PS or GBA version?

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ya the NES version of FFI was so hard almost every time you tryed to hit a monster you would miss unless you where like level 6 or 5 or maybe even higher also every thing cost so damn much but i never heard of a FFI for the PS Note* it was really hard to even get to level 2*
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I think the PS version is best just because it's nice to have it on a wide screen(although NES works too, PS controls are nicer and the game's spruced up a bit).
I have bought all of the old FF games that were released for PSOne but have never properly played any....was too busy with other games to start them. However, when FFI & FFII were released for GBA, I bought it and actually played it (because I had less GBA games plus could play it away from a TV). True that there are slight difference, but they're not too bad.I would go with the GBA versions purely for the portablility that it offers. If you want though, you could buy them both (like me) and when you're finished with one, play the other at a later time (years from now perhaps). I plan on buying the PSP versions too. What can I say, I'm addicted. :D
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