
Well why the conversation of Birth By Sleep is on...leaked trailer (bad quality, sorry).

Also, Square Enix president, Yoichi Wada has halted the development of all major mobile phone games which probably means KH:Coded as well.
I'm curious. So does KHIII take place in the past o future. That old man looks like Ansem(using KHI name). Although I also heard the past and I can't really see that being the past. Also, what does Roxas have to do with this?
I thought from the start they stated that the new game will be from the past. The first keyblade holders and all, giving reason on why Sora is one and all.
But why Roxas then if these are the first Keyblade wielders? I thought Roxas was created as a Nobody when Sora became a heartless on KHI? How could he be born from Sora but exist beforehand too?

....So confusing...
But why Roxas then if these are the first Keyblade wielders? I thought Roxas was created as a Nobody when Sora became a heartless on KHI? How could he be born from Sora but exist beforehand too?

....So confusing...
It's Ven that looks like Roxas...or is it?

For the benefit of some people who don't know the characters from Birth by Sleep or what they look like:
Terra (guy standing up), Ven (being carried)
Confirmation of character names at the bottom of the interview
After seeing the translated version of that video about 5 mins ago, my theory is that Ven IS Roxas. Roxas being a
pretty much means that he
doesn't really exist
which is why he
formed with Sora
at the end of KH2. Soooo based on the trailer (also seen above) half way through 'Ven' doesn't recognize Xehanort and Xehanort asks him to "Give up! Now recover everything and discover the truth" which mean there must be some sort of link between them somehow....and then at the end of the trailer when 'Ven' asks Terra to "Erase him" (or maybe he wants Aqua to do it) which could link back to
'nobodies' being erased in KH2, Axel etc.
*Ven-Roxas theory*

Also, at the beginning of the trailer I feel as if at some point Terra has been convinced into thinking about going into darkness (much like Riku) as Xehanort says "I'm tired of waiting for you Terra" ,however, he must have changed his mind when Xehanort says "Those who submit to darkness and not qualified to wield the keyblade", therefore, although tempted to turn to the darkness eventually did not because Terra immediately says straight after "I don't care about being a master. This power. I use for my friends".
*Terra theory*

Finally, I also think that Xehanort has stolen Ven's heart or turned it into darkness as in the middle of the two scenes showing Xehanort/Terra when Xehanort asks "Give up! Now recover everything and discover the truth" he could be asking for his heart (which would turn him into a heartless, therefore, on Xehanort's side), as during the first scene of Xehanort/Terra...Terra says "Answer me Xehanort. What have you do to his heart!" Which could mean Terra had to defeat Ven first as during the second Xehanort/Terra scene he is holding a tried and seemingly defeated Ven.
*Xehanort/Ven theory*

Anyway, just theories based on the translated video of above. Therefore, I could change my mind and say is it really a prequel? HOWEVER, when Terra is on the beach, Destiny Island possibly? And he glimpses over to see two young children playing, Riku/Sora? Therefore, in my opinion a new theory would need to be based on events leading up to Kingdom Hearts I as those few seconds along could link it to being a prequel.
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Those are some really good theories, Merc. I'll be interested to see if any of them are anywhere close to the actual story - they do sound quite plausible and logical.
Well why the conversation of Birth By Sleep is on...leaked trailer (bad quality, sorry).

Also, Square Enix president, Yoichi Wada has halted the development of all major mobile phone games which probably means KH:Coded as well.
I've been looking for such a video for a while. Unfortunately, my search continues - "this video is no longer available."
Those are some really good theories, Merc. I'll be interested to see if any of them are anywhere close to the actual story - they do sound quite plausible and logical.

I've been looking for such a video for a while. Unfortunately, my search continues - "this video is no longer available."

Thanks :)

...sorry about the video, it looks as if they took it down once they uploaded the translated one. But here is that one and is in higher quality too!

I wonder ... could Axel and Terra be related, somehow? Let's assume that you were right in saying Ven IS Roxas - he only has a different name. I've not developed a full theory yet but I'm leaning towards Terra actually being Axel.

Roxas and Axel were special Nobodies, in that they were both able to feel some form of compasion for the other - something uncharacteristic of a Nobody.

From the released content, we can see that Terra and Ven are friends. Assuming that Ven = Roxas, I'm guessing that Terra = Axel. If not that, could Axel be Terra's Nobody?

Of course, that leaves the "anagram with an added X" theme in a tizzy, but Naminé was special and she broke that pattern.
Wow, thanks for the vid Kairi!

It'll probably be taken off in a few days though >__<

Anyways, looks like a few things have been cleared up by the gameplay at least; seems you can travel to others worlds like in the other KH games after all.

