect, and then I edited it like 3 times :D No wonder I'm always complaining about having no time to do anything.
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AVOIDANT : Moderate


Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

:O i didnt score low in anything! mygosh, reading the info on the ones im high in confirmed all my worst fears about my personality! im not going to freak out over this but it certainly has gave me another perspective of myself. :(
[SIZE=+1]Your Type is
Extraverted 56
Sensing 19
Feeling 25
Judging 1

You are:
  • moderately expressed extravert
  • slightly expressed sensing personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality
Providers take it upon themselves to insure the health and welfare of those in their care, but they are also the most sociable of all the Guardians, and thus are the great nurturers of social institutions such as schools, churches, social clubs, and civic groups. Providers are very likely more than ten percent of the population, and this is fortunate for the rest of us, because friendly social service is a key to their nature. Wherever they go, Providers happily give their time and energy to make sure that the needs of others are met, and that social functions are a success.
Highly cooperative themselves, Providers are skilled in maintaining teamwork among their helpers, and are also tireless in their attention to the details of furnishing goods and services. They make excellent chairpersons in charge of dances, banquets, class reunions, charity fund-raisers, and the like. They are without peer as masters of ceremonies, able to speak publicly with ease and confidence. And they are outstanding hosts or hostesses, knowing everyone by name, and seemingly aware of what everyone's been doing. Providers love to entertain, and are always concerned about the needs of their guests, wanting to make sure that all are involved and provided for.
Friendly, outgoing, neighborly - in a word, Providers are gregarious, so much so that they can become restless when isolated from people. They love to talk with others, and will often strike up a conversation with strangers and chat pleasantly about any topic that comes to mind. Friendships matter a great deal to Providers, and their conversations with friends often touch on good times from years past. Family traditions are also sacred to them, and they carefully observe birthdays and anniversaries. In addition, Providers show a delightful fascination with news of their friends and neighbors. If we wish to know what's been going on in the local community, school, or church, they're happy to fill us in on all the details.
Providers are extremely sensitive to the feelings of others, which makes them perhaps the most sympathetic of all the types, but which also leaves them somewhat self-conscious, that is, highly sensitive to what others think of them. Loving and affectionate themselves, they need to be loved in return. In fact, Providers can be crushed by personal criticism, and are happiest when given ample appreciation both for themselves personally and for the tireless service they give to others.
William Howard Taft, Barbara Walters, J C Penney, Ray Kroc, Louis B. Mayer, Sam Walton, Dolley Madison, and Dave Thomas are examples of Provider Guardians.

Management,;n=203;c=264618;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016500;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[SIZE=-1];n=203;c=264617;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016480;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[/SIZE]Public Administration,;n=203;c=264618;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016500;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[SIZE=-1];n=203;c=264617;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016480;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[/SIZE]Hotel & Restaurant Management,;n=203;c=276820;s=5639;x=7936;f=200704161805370;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;Sales/Marketing Specialist;n=203;c=264617;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016480;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;, Fashion Merchandising;n=203;c=276820;s=5639;x=7936;f=200704161805370;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;, Health Care Nursing;n=203;c=264618;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016500;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[SIZE=-1][/SIZE], Social Service
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

I wouldn't consider myself dependent, as I find that I have a lot of "me" time. Avoidant I could see for some people, however I thought that my paranoia would be off the charts.
Paranoid - Low
Schizoid - Low
Schizotypal - Low
Antisocial - Low
Borderline - Low
Histrionic - Moderate
Narcissistic - Low
Avoidant - Low
Dependent - Low
Obsessive-Compulsive - Moderate

This really surprised me - I have nothing high and mostly it has come out low. So it might be safe to say that I have no real personality disorder. Looking at it now, I can see mostly why I have these ratings - I would say it's more or less an accurate portrayal of what I am.

