Pregnant man... wtf?

I don't think the child will have two genders just because her "father" had a sex change.

In terms of the physical...

Outwardly, this person is male, but internally they're still female.

So if the kid is a hermaphrodite, it'll just be coincidence.
this is miraculous as it stands, but I found something rather funny about it.

What I don't get the obstetrition actually said
This baby is totally healthy, this is what I consider a normal pregnancy
how can it be normal if a male produce it might I ask? lol
this is miraculous as it stands, but I found something rather funny about it.

What I don't get the obstetrition actually said how can it be normal if a male produce it might I ask? lol
Because the guy still has the womb and all other necessary... bits... for a pregnancy to be successful.
My bad lack of sleep causes minds to act strangely!

The Fiancéé kept stealing the cover last night, hardly slept, and she wondered why I didn't get up straight away when the alarm went off. Silly girl nonetheless I love her.

but that explains it, Thankies!
I heard about that earlier... Looks like the surgery didn't go so well.

Well it'll make all the mpreg fans happy ;)