I recognize Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden, Destiny Islands, Colosseum...

Then there's a castle of some sort, a jungle type place (also Destiny Island?), and that Wasteland where that the battle takes place...

The graphics seem to be the same as the in game graphics of KH2; facial muscles seemed to move rather well.

Ven seems to have thicker eyelashes than Roxas, but over-all they both look the same; even the clothing is similar too, sans the armour parts at least.

Now, as for the story...

Why does the Xehanort want Terra to "cross wall between Darkness and Light"? And and which end is Terra already on?

"In order to obtain it, give up!" Give up what? Maybe it's similar to the Chain of Memories ideology where you give up something to gain something; maybe in this case it's also about memories?

Or he probably just wants Ven to give up in general -_-

"Those who submit to darkness are not qualified to wield the keyblade!"

Hmm...that's an interesting line; since this is the past, you can't use Riku as a contrary to that statement, so who is it directed towards? Terra seems likely I think, given how he ends up >_<

Well, looks like Xehanort tricked poor Ven since Terra's all pissed off over his buddy's heart >_<

Terra doesn't want to be a "master" and Ven wants to be erased (as opposed to Roxas who wanted to keep existing).

Still don't know who that masked keyblade wielder is; maybe it's not a real person, just a manifestation of power?

Oooohhh, pissed off Mickey XD

Oh, oh! Yeah, I barely saw Riku and Sora, but they're so cute!

But I wonder if it'll explain more on how Kairi ended up on Destiny Islands; aside from arriving via the meteor storm from Radiant Garden, but there's more to it, yes?

And where's Aqua; how does she (it's a she, right?) get factored into the story :huh:

So over-all, I want BbS even more >__<

I have to start saving up for a PSP damn it :gasp:
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I'm sure KHIII:Keyblade Wars (or whatever its called) is a sequel, Xehanort looks about 60 years older in it and unless something major happens in KH3 then I can't see it being a prequel as he would have to get younger o_O

It's a prequel. It takes place ten years before the first KH. The story is based around the three original Key Blade master Ven; Terra, and Aqua. Ya, Ven looks like Roxas ,Terra looks like an older version of Sora, and Aqua obviously looks like Kairi. Just saying for those of you who are confused and think KH BBS is a sequel.
OK, this is my understanding of the next installments in the KH series.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PlayStation Portable) is a sequel to the entire series, taking place about ten years prior to Kingdom Hearts. Ven, Terra, and Aqua are some of the apparently many Keyblade Wielders. The worlds that you will visit are apparently the same, but the characters in those worlds are aged to match the time period, such as a younger Hercules in Olympus Coliseum, and possibly meeting Mufasa (Simba's Father) in the Pride Lands. There have also been hints at a possible meeting with Sora, Riku, and Kairi. (Perhaps it's this meeting that inspires Sora's nobody to take the appearance of Ven?)

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (Nintendo DS) is the story of what Roxas was up to during the one year that Sora was asleep. There will also be a fourteenth member of Organization XIII

(accidentally posted before I was done, sorry...) in the game, that is apparently female. King Mickey is also said to appear, although what his role will be, I don't know.

Kingdom Hearts: Coded (Mobile Phone) is the only one of the three games that will take place after KH2. King Mickey apparently digitizes the contents of Jiminy's journal, making a virtual Sora appear on Destiny Islands. It is also the least action packed of the games, being mostly about puzzle solving.

There has not yet been a Kingdom Hearts 3 title announced, although it will most likely be made for the PlayStation 3 sometime in the 2010s since Birth By Sleep will most likely be released in 2009.
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Prequels are nice...

I think it is perfect to make a prequel, because it will give more expansion on the origins of the key blade. Because, in Kingdom Hearts II Final Remix +(I think) Terra is one of the bosses. Which brings us to my opinion that all three Terra, Aqua, Vex (I think, I forget his name lol) will probally be in the III Kingdom Hearts.
Nomura did not confirm that the boss you fight in KHFM2 is Terra, so until then its not Terra.

But it obviously is >_>

I can't wait to play as Aqua <3 screw Ven and Terra.
A prequel on the whole works in favour of the Kingdom Hearts series, it's something different from the whole Sora/Kairi/Riku storyline and adds a new dimentioned to the series and gives Square Enix the chance to be a bit more risky without having to too many backlashes if it doesn't pay off, especially since it's for the PSP. However, if it pays off it possibly adds a whole new route to go down alongside Sora's story. All being said, because of the references in Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days about a previous keyblade wielder, there wasn't much choice but to make a prequel anyways.