Pros and cons of Square Enix

Dec 31, 2007
According to my opinion, these are the pros and cons of Square Enix:

Has the best quality games
Makes great use of platform capabilities
Makes excellent entertainment experience
Very loyal fanbase
Excellent soundtracks
Great personalites (current and former)

Too many regional missteps (mostly involving the Dragon Quest series)
Takes anti-piracy too far
Seems to prefer Nintendo handheld platforms (as of now)
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According to my opinion, these are the pros and cons of Square Enix:

Has the best quality games

Wrong. Their quality has been slipping.They keep relying on Nomura, focusing on graphics and trying out new battle systems and are ignoring more important things, like gripping storylines, characters that you become attached to, etc.

Honestly the only pro I see to SE is that they're finally remaking the old FFs instead of just re-releasing them.

Oh and on another note, SE choosing the DS over the PSP isn't a con...the DS is better.
Wrong. Their quality has been slipping.They keep relying on Nomura, focusing on graphics and trying out new battle systems and are ignoring more important things, like gripping storylines, characters that you become attached to, etc.

Honestly the only pro I see to SE is that they're finally remaking the old FFs instead of just re-releasing them.

Oh and on another note, SE choosing the DS over the PSP isn't a con...the DS is better.
No, I do not think Square Enix's quality is slipping away. I really like the Final Fantasy X soundtrack and storyline, as well as Final Fantasy XII's. I have been attached to the Final Fantasy characters created by Tetsuya Nomura. I am a big Nomura fan myself. I am partial only to Sony platforms.
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No, I do not think Square Enix's quality is slipping away. I really like the Final Fantasy X soundtrack and storyline, as well as Final Fantasy XII's. I have been attached to the Final Fantasy characters created by Tetsuya Nomura. I am a big Nomura fan myself. I am partial only to Sony platforms.

Yeah, see FFX is a good game because it was developed by Square, not SE. And we don't care if you're partial to Sony platforms. Every damn post you make is like a mini-blog where you babble on incessantly about yourself and your opinions like we're actually interested.
Meh...the quality of the game doesn't really depend on whether it was designed by Squaresoft or Square-Enix. I feel that Final Fantasy XII is a pretty solid installment in the series, personally. Granted it's got its flaws and can't really stand up to my personal favorites (IX, VII, and VI). In particular, the characters are incredibly bland, which I suppose is a pretty major flaw but is still something I'm willing to overlook given the overall impressive storyling and gameplay. There's nothing inherently wrong with Square-Enix, though I do agree that the quality of their most recent work is declining.

Then again, they might just be having a "bad day" so to speak. Squaresoft has a few black smudges on its record, too. Remember Final Fantasy II? Final Fantasy V? They were around long before Nomura started to play a larger role in the production of Final Fantasy games, yet they definitely don't stand up to the quality of the other games in the series. Yeah, I, III, IV, and VI are all amazing games, but that's certainly not to say that Squaresoft has a perfect track record. Hell, I'm actually surprised the series made it past FFII. That game has to be the single most tedious RPG to play through. The most rewarding part of finishing the game is knowing that you never have to pick it up again...

Anyway, back on topic...Pros and Cons of Square/SE. First and foremost, they have, of course, produced a number of high quality RPGs and even managed to popularize the genre in America with the release of Final Fantasy VII (granted, this attracted all of the creepy otaku as well, but...). Though their most recent work has been starting to decline in quality, you're typically pretty safe buying a game produced by Square/SE. In my considered opinion, the numbered Final Fantasy games are still doing fine. XII is pretty good, and XIII/Versus XIII, though different, certainly look promising.

SE's main problem is that it's been milking Final Fantasy VII for all it's worth. I'm of the opinion that the Compilation of FFVII never should've existed outside of perhaps Advent Children, though even that was a stretch. Honestly, all they're doing is ruining the reputation of an otherwise incredible RPG with shallow CGI and an FPS. A freakin' First Person Shooter. If I came up to you ten years ago and said "There's going to be a Final Fantasy Shooter Game!" would you believe me? I didn't think so. Besides, most of the recent entries in the Compilation have gone out of their way to overglorify Sephiroth, which has only served to bring about an incredibly large amount of Sephiroth Hate. Seriously, SE...he's strong, but he's not THAT strong...

