Pronounce That Name

Ellone - Ell-On

Some more...

Ricard - Rye-card
Luneth - Loon-eth
Refia - Ref-ee-ah
Rubicante - Ruby-can-tay
Umaro - Uum-aro (I thought this one was hard to spell my pronouncation because of the 'U' sound.)
Strago - Strah-go
Laguna - La-goon-ah
Kiros - Kee-ross
The main point is that you can pronounce the name exactly as you want to!

I know chocobos are officially "choke-o-boes" but not in my game!

Don't worry about it! But as a lot of the names in FF have real mythical counterparts (Like Bahamut), you can always check out wikopedia.

From your mate xuhhujkdyftrvf.
More Pronounciations!

okay after that first pronounciation thread, here's more terms for discussing how we pronounce them. post here how you say these names.

Dincht (Zell)
Nobuo Uematsu
Agito (FFXIII)

you can add up other interesting names I missed. let me know.
Beatrix = Beer-Tricks (same)
Brahne = Braan (same)
Quina = Quin-a
Cinna = Sin-a
Eiko = E-i-ko
Cyan = Sye-an
Squall = Skworl
Dincht = Dinkt
Nobuo Uematsu = Its quite easy to say really!
Agito = Ageetoe
Enix = Eenicks

Lol, basically the same!
Beatrix: bee-tricks
Brahne: bran
Quina: kweena
Cinna: sinna
Eiko: e-e-ko
Cyan: sigh-anne
Squall: skwall
Dincht (Zell): dinsht
Nobuo Uematsu: no-boo-oh you-e-mat-sue
Agito (FFXIII): uh-gee-toe
Enix: enicks
Beatrix = Beea-Tricks
Brahne = Brain
Quina = Quin-ah
Cinna = Sin-ah
Eiko = Ee-ko
Cyan = Si-an
Squall = Skwall
Dincht = Dincht
Nobuo Uematsu = The Godfather! ;)
Agito = Ageetoe
Enix = Ee-nicks
This is how I pronounce them

Beatrix = Bee-tricks
Brahne = Braan
Quina = Qui-na
Cinna = Sinna
Eiko = Ayko also
Cyan = Cyan (It's also a Colo(u)r ).
Squall = Skwall
Dincht = Dinch
Nobuo Uematsu = Nobo - U-mat-su
Agito = Ageeto
Enix = Like Phenix without the "Ph"
Ok, no offense to the topic starter, but these topics are pointless.

Many times there's names that you can only say ONE WAY.

Cloud. You can only say it one way. That's final. Anyone who pronounces it different needs decapitated by an ice-skate blade.

For one's like Tidus...Aerith vs. Aeris...I don't mind. "Cinna" and "Beatrix" though? Not worth a topic...

Zidane - Zi Dayne
Tidus - Tee dus

I've heard some crackers aswell lol!

Yuffie - Yuff ay. (Not yoofay)
Tifa - Tiff ah. (Not tee fa)
Wakka - Wah kah. (Not Waw kah)
Sephiroth - Seppp err oyth. That ones just plain stupid.

Does anyone else hate when someone says a Final Fantasy name wrong, WHEN THERES NO EXCUSE!! I.e getting Yuffie wrong when shes mentioned in Advent Children, then you have to awkwardly reuse the name the way you say it lol??
nice thread.. I started a same topic like this but it got locked by a mod without even replying to my PM. I wonder if he's going to close this too..
I think I already did this, but it's fun. ^__^
Let's start with FFVII's main cast. I'll exclude the super obvious pronunciations like Cid and Zack. ^__^

Aerith - Dare-sith
Tifa - Tea-far
Barret - Barren-set
Nanaki - Nanny-ah-key
Yuffie - You-fee
Cecil - Se-Cill (Se as in the first sylable of celebration)
Rydia - Ri-dia
Celes - Se-les (Se as in the first sylable of celebration)
Irvine - Ir-vine
Zidane - Zid-ain
Tidus - Tie-dus
Also id like to add

Bahamut - My friend says it like Ba-Hu-Mat why he changes A for a U i dotn know

Chocobo - in FFX its pronounced like Choa-Co-Bo,while i always think it as Choc (like short for chocolate) -CO-BO,i dont think choak soudns right
I agree with all of those, except for the Bahamut pronunciation.

I don't like the way people say Cho-co-bo. I rather hear it as 'Choc' as in chocolate. Choc-o-bo! I think I have always said it like that because it just sounds better like that to me.

Same as Tidus, apparently the correct way of saying it is 'Tee-dus' but I believe that sounds bad so I keep saying it as 'Tye-dus'.

Wakka I usually say as 'Wah kah' as somebody else said it, lol.. that reminds me of Fozzie Bear from the Muppet Show.

Irvine, I never knew how this was said but I have always pronounced it as 'Er-veen'. I just think it sounds the best that way. :P

Cecil: I say it as 'Seh-sil'.

Ellone: Ell-one, sounds just like 'alone' but with ell instead.

Zidane: Zid-ain, I like the way it sounds!

Sephiroth: Sef-er-oth

Rydia: Rid-ee-ya

Celes: Sell-ess

Yuffie: Yoo-fee

Terra: I simply say it as 'terror' but with an 'a' at the end instead. :D