Pronunciation of Tidus

Teedus or Tiedus?

  • Tee-dus

    Votes: 18 26.1%
  • Tie-dus

    Votes: 51 73.9%

  • Total voters
Tie-dus for me. Tee-dus sounds kinda weird and it just doesn't sound right.
there is no right or wrong way, ever heard the word data, yea two different ways to prononce it, and both are equally acceptend in this world, so to be honest, it dont fricken matter, just say tha damn word and ppl will know wtf ur talkin about
My friend pronounces it Tee-dus but I pronounce it Tie-dus because it sounds still doesn't matter how you pronounce it people still know WHO your talking about.......But there is FF Fanatics that freak when you pronounce the names differently then them because they think they know everthing about FF.
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Wow! I leave this poll and it's tied; I come back and, well, look at the distribution!

I never really thought that TIE-DUS would have caught on with people, that it was just silly ol' Selphie :P
It's pronounced Titties.

Well that's how my friend accidently pronounced it at an RPG trivia at an anime con. She was answering the question, not sure what pronounciation they wanted and it came out titties. The entire room was dying of laughter for ten minutes.

Seriously, I pronounce it Tie-dus. Tee-dus just sounds like something gross that I had to disect in anatomy lab.
Me And My Cousin Have This Arguement Everytime We See Eachother. He Says Its Tee-Dus Because He Has The Soundtrack Discs For The Game, And The Creator On It Has An Interview And Pronounces Tee-Dus, But I Still Think Its Tie-Dus, But I Dont Really Care To Be Honest...
I've always said it like Tie-dus. It just sounds a lot better to me, even if Tee-dus is the "official" way it's said. Even so, like someone pointed out, it doesn't really matter, people will know who you're talking about anyway.