And yes, Nomura is probably the primary source of corruption in SE. He was quite the talented artist back when he stuck to his strengths (namely, character designs reminiscent of anime characters). Now, however, he seems determined to make all of his characters resemble J-Rock stars more than anything else. What's more, he seems to have a boner for Sephiroth, considering every scene he's in basically screams "LOOK AT TEH MIGHTY SEPHIROSU!" Ugh...I can still remember when he helped produce quality games...*sigh*

Anyway, here's hoping Final Fantasy XIII lives up to the hype. Yeah, it's being designed by Nomura, but...well...even a broken clock is right two times a day, eh? The game looks promising, anyway.
It may be the case that im old enough to remember the better days of SquareSoft because of the new fandom of Nomura and SE, most annoyingly the fan-artist obsession these new guys have.

i don't like the sci-fi trend that FF is going, though FF7, FF8 and FF13 are the only sci-fi orientated game thus far. FF7 being less so since it contains modern day links like helicopters and bikes etc. however they have been using the medieval theme for the past 13 years leading up to Final Fantasy 9, and that's what older fans have become used to and loved so well, for me personally and this is my own opinion, older fans have felt the greatest change in Final Fantasy more so than the younger fans that have recently encountered FF.

i doubt this will happen, but if SE goes back to basics for Final Fantasy XIV i'll be very happy, and it'll be a chance for the younger generation of FF players to see what really makes a Final Fantasy. no doubt FF13 will be a good game if it can hold it's story better than 12, it's just that miss the "old ways of Final Fantasy".

That's where i feel SE has dipped in quality, that the "FINAL" bit of the game doesn't feel like it's being upheld to. the latter games don't include that armageddon scenario that the older games always posessed. The latter games seem to have it more in background then thrust it in your face in the final stages, oh and no world map. (srsly)

FF13 may turn out to be the "got it right" game for SE, but for it's reputation to uphold, the old guys may need to come back before it's too late.
Meh...the quality of the game doesn't really depend on whether it was designed by Squaresoft or Square-Enix. I feel that Final Fantasy XII is a pretty solid installment in the series, personally. Granted it's got its flaws and can't really stand up to my personal favorites (IX, VII, and VI). In particular, the characters are incredibly bland, which I suppose is a pretty major flaw but is still something I'm willing to overlook given the overall impressive storyling and gameplay. There's nothing inherently wrong with Square-Enix, though I do agree that the quality of their most recent work is declining.

Meh, I could argue with you about XII's storyline being "impressive", but whatever xD It just seemed to me that in that game, they were so hardcore about making a new battle system and leveling system that they kinda let the other things slide. And of course the original director (or whoever it was) getting sick didn't help matters....but they chose to just rush the game out anyway. Any sensible game developer would have postponed it. It's not like SE needed it for profit, they had plenty of other games on the market.

And before anyone counters with "BUT TEH FANS HAD ALREADY WAITED LIEK FOUR YEARS!" or something like that, game installments have had longer delays than Duke Nukem, for instance.

Besides, most of the recent entries in the Compilation have gone out of their way to overglorify Sephiroth, which has only served to bring about an incredibly large amount of Sephiroth Hate. Seriously, SE...he's strong, but he's not THAT strong...

It always amuses me that Nomura/SE/VII fanboys always try to defend SE by saying it's not milking fans at all. I'm pretty sure Sephiroth is one of the greatest examples ever of this. Slap Sephiroth on something and the kids are sure to buy it. Show Sephiroth walking through fire and the kids are sure to wet themselves. It's an easy way to sell a game. That, to me, indicates a lack in quality AND a lack of pride.

And yes, Nomura is probably the primary source of corruption in SE. He was quite the talented artist back when he stuck to his strengths (namely, character designs reminiscent of anime characters). Now, however, he seems determined to make all of his characters resemble J-Rock stars more than anything else. What's more, he seems to have a boner for Sephiroth, considering every scene he's in basically screams "LOOK AT TEH MIGHTY SEPHIROSU!" Ugh...I can still remember when he helped produce quality games...*sigh*


i don't like the sci-fi trend that FF is going, though FF7, FF8 and FF13 are the only sci-fi orientated game thus far. FF7 being less so since it contains modern day links like helicopters and bikes etc. however they have been using the medieval theme for the past 13 years leading up to Final Fantasy 9, and that's what older fans have become used to and loved so well, for me personally and this is my own opinion, older fans have felt the greatest change in Final Fantasy more so than the younger fans that have recently encountered FF.

