Ellone - Ell-On
Some more...
Ricard - Rye-card
Luneth - Loon-eth
Refia - Ref-ee-ah
Rubicante - Ruby-can-tay
Umaro - Uum-aro (I thought this one was hard to spell my pronouncation because of the 'U' sound.)
Strago - Strah-go
Laguna - La-goon-ah
Kiros - Kee-ross
Some more...
Ricard - Rye-card
Luneth - Loon-eth
Refia - Ref-ee-ah
Rubicante - Ruby-can-tay
Umaro - Uum-aro (I thought this one was hard to spell my pronouncation because of the 'U' sound.)
Strago - Strah-go
Laguna - La-goon-ah
Kiros - Kee-ross