I'm surprised that I have low for Dependent though. I'd have thought that would be at least moderate because I'm really not as independent as I'd like to think - which is probably why I'm moderate for OC - I have too much high expectations of myself! :wacky:
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Very High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Very High
Narcissistic: Very High
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
Paranoid: Low more info | forum
Low more info | forum
Moderate more info | forum
Low more info | forum
Low more info | forum
High more info | forum
Moderate more info | forum
Low more info | forum
Dependent: Low more info | forum
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate more info | forum

Ok... so I'm no longer suicidal (wahay) but now I love myself and liek to be the centre of attention. I'm still OCD and apprently I also have schizophrenic traits...

ah well, at least its better than the last time I did it xD

And seeing as I havent done the others:

[SIZE=+1]Your Type is
[SIZE=+2] ESTJ[/SIZE][/SIZE]ExtravertedSensingThinkingJudging [SIZE=+0]Strength of the preferences %[/SIZE] 443811
1 percent thinking, that's ace xD

You are:
  • moderately expressed extravert
  • moderately expressed sensing personality
  • slightly expressed thinking personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality
Supervisors are highly social and community-minded, with many rising to positions of responsibility in their school, church, industry, or civic groups. Supervisors are generous with their time and energy, and very often belong to a variety of service clubs, lodges, and associations, supporting them through steady attendance, but also taking an outspoken leadership role. Supervisors like to take charge of groups and are comfortable issuing orders. They are cooperative with their own superiors, and they would like cooperation from the people working under them. Rank, they believe, has its obligations, but it also has its privileges.
Comprising at least ten percent of the population, Supervisors enjoy and are good at making schedules, agendas, inventories, and so on, and they much prefer tried and true ways of doing things over speculation and experimentation. Supervisors keep their feet firmly on the ground and would like those under their supervision to do the same, whether employee, subordinate, spouse, or offspring. Supervisors have no problem evaluating others and tend to judge how a person is doing in terms of his or her compliance with, and respect for, schedules and procedures.
Supervisors are unbelievably hard-working. Even as children they are industrious, and they usually respect their parents as authority figures. In school Supervisors are often model students, dutifully following directions, doing all their homework, doing it thoroughly, and on time. Above all else, they wish to do what they are supposed to do, and they rarely question the teacher's assignments, method of instruction, standards, or authority. And their industry and perseverance only become more important to them as they grow into adulthood and take on the responsibilities of job and family.
Supervisors approach human relations along traditional lines. Marriage and parenthood are sacred to them, and they tend to have a large circle of friends, with many friendships faithfully maintained over the years. Social gatherings and ceremonies have great meaning for them, and they look forward to holiday parties, club dances, weddings, class reunions, awards banquets, and the like. In social situations, Supervisors are friendly and talk easily with others. Though they can seem a bit formal in their manners, Supervisors are pretty easy to get to know. At ease in polite company, they tend not to confuse people by sending double messages or putting on airs-what they seem to be, they are.
Jack Webb, Judge Judy, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, George Washington, Sandra Day O' Connor, Mike Wallace, and Vince Lombardi are examples of a Supervisor Guardians.

I'm sure Ive clicked the wrong thing, alot of that is utter bullshit xD

Career Educational Institutions Management Management;n=203;c=264618;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016500;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[SIZE=-1];n=203;c=264617;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016480;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;;n=203;c=268836;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703191747020;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[/SIZE] Public Administration;n=203;c=264618;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016500;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[SIZE=-1];n=203;c=268835;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703191747000;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[/SIZE] Hotel & Restaurant Management;n=203;c=276820;s=5639;x=7936;f=200704161805370;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP; Fashion Merchandising;n=203;c=276820;s=5639;x=7936;f=200704161805370;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP; Sales/Marketing Specialist;n=203;c=264617;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016480;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP; Social Service Education;n=203;c=264617;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016480;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;;n=203;c=268835;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703191747000;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[SIZE=-1];n=203;c=268836;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703191747020;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[/SIZE] Social Work;n=203;c=268836;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703191747020;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[SIZE=-1];n=203;c=268835;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703191747000;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[/SIZE] Counseling [SIZE=-1];n=203;c=268835;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703191747000;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[/SIZE] Health Care Nursing;n=203;c=264618;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016500;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[SIZE=-1][/SIZE] Technical Engineering;n=203;c=269210;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703211358220;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;[SIZE=-1];n=203;c=264618;s=5639;x=7936;f=200703081016500;u=j;z=TIMESTAMP;

[/SIZE]Famous people of your particular type Bruce Willis, King David, Jane Fonda, Elvis Stojko (figure skater Olympic champion)
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

Wow, I clearly need help ... Yeah I depend alot on people, guess i shouldnt. And also yes I do have terrible paranoia.