Agreed. I actually started the series on IX rather than VII simply because IX looked like an actual fantasy game. I'm still under the opinion that FF games should be fantasy, after all, it's Final Fantasy, not Final Sci-Fi.

That's where i feel SE has dipped in quality, that the "FINAL" bit of the game doesn't feel like it's being upheld to. the latter games don't include that armageddon scenario that the older games always posessed. The latter games seem to have it more in background then thrust it in your face in the final stages, oh and no world map. (srsly)

Well thank GAWD, someone else who likes the world map. Now as for that background bit...haha, different background I suppose but in XII if you bothered to read all the entries on beasties and whatnot...there was actually ALOT of epic history and interesting stuff in Ivalice, especially the struggle between the Espers and the Occuria. Sad when the clan primer is more thrilling than the actual game -__-;
The FF series has gone on as far as it can as long as Nomura is still around. Square Soft made good games, Square Enix just remakes the same stuff over and over again in an attempt to make more money not original games.

Face it you can blame everything thats wrong with FF games on the fact that Spirits within bankrupted them and caused the merge with Enix.

Firing Nomura or at least moving him to another department is the only hope Final Fantasy has.
The quality has definately slipped since X, it's just spin off after spin off. XII just seemed to be a graphic porn fest rather than a true FF game. Where was the story?! All I seem to see these days are spin offs for hand helds which is driving me up the wall. Its all one big cash in which annoyingly Im sucked into because I still but them all >_<
Meh, I could argue with you about XII's storyline being "impressive", but whatever xD It just seemed to me that in that game, they were so hardcore about making a new battle system and leveling system that they kinda let the other things slide. And of course the original director (or whoever it was) getting sick didn't help matters....but they chose to just rush the game out anyway. Any sensible game developer would have postponed it. It's not like SE needed it for profit, they had plenty of other games on the market.

And before anyone counters with "BUT TEH FANS HAD ALREADY WAITED LIEK FOUR YEARS!" or something like that, game installments have had longer delays than Duke Nukem, for instance.
FFXII's storyline was...not the best I've ever seen from a Final Fantasy game, I'll admit. It was too generic, I guess you could say. Nothing really sticks out to me. Still, there's nothing wrong with it, and I can't say I didn't find it reasonably enjoyable, so I wouldn't say that it has a bad story. And say what you will, but I actually liked Vayne as a villain. He was...subtle, you know? They didn't shove him in your face and shout "This is your main villain. You have to gawk over his awesomeness now."

In any case, I can't really fault the game for changing the battle system. Change is inevitable, after all. But, if you ask me, it should be a gradual change. The problem with FFXII is that it completely reconstructed the battle system over the course of one game. Oh, and the Gambit System was the worst idea in the history of the universe. Though I will say this for FFXII's gameplay; I'm sure as hell glad they got rid of random encounters.

It always amuses me that Nomura/SE/VII fanboys always try to defend SE by saying it's not milking fans at all. I'm pretty sure Sephiroth is one of the greatest examples ever of this. Slap Sephiroth on something and the kids are sure to buy it. Show Sephiroth walking through fire and the kids are sure to wet themselves. It's an easy way to sell a game. That, to me, indicates a lack in quality AND a lack of pride.

I'm going to have to agree here.

Ugh...yeah...Remember when Nomura had talent? Yeah, those were the days. No milking overglorification of Sephiroth...It was great. FFVII fans and FFVI fans could live together in harmony. You didn't have to like either one! It was all good! There were no Sephiroth vs. Kefka debates. There weren't any old school vs. new school battles. We were just...Final Fantasy fans, working together toward the common goal of overanalyzing each game's scenes.

*sigh* Then that...that poser had to direct Advent Children, and it all went to the dogs.

Agreed. I actually started the series on IX rather than VII simply because IX looked like an actual fantasy game. I'm still under the opinion that FF games should be fantasy, after all, it's Final Fantasy, not Final Sci-Fi.

