Private RP: Rosetta Academy

Seig noticed that some guy that was around the hallway picked up the girl's I.D., deciding to forgo his detention, and by that he ment skiping lunch he runned after the guy to make sure he gave the girl back her I.D., "Well I can always say I never found it."

Catching up to the two he heard the line "They can strip search" Seig had to add a comment so he said "What is that how the teachers get off around here then, making the students strip so they can have thier joy time?"
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Zeria skidded to a halt and turned to face him.

"Oh...thanks, Alex! I'll keep that in mind. And they wouldn't be able to strip search me....they'd be on the floor in pain before they touched me..."

She smiled and took her ID back. She would've lost it for good if he hadn't given in back.

" can I repay you...? Oh! I know! You can have this!"

Zeria reached into her bag and pulled out a drawing she'd done. It was a highly detailed, well done drawing of the school, with Alex standing in front of it holding a spray paint can. And on the school windows, there was graffiti done.

"The idea came into my head earlier, while I was in History, so I drew it out. You can have it"
Alex took it, but mostly out of curiosity than anything else. "Oh... That's really good." He said as he continued to look at it. "But if you drew it just recently, you should keep it." He said, holding it back out to her.

"It's sort of flattering that you wanted to draw ugly old me, though." He said with a chuckle as he fixed up his hair so that it would cover his eyes from view. God, how he hated those eyes...

He then turned to acknowledge the other guy. "Nah... Their joy time is taking down people like me... I've already got a detention... I don't plan on going, though..." He said.
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"Oh? Well, keep it anyway. I do drawings like that all the time, and my file cabinet is getting pretty full"

She didn't take it, but merely smiled, then turned around to go.

"I have detention myself, so if you go, I'll seeya later, but you don't, well, seeya anyway..."

Zeria started walking down the hallway to find something to do. There were still 5 more minutes before she had to get to class, so she wanted to occupy them...
"Detention now why does that word sound familiar, oh yea I got one for blowing off some pirck off a teacher." He turned around to the other guy, well the name is Seig but I have the staff around here thinking I am Vex. So what you get your detention for? Might as well ask this, can you at least point me in the direction off the office, I better get this detention over with as I am new. Though I didn't catch your name what is it?"
Alex sighed. Seeing as the others were going, he may as well go for detention as well. "Fine... I'll go... Just... Just meet me after last period, I'll be headed in from archery and changing clothes in the guys' locker room, then..."

He then sat and began to wolf down his food. He had little time left and had forgotten he even had food with him, as he was preoccupied by Zeria and theis Vex guy.
Zeria sighed and slid into class early, taking her seat. She couldn't wait to get Math over with, then go on to Archery. She was really good with a bow, and rarely missed her target.

"Come on come on come on! Time, move faster! I want to get to a class I actually like!"

"What was that, Ms. Iiyasei?"

"Nothing, Grodek, now hurry up with the damn class!"

He swiftly had a detention slip in front of her.

"Oh come on! Two in one day! That's lame!"

"Oh well, Ms. Iiyasei. Maybe next time you'll rethink your words in my class"

"Fuck you..."

And another slip was placed in front of her.

"That's it! I'm leaving!"

She grabbed her things and stood up, walking out the door. She opened up a window and sat on the ledge, just watching the sky and waiting for archery to come...

"Three detentions in one damned day...just great..."
Seig was sitting through Chemistry class just waiting for it to get over. Even with science being his most favorable class this teacher was just killing it. So Seig was just kinda spacing out.

"Seig Noisdern pay attention. Well lets see if you can answer this question what are the 8 Noble gases?"

Seig just grunted and replied "It's Vex ya stupid stiff, and why don't you look above you there is a Peridoic table above you."

"DE..DE..DETENTION" the teacher yelled as he salpped a detention slip on Seigs desk. "Maybe this will teach you some respect.

The bell rang and Seig just picked up the detention slip, "Ya whatever."
Zeria sighed and headed off to class early. She went into the locker room and changed into her archery gear. She was waiting for the bell to ring, so she could go out and warm up.

"Come on...time, pass faster!"

Zeria wondered if she'd have Seig or Alex in her class? And if they'd meet up with her in detention...for today anyway,considering she had three she had to serve...
Alex left the class early, complaining to the teacher that he had left his folder for the class in his dorm... It was a rather boring class anyway, covering the boring subject of English, reading the boring works of Shakespeare (all of which he already read, hoping he wouldn't have to deal with them if he read them already. Overall, it was... Well, BORING...

So, he headed for the guys' locker room immediately and opened his locker, stripping down, then putting on his uniform and placing his clothes in the locker for the time being before closing it. He was eager to start the class... He had always been the school's best at archery... His record was 59 points, A near-perfect score with six arrows... A scroe made of five bull's eyes with the sixth arrow hitting the ring just outside of it. Of course, he wasn't perfect at it... He took his time with each shot because he was normally rather shaky with the bow...

Nevertheless, he exited the locker room, waiting for the bell to ring.
The bell rang and Zeria raced into the room, standing at the ready.

"Finally! Archery!"

She'd never missed a target center ever since she'd begun using a bow. She was even in an archery club. Now, she waited for the rest of the class to arrive...
Alex had arrived shortly after the bell. HE saw Zeria and smiled slightly, issuing a nod as he approached. "The teacher should show up sometime after the late bell with all the equipment..." He said. "You look rather enthusiastic..." He then noted.
Zeria laughed.

"Yeah...I've been in archery club since I was young, so I'm used to it. And I love it, because I'm one of the best. I usually get a perfect score...."

She smiled and watched other students file in, waiting for the teacher.

"In reality, I don't even need one of their bows, I could summon my own spirit bow...but it would leave a rather large gaping hole in the wall..."
Seig had heard thr girl Zeria say something abouy using a spirt bow, and then blowing a hole in the wall. He had just goten out from the locker room from getting changed himself. He really wasn't looking forward to archery, as it reminded him to much of markminship class, just to damn tiring. He manages to walk over to Zeria and the other guy and speaks up.

"Well it looks like were all in final class together, this might be intresting after all." Then replying to Zeria's earlier comment "Yea like they really would appreciate a hole being blown in there wall, I mean over kill much there. So any real tips for using a bow, the most experience I had in target practice was using a rifle and shooting down range." Then just seemingly out of the blue he ask "So you both planning on going to your detentions, I got two to serve and it's going to be boring as hell if I go alone."
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Zeria laughed and smiled at Seig.

"Really, it's not that hard. You just sight in on the center and aim just above the innermost works for me"

She sighed and held up 3 detention slips.

"These are all mine...and I have to serve them all this week....what a way to start my first day at this school. Not even all my classes, and already I've got a bad reputation..."
"Ahh well then aiming center mass I guess would have worked for me for the first shoot. Anyways thanks a lot for the tip, it's actually my first time using a bow. Well hopefully this ought to be intresting day at the least. We shoot then we go to dettention, well i'm good as ready let's just get this over with I guess."

Seig looked around and sighed impatintly waiting for the teacher to show up so this class could begin.