I don't know, I actually liked the cyberpunk setting of VII quite a bit. It was a refreshing change of pace, to say the least. Besides, the fact that it incorporated science fiction elements into the environment doesn't change the fact that it was still a fantasy game at heart. You had magic, summons, dragons, swords, etc. It was just blended with super soldiers, guns, and robots, that's all. I do, however, think that Final Fantasy VIII took it way too far. I mean, they even came up with a scientific explanation for how magic works. Magic.
Firing Nomura or at least moving him to another department is the only hope Final Fantasy has.

Truthiest thing I've read all afternoon :pikamon:

The quality has definately slipped since X, it's just spin off after spin off. XII just seemed to be a graphic porn fest rather than a true FF game.

Actually, for being a graphic porn fest, the game was largely devoid of FMVs...which is actually REALLY weird for a FF.

FFXII's storyline was...not the best I've ever seen from a Final Fantasy game, I'll admit. It was too generic, I guess you could say. Nothing really sticks out to me. Still, there's nothing wrong with it, and I can't say I didn't find it reasonably enjoyable, so I wouldn't say that it has a bad story. And say what you will, but I actually liked Vayne as a villain. He was...subtle, you know? They didn't shove him in your face and shout "This is your main villain. You have to gawk over his awesomeness now."

Oh no, there's nothing wrong with it...I just felt they could have done the game alot more justice since Ivalice is a fascinating world. And on the note of the villains....I think XII is the first game I've ever played where the enemies were more interesting characters and had more noble motives. I wanted to fight for Archades and be a Judge and give man his own destiny, not help some ungrateful, spoiled brat get her precious nethicite.

In any case, I can't really fault the game for changing the battle system. Change is inevitable, after all. But, if you ask me, it should be a gradual change. The problem with FFXII is that it completely reconstructed the battle system over the course of one game. Oh, and the Gambit System was the worst idea in the history of the universe.

The license grid sucked, you could make everyone clones. And before Judge Rulia rips me a new one, I realize you had a choice and could always just make one character stay a certain class. However, the way the game was set up it would have been excruciatingly difficult to do that. I don't think I could have survived alot of the hunts if I'd only had one person know white magic.

We were just...Final Fantasy fans, working together toward the common goal of overanalyzing each game's scenes.

I lol'd :elmo:

I don't know, I actually liked the cyberpunk setting of VII quite a bit. It was a refreshing change of pace, to say the least. Besides, the fact that it incorporated science fiction elements into the environment doesn't change the fact that it was still a fantasy game at heart. You had magic, summons, dragons, swords, etc. It was just blended with super soldiers, guns, and robots, that's all. I do, however, think that Final Fantasy VIII took it way too far. I mean, they even came up with a scientific explanation for how magic works. Magic.

I've always liked the cyberpunk genre, it's a little future-ish but not too much. Plus, Midgar and the Gold Saucer were really the only advanced places in the game, every place else still had a nice fantasy feel to it. I agree with you that VIII took it too far...and XIII looks like it's going to take it even further.

One thing I think would be pretty awesome to see would be a steampunk FF...VI had some steampunk elements to it, but I don't think the genre is popular enough for SE to consider that.
Oh no, there's nothing wrong with it...I just felt they could have done the game alot more justice since Ivalice is a fascinating world. And on the note of the villains....I think XII is the first game I've ever played where the enemies were more interesting characters and had more noble motives. I wanted to fight for Archades and be a Judge and give man his own destiny, not help some ungrateful, spoiled brat get her precious nethicite.

Yeah, they probably could've done a lot better with Ivalice than they did in FFXII, but on that token, they could've done a lot worse, too. I'm glad they at least tried to separate themselves from the generic medieval fantasy adventure by including a more political storyline instead of an "apocolyptic showdown"-type plot. Still, it was just in terms of its setting. At heart, it's just your typical "sword-and-sorcery" RPG that doesn't really bring much to the table in terms of its setting. While the core plot is quite interesting, the fact that the environment is so bland really takes away from its overall quality.

And yes, I do agree that this is probably the first Final Fantasy game where the antagonists are actually more interesting than the protagonists. Then again, that's not saying much. After all, my biggest gripe with XII is its incredibly 2-dimensional protagonists. A lot of them can be summed up in, at the very most, one sentence, which is a HUGE no-no in my book. There's nothing worse than a stale protagonist, and Final Fantasy XII definitely has no shortage of them.

The license grid sucked, you could make everyone clones. And before Judge Rulia rips me a new one, I realize you had a choice and could always just make one character stay a certain class. However, the way the game was set up it would have been excruciatingly difficult to do that. I don't think I could have survived alot of the hunts if I'd only had one person know white magic.

I've noticed that problem in a lot of more modern RPGs. The characters are, statistically speaking, clones of one another. The differences in their basic stats are essentially either nonexistent or unnoticeable. I have to admit, that's one of the things Final Fantasy VI did better than VII. It (VI) had JUST the right amount of customization. While you could still personalize your party, they still had individual strengths and weaknesses. Locke is always going to excel in physical attacks, Terra/Celes is always going to be just a bit better in terms of magic, etc. In fact, that's probably the only thing I can say that I genuinely hated about Final Fantasy VII; it started this trend of RPGs going overboard with customization.

I've always liked the cyberpunk genre, it's a little future-ish but not too much. Plus, Midgar and the Gold Saucer were really the only advanced places in the game, every place else still had a nice fantasy feel to it. I agree with you that VIII took it too far...and XIII looks like it's going to take it even further.

Actually, if the interviews I've read are correct, Final Fantasy XIII isn't supposed to be any more futuristic than VII. While the Prince's city is pretty advanced, it's supposedly the Midgar of XIII. In other words, all (or at least most) surrounding areas will be more fantasy-oriented. Like I said, I'm not worried about XIII at all. Surprisingly, it looks like it'll be just what the Final Fantasy series needs. Hell, they even said the Prince ISN'T going to have a depressed/angsty personality. How great is that?

One thing I think would be pretty awesome to see would be a steampunk FF...VI had some steampunk elements to it, but I don't think the genre is popular enough for SE to consider that.

I think FFVI had adequate steampunk elements to be considered a genuine steampunk Final Fantasy. Then again, another one would be a welcome change of pace.
Actually, for being a graphic porn fest, the game was largely devoid of FMVs...which is actually REALLY weird for a FF. .

I just meant the graphics in general, I think they were so busy prettying everything up that they forgot about the bigger picture. Id rather have a decent story line over graphics any day of the week. I have to say tho, I was more than dissapointed with the final FMV >>
I've noticed that problem in a lot of more modern RPGs. The characters are, statistically speaking, clones of one another. The differences in their basic stats are essentially either nonexistent or unnoticeable. I have to admit, that's one of the things Final Fantasy VI did better than VII. It (VI) had JUST the right amount of customization. While you could still personalize your party, they still had individual strengths and weaknesses. Locke is always going to excel in physical attacks, Terra/Celes is always going to be just a bit better in terms of magic, etc. In fact, that's probably the only thing I can say that I genuinely hated about Final Fantasy VII; it started this trend of RPGs going overboard with customization.

FF7 is just ridiculous in that regard, the materia made things entirely too easy...hell, once you had the proper enemy skills you didnt even need to use anything else. I really did prefer the games like VI and IX, where you have actual set classes and needed to optimize your party for different battles. It added a nice strategic element that's largely gone in RPGs it's mostly tankiing through enemies with uber swords or uber magic, and the current trend of action-RPGs only adds to this.

Actually, if the interviews I've read are correct, Final Fantasy XIII isn't supposed to be any more futuristic than VII. While the Prince's city is pretty advanced, it's supposedly the Midgar of XIII. In other words, all (or at least most) surrounding areas will be more fantasy-oriented. Like I said, I'm not worried about XIII at all. Surprisingly, it looks like it'll be just what the Final Fantasy series needs. Hell, they even said the Prince ISN'T going to have a depressed/angsty personality. How great is that?

Really? o____O If that's true then...well...maybe there's still hope for the series.

I just meant the graphics in general, I think they were so busy prettying everything up that they forgot about the bigger picture. Id rather have a decent story line over graphics any day of the week. I have to say tho, I was more than dissapointed with the final FMV >>

FMV with Vayne = Dragon Ball Z + Tetsuo the Iron Man. It was just so fucking lame. Nobody's done that cheesy RAAAAAWRG I GROW BIG MUSCLES AND POWER UP since DBZ, and Vayne fusing with all the metal from the ship was ripped straight out of Tetsuo, all he was missing was the drill cawk.
I would be very interested in hearing how the 'anti-nomura' group feels about Crisis Core. From what I read of an interview with him he seems pretty well responsible for the game and I have to say it was a pretty good stand-alone game.

I don't feel that it relyed on its fans at all, many of the interaction with the famous characters was well scripted.

I mean when cloud fights sephiroth in KH2 the whole cut scene was 'hey look its sephiroth oooh'. But CC had very little (if any at all). In fact I can count the number of scenes that actually had Sephiroth in it at all without having to resort to a pen and paper! (I'm just slow is all)

I feel the game had an excellent story, with wonderful characterization and a truely fun battle system. So even with all the cons listed I'd still say its possible for them to pull themselves out of this slump.
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I would be very interested in hearing how the 'anti-nomura' group feels about Crisis Core. From what I read of an interview with him he seems pretty well responsible for the game and I have to say it was a pretty good stand-alone game.

I don't feel that it relyed on its fans at all, many of the interaction with the famous characters was well scripted.

I mean when cloud fights sephiroth in KH2 the whole cut scene was 'hey look its sephiroth oooh'. But CC had very little (if any at all).

I feel the game had an excellent story, with wonderful characterization and a truely fun battle system. So even with all the cons listed I'd still say its possible for them to pull themselves out of this slump.

Crisis Core is an abomination.
1. It gave Gaia a goddess. GAIA NEVER HAD A GODDESS. Ugh, it was the fucking lifestream and that was it. No damn floating idol in the lifestream, no goddess...

2. It even ruined little things, like the scene with Cloud taking on Sephi at the mako reactor in Nibelheim. In VII the reactor was much larger and when Cloud grabbed the sword he threw Sephi off a bridge into the pit below. In Crisis Core the room is tiny, there's no bridge or pit and Cloud just swings Sephi into the wall.

3. Enough with the damn slot reels already and screwing up limit breaks.

4. It DID rely on fans, only this time Zack fanboys...and throwing Gackt into the game was nothing but a sheer marketing ploy.

I could go on but I don't think I need to.
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I don't know, aren't you grasping at straws a bit here?

1. It gave Gaia a goddess. GAIA NEVER HAD A GODDESS. Ugh, it was the fucking lifestream and that was it. No damn floating idol in the lifestream, no goddess...

I honestly didn't understand that part very japanese being non-existant you see. But from what I gathered it looked more like
we were seeing a visual representation of how Genesis felt about his place in the world, coupled with the Goddess Materia and the Loveless story...granted I don't actually know much about it.

2. It even ruined little things, like the scene with Cloud taking on Sephi at the mako reactor in Nibelheim. In VII the reactor was much larger and when Cloud grabbed the sword he threw Sephi off a bridge into the pit below. In Crisis Core the room is tiny, there's no bridge or pit and Cloud just swings Sephi into the wall.

Yeah but if you remember prior to that the scene with the bridge and the pit kinda happens when Zack fights sephiroth. So its not like the reactor was tiny, just more detailed then the psone version...I thought thats a good thing.

3. Enough with the damn slot reels already and screwing up limit breaks.

They tie in really well with the endgame scenes.
The last moments as Zack with the slot real could have been actually sadder than the final cutscene at the end.
I was impressed by how they worked with the game and if you notice you don't ever really NEED the slot real, it just helped you out from time to time.

4. It DID rely on fans, only this time Zack fanboys...and throwing Gackt into the game was nothing but a sheer marketing ploy.

I'd almost agree here if the Zack fanboys had more to go on prior to the game than just the few second scenes in Nibelhiem. But still how would you seperate a 'the making of Cloud, possibly the most famous hero in gaming history' game from Zack?

I could go on but I don't think I need to.

Well, I'm sorry for arguing with you, but you haven't REALLY said anything negative. Minor things that you just 'didn't like' hardly count as enough to say 'SE could never make it out'. I doubt those details detered from your enjoyment of the game.

And to add a point to why its a boon for SE : I set great games up to the standards I hold to the great writers of the world. Can they make me feel, can they make me grow attatchment to the characters in the game, can they satisfy a meaningful end without relying on cliche's.

This game successfully accomplished that and may have been the first for SE in a long while.
pros and cons of square

pros are they have the best videos and best rpgs ever

cons are they only do rpgs mainly i would like to